Chapter 1904 Antique Shop

The holy city of Jerusalem, the holy land of world religions, a city of angels with fateful fate.

It is located between the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea, ancient and mysterious.

Early that morning, when they learned that the mysterious master they were looking for was no longer in the wooden house, they immediately left the tropical rainforest in Jerusalem, erased the amnestics of General Hyde and Maade, and returned it to The Sun Society and the East Nineteenth District met Gong You Endao goodbye and returned to the imperial capital.

The mysterious man didn't know the prophet and learned that they would look for it, so he left a clue for them long ago.

Three days later at noon.

Lingyu and Gong Siyu, with Susu and Farrid, and Wutian and Hongjun who insisted to follow, came to Jerusalem.

Gong Siyu held his son Gong Li, who was cast into a deep sleep by the spell, and Farrid's backpack contained the golden staff obtained in the cabin and the note.

In Jerusalem, many women cover their faces with black veil or wrap their heads, revealing only one pair of eyes.

In order to avoid being noticed, Lingyu and Susu followed suit and wrapped themselves in a black turban.

Farid came because he can speak Hebrew, Arabic, and understand Latin...

Su Su insisted on coming, but he thought that his daughter was also useful and would not be a waste of help, and Linggui did not impose a stop.

But seeing two horrible old men taking pictures with their cameras playing around there, Linghui sighed.

"Mom, should we send the grandfather back?"

Susu looked at Wutian and Hongjun who were in the group photo not far away.

"Forget it, let them be happy."

Linggui couldn't control the two old men. Instead of letting it go, it was better to toss under her eyelids. Seeing Farreid not far away, he walked dignifiedly and dignifiedly. .

"Agui, I asked a lot of people, and they all said that there is no place in Jerusalem, No. 56 of the Holy Tomb Mountain, the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea is located outside the Holy City under a big rift valley. There is no Holy Sepulchre Mountain here, only the Temple Mount. It is a holy place of worship in Jerusalem, but there is a church on the top of the hill, but there is the word Holy Sepulchre. It is called the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. It is the place where **** was crucified. These two places are far apart, and there is no street called this name. ."

Farid and Gong Siyu were dressed in Middle Eastern attire, the kind of white robe.

It's just that, both of them are wearing sunglasses, one looks cold and the other melancholy.

The temperature was very high, Lingsui wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked around, "Then go to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre on the Temple Mount first, try your luck and find clues."

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre, also known as the "Resurrection Hall", is the site of the tomb of Jesus, a Christian holy site, and one of the Christian cathedrals in Jerusalem. Located in the Old City of East Jerusalem, Israel. The Church of the Holy Sepulchre is the place where **** Christ was killed, buried and resurrected.

It is said that before **** was killed, he carried a heavy cross along the "road of suffering" and walked hard to the execution ground step by step.

This place is sacred, mysterious, ancient...

Because on the way from the Temple Mount to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, there are many tourists and pilgrims. It is really eye-catching to walk around the Temple Mount with a comatose teenager on his back. The spirit has to find a clean hotel on the road. , Let Gong Siyu stay with her son in the room, she took Farreid, Susu, and two bad old men to church.

Such purposeless search for an address that does not exist is equivalent to finding a needle in a haystack.

Lingyu is definitely not someone who would easily leave herself passive. After some consideration, she decided to split up with her daughter and Farreid to find clues to the address on the note.

Farreid is with Susu, while Linggui is with two bad old men who have nothing to do with him.

"Little Fa, take my daughter to the secret archives of the Holy See. You must have a way to get in. I will take my master and ancestor Hongjun to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Before sunset, five o'clock, regardless of clues, We all met at the hotel."


Lingyu and Farrid went out to find clues in two ways.

Gong Siyu accompanied his comatose son in a dilapidated and old narrow hotel room in Jerusalem, watching the snowflake screen TV, listening to the noisy market outside the window, the air conditioner was broken, only the old-fashioned electric fan kept making noise There was a sound, the outdoor temperature was forty, and the sultry heat and the spirit had left his sight, Gong Siyu was inexplicably depressed.

In the scorching sun, Linggui took two lousy old men with SLR cameras on their backs to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. They walked around with tourists in and out of the church for a few times. There was nothing special, with a strong history and religion. The faith is so strong that they can't understand what they are saying.

The Wutian ancestor wore sunglasses, the black robe that the Middle Easterners were accustomed to wearing, and a black scarf around his head. He looked like a Middle Eastern old man. Compared with the curious ancestor Hongjun, he was a bit conscientious. He knew his precious disciple's mood. Poor, you have to accompany them to toss.

No, seeing Lingyu standing under the sun meditating, he walked over in a stride, using his stalwart posture to block out the strong sunlight for his precious disciple.

"In fact, it’s not uncommon to find the No.56 Sacred Tomb Hill of the Dead Sea. This kind of pretentious mysterious master, who is called an expert by others, has always liked to do something mysterious. The holy city does not have the street of the Sacred Tomb Hill of the Dead Sea. There is no such place as No.56, we can think elsewhere, and think more broadly. Maybe this is not a street with a house number at all?"

The Wutian ancestor fondly stroked the head of his precious apprentice, put down the camera, stopped taking pictures, and simply stood there to shield the spirit from the sun.

But it was this inadvertent word from Wutian ancestor that gave Lingkui a breakthrough.

She raised her head suddenly, as if thinking of something, "Yes, it may not be a condition at all. An address, a house number, No.56, Holy Tomb Mountain, the Holy City of the Dead Sea written on the note, usually think that this is an address. But what if... is this a place name, or something else?"

Linggui then took the two old men to the nearest archive library.

I rummaged through the names of modern facilities in Jerusalem, and finally, on a yellowed map of the city in the 1940s, I found an old shop called "Antique Shop No.56 on the Mount of the Holy Sepulchre in the Dead Sea", the address is the Old City of Jerusalem No. 988.

Linggui immediately sent a message to Farrid and Gong Siyu, asking them to immediately set off for No. 988 in the Old City, where they met.

The first one to arrive there was Ling Yu, and then Gong Siyu also arrived with his son. Not long after, Farid held a stack of files stolen from unknown sources in his arms, and appeared in the old man with Susu's hand. The small road junction at No. 988 in the urban area.

It was a narrow, quaint, pitted, winding uphill, with old shops in the Old City of Jerusalem on both sides.

An antique shop that says "in business" is at the end of the road, quiet and mysterious, old and obsolete.

(End of this chapter)

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