Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 193: Suspected yin-yang official candidate appeared

Chapter 193 Suspected Onmyoji Candidate Appears

If he violates it in the future, he will be slapped with such cruel words as God's condemnation!

Not only were the media reporters shocked, but even many of the wealthy single daughters who were secretly committed to Gong Siyu, the heir of the palace family, cried out their disbelief and were truly heartbroken.

They haven't taken the initiative to fight for the heir of the powerful and powerful, how can they have been taken away by an unknown woman?

No woman is willing to be willing.

They are all eager to try.


After the wedding ceremony, the grand post-marriage banquet continued.

The banquet is a magnificent venue, gathering many well-known movie stars, as well as celebrities, business overlords, and many members of wealthy families.

At this banquet dubbed "Li Sihan and Rong Qian" wedding.

There is no shortage of glamorous actresses and celebrities who are competing for beauty.

There is no shortage of business talks among local tyrants.

There is no shortage of social flowers, like flying butterflies, shuttled between various elites and famous people, hunting men worth hundreds of millions for their own pockets.

Li Sihan was sent back to his suite to rest by Rong Qian due to lack of physical strength and inconvenient legs.

In the entire banquet hall, she was the home of the three-meter-high queen-like aura.

Wandering among a crowd of celebrities and nobles, it is easy to deal with.

It stands to reason that thanking the guests for the toast is supposed to be Li Sihan, the groom's business, and the bride should stay in the room to rest.

As a result, the couple was completely upside down.


Inside the huge grand banquet hall.

The symphony orchestra is playing a melodious waltz that enhances the atmosphere.

The heads are surging, and at first glance, they are all upper-class people in Chinese clothes.

Knowing that half of the important family members came to the palace, Gong Siyu did not go there, nor did he go to say hello to the old lady Shen Manqing and the old lady Gong Mingyi, always accompanied by Yuno's side.

Not far away, Aluo was eating western pastries.

Feng Jinxuan followed closely, with a clear and serious expression, staring at A Luo all the time, not letting her sting Louzi.

Ji Yuno and Miyajiyu held a glass of sparkling champagne together, leaning against a lacquered red cylinder, their eyes kept sweeping into the crowd, as if they were locking down their prey, their eyes sharp and cold.

They were looking for the biogenic scientist named Townsend, worth billions.

That is, the one who may be the candidate for Yin Yang official.

Soon, Miyajiyu and Ji Yuno locked a man at the same time.

One wears a white mask.

It was wrapped tightly from head to toe.

A slender man wearing white gloves and being interviewed by the media.

After the two looked at each other tacitly, they put down their wine glasses and quietly approached the man wearing the white mask.

"Dr. Townsend, I am a columnist for Science Daily. I heard that your research on human genetic modification has made a major breakthrough recently. Are you confident that you will win this year's Nobel Prize for Biology?"

"The Nobel Prize is the world's highest honor in the scientific community. I can only do the best I can. As for whether I can win or not, I have never thought about it. I just want to use my own research to make more contributions to mankind."

"It's been four months since you were kidnapped, Doctor, some people say you kept wearing a mask because you were disfigured. Is that right?"

"Sorry, that experience was like a nightmare to me, and I didn't want to answer."

A polite male voice with gentle bookishness.

As soon as Miyajiyu approached Dr. Townsend, he was recognized by the reporter who was interviewing and became entangled.

He was struggling to deal with it, but did not notice that Yuno was quietly taking out his mobile phone and sending a message.

Open the [Underworld WeChat app] that only you can see.

Ji Yunai found Fan Wujiao.

[Ji Yunai]: Master Fan, can you not locate the red dot for the candidate for Yin and Yang officials? Let me see if there is any candidate next to me. I found a suspected candidate and I am trying to verify it.

Wait for the reply.

Yuno took the phone, turned her head down, and hit someone.


Subconsciously apologized, raised his eyes, and suddenly startled when he saw the person in front of him!

It's Dr. Townsend wearing a mask.

Wearing a pale and strange mask on this kind of banquet occasion is really weird.

"Pretty lady, it doesn't hurt, right?"

Yuno was expressionless, squinted apricot eyes slightly, looked at the man in front of him, and responded flatly.

"without thanks."

"Then... hello, this is Townsend."

Stretching out his hands in thick white gloves, Townsend was polite and polite.

Just when Yuki Yuno hesitated for a while, stretched out his hand and prepared to shake hands with Thomson, Miyajiyu interrupted them with a gloomy face. At the same time, Yuki Yuno shook her hand and pulled her behind to protect her.

Then he put his slender and beautiful hand into Townsend's palm.

"Hello, my surname is Gong, just shake hands with me, she will be spared."

Miyajiyu's icy eyes stared at Townsend's masked face intimidatingly, his eyes on guard.

"It turned out to be the young master of the palace family, long Yang."

Dr. Townsend was wearing a mask, and he couldn't see his expression. Even his eyes showed only dark pupils. Looking at it, it always gave people a weird feeling.

"Is this young lady your girlfriend? Sorry, I didn't mean anything else. I just wanted to shake hands with her politely. Don't get me wrong."

Ji Yuno was protected by Miyajiyu,

At this moment, it happened that a message flashed on the screen of her mobile phone.

It's from Fan Wujiao!

Open the software.

Fan Wujiu's message came into Ji Yuno's eyes.

[Fan Wujiu]: No, the follow-up of the Yan Wang's exemption order shows that within a radius of 100 miles, there is only you as a candidate for Yin and Yang official.

Seeing soon, Yuno was surprised!

Townsend is not?

After turning off the phone, Yuno gently squeezed Miyajiyu’s hand, stood on tiptoe, and whispered in a voice that only two people could hear—

"Let's go, he is not."

Raising his eyebrows in secret, Gong Siyu didn't say a word, letting Yuki Yuna pull away.

However, when Yukino looked back subconsciously and went to see Dr. Townsend again, Yukino somehow realized that Dr. Townsend was actually looking at himself.

The mask that looked weird was expressionless, indifferent and weird.

The man also raised his hand and waved to her well.

It's just that, from beginning to end, it's unspeakable.

Isn't it Townsend?


"Are you sure not?"

During the banquet crowd, Miyajiyu curled his eyebrows and asked Ji Yuno in a low voice.

"Yes, and for sure, but I think that doctor, he is very strange, looking at my eyes, I always feel hairy in my heart."

Miyajiyu squeezed Yuno Shimoki's hand tightly.

"Then we should stay away from him, since it is not, at least it won't hurt you, I'm also temporarily relieved."

But is it really that simple?

Just as Ji Yuna was pulling Miyajiyu and walking towards A Luo and Feng Jinxuan.

They were stopped by others.

The two looked back at the same time.

For a moment, Yuno felt the change in Miyajiyu's gaze, and it was almost instantly cold, as if he had seen a hateful person like a viper centipede.

(End of this chapter)

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