Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1937: Infighting, fighting in the nest, fighting

Chapter 1937 Infighting, fighting in the nest, fighting hard

Obviously, the participants in the East-West joint clean-up task were at first sighted. When they were displeasing to each other, or even angry, the acquaintance was not smooth. This also caused Gong Youen as the middleman to have a headache. He did not want to offend him on both sides. I just want to be a peacemaker and go back to my boss when I finish the task, that's all

A team, if the heart is not aligned, if it is like a dish of loose sand, if there is no cohesion at all, then everything will fail.

The leader of the Sun Society, Mosi Belch, is facing General Madd in the Eastern Nineteenth District, so he also has a prejudice against the group of people from the east.

Under Gong You'en's three-inch tongue, the big guy finally stopped stalemate on the base platform above the sea to blow the sun, and took the descending elevator into the conference room deep in the base to enter the subject and discuss actions.

The huge transparent glass conference room was almost full of people, some of them were brought by Lingyu and Miyajiyu, some were members of the supernatural team in the Eastern Nineteenth District, and the special abilities of the Sun Society.

Compared with the members of the Eastern Nineteenth District and the Sun Society, they are taller and larger, with strong physique, three-dimensional and deep facial features, and the people here are more lean and long, with delicate facial features.

As a result, the people on the side of Linggui gave the nickname of the group headed by the East 19th District: Savage.

The group of supernatural beings headed by the Eastern Nineteenth District gave the psychics and clergymen who came from afar from the east the nickname: Xiao Bai Lian.

It was agreed that they would annihilate the Skull and Bones externally, but the plan has not yet begun, and internal strife has already begun.

at noon.

In the conference room of the sea base in the East Nineteenth District, documents and reports were flying around. All the metal objects in the conference room became "weapons" for the two parties to attack each other. The more emotional people threw them directly at Lingyu. Chairs, ball pens and other objects that can be thrown away.

The success of this move completely angered Lingyu and Gong Siyu, so that the group of people brought from the Eastern Three Realms led by the two of them became even more angry.

Qing Dai, who is an official of Yin and Yang, directly ordered her Nightmare subordinates to fight against each other.

Bai Wuyou stood by and watched the play, smiled and moved his fingers, indicating that the members of the Tiandao League standing behind him should not be silly and go up and fight.

"Worship your lord, do you really want to fight or... be merciful?"

"Lessons and lessons, you have to suffer."


The sound of shattering bulletproof glass in the conference room suddenly sounded, cursing, beating, crying for help, stopping noises one after another...

Xiaoxuan, who loves fighting, rides on top of the head of the ace special attack team leader in the East 19th District, bites and grabs; Mo Hei and Mo Bai directly return to their original form and begin to "dismantle the meeting room", and Zhulong and Taotie repeatedly want to transform themselves. Farreid stopped.

Throughout the whole process, Lingyu and Gong Siyu, as well as General Ma De and Belch, sat there disagreeably with each other, as if the fighting around them had nothing to do with them, but they stared at each other with cold eyes, long silent. .

Gong Youen, in a suit and leather shoes, was accidentally injured because he prevented the two parties from fighting. His face was not blue and swollen, but the suit was torn and torn, and his hair came out of the brawler with disheveled hair. He looked around unbearably. , Took a deep breath, and roared with almost broken anger: "Stop all of them! Stop!"

No one listened to him just by yelling.

Gong Youen nearly collapsed, and the meeting room fell into endless chaos. The transparent glass around the meeting room was also shattered. Some people even fought and hit the corridor inside the base.

Seeing everyone ignoring him, Gong Youen closed his eyes unbearably, and the blue veins on his forehead violently jumped up. Suddenly, the death sickle keyring he hung around his waist turned into a huge silver sickle and a tattered suit. Also instantly turned into a black robe of death.

Just listen to the metal "ding" on the ground!

Accompanied by a sly wind, Gong Youen yelled again furiously: "Stop it!"

A terrifying roar, like the sound of death, broke out in an instant, accompanied by a strange hurricane.

The next second, a chaotic conference room fell into silence.

Everyone stopped their hands, looked back together, and looked surprised and surprised at the man standing on the conference table with a sickle in hand, wearing a black robe of death and wearing a skull mask.

"Who dares to provoke openly and beat the other person! I swear, I will take him to the **** of West Hades immediately, of course, people who go there must have only a dead end!"

Gong Youen gritted his teeth and threatened. After finishing speaking, he took off the mask on his face. In order to maintain the final grace, he glared at his blue eyes and opened the curtains of his messy hair a little bit.

In addition to Linggui and Gong Siyu, there are also General Ma De, Belch and Gong Youen, and Qing Yaoji who stands tired and insists on sitting next to Linggui. Everyone else, no matter who they are, is invited. When you get to the hallway outside the conference room, stand in rows. No hands are allowed, no rude words, no provocations, and whoever commits the crime is unlucky.

Ling was sitting there gracefully and gracefully, her wedding ring fingers tapping the tabletop rhythmically. After she calmed down, a cloud of purple light suddenly appeared in her palm. With a wave of her hand, the light turned towards the meeting room. The broken glass scattered around the area dispersed, and in the blink of an eye, the broken soundproof and bulletproof glass around the conference room was restored as before, intact.

Then, she changed her sitting position, her sharp beautiful eyes glanced contemptuously at General Mader and Commander Belch across the conference table, and sneered: "To be honest, in fact, you don’t need you at all for this so-called destruction operation. However, since we are all people from the Eastern Three Realms, we cannot act arbitrarily in the Western Three Realms, so the West Hades let you join. To put it better, it is a joint action. In fact, you are just decorations. Really, don’t take yourself too seriously. ."

"Cousin, can't we please be more peaceful?"

Gong Youen collapsed on the chair, looking helplessly at Lingyu.

"The ignorant rats are arrogantly stepping on our heads and clamoring, and are they still happy for peace? If we want us to be kind, let them put their attitudes right, don't tell me here, or go directly to the topic, solve early problems, or check When we get to Draco's position, we will catch it by ourselves, and we will not be responsible for any accidents.

After more than 20 years, the reason why this kind of thing will join together again is because the spirits are going to get Draco back.

Lingyu can not be held accountable for being installed with a tracker in the rainforest, but Draco is Qingyue’s son. Qingyue is a man created by his mother. He helped people to the end and sent the Buddha to the west. People have lost one. My son, this last one, I must do my best to save it.

So after learning about this, Gong Youen felt that the time had come, just to take advantage of Lingyu and the others to take advantage of the destruction of the sixth empire's derivative skeleton society in one fell swoop, and this was the meeting action.

(End of this chapter)

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