Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1942: Come here, not in vain

Chapter 1942 is here, not for nothing

Linggui and Miyajiyu are in the mysterious triangle of the Atlantic Ocean in North America at this moment. Because this sea area often occurs extraordinary phenomena that are difficult to explain by people using existing scientific and technological means or according to normal thinking logic and reasoning methods. In modern times, it has become synonymous with all kinds of mysterious and incomprehensible disappearances.

In short, the sea conditions here are very complicated, the sea fog is heavy, it is easy to get lost, there are many ship graveyards, and there will be various strange situations such as magnetic field disturbances, and according to the scene in Jenna's mind captured by the Skeleton Club From the reappearance, the island is within the range of their sea area. It is only because of the huge wind and waves here and poor visibility, it is impossible to distinguish the correct direction, and it is difficult to determine the location until now.

Therefore, Lingyu put a swimming ring around Jenna's neck without saying a word, and then plunged Jenna, who was **** with the immortal rope, into the rough sea.

When she threw it into the sea, the rag in her mouth was still stuffed.

A group of people stood in the cockpit, and across the glass window, they saw a beautiful, graceful, beautiful woman who kicked the person into the sea with a frantic laugh, and then yelled while holding the mast while the hull was violently shaking. When you find Sol Island, when you come up, feed the fish if you can't find it!"

After being kicked into the sea, Jenna of the Skull and Bones was unable to breathe with her mouth. Her nostrils were constantly pouring into the sea. She was choked and her complexion was flushed. She looked up desperately, her limbs tied up, without anything. The way to get out.

"If you feel familiar, or if you find a location, kick the boat."

After explaining, Lingyu turned around, returned to the cockpit without mercy, sat back in the recliner, and continued to lean.

"Biao...Cousin, she is well known by us. Even if you kick her into the sea, the weather here is so bad, she may not be able to find Sol Island."

Lingyu opened his eyes, glanced sideways at Gong Youen, shook the chair, and said quietly: "No, you have to believe that the potential of human beings under crisis is unlimited, maybe you will find it?"


"Of course, we can't completely count on her, let you use satellites to obtain the map of the islands of the sea area? Have you sorted it out?"

The islands that are not marked on the ordinary map are either mysterious islands that have not been discovered so far, or they are special islands that have been deliberately erased. There is no possibility of the third kind.

Therefore, as early as when they entered this mysterious delta, Lingyu asked Gongsiyu to use satellite positioning to obtain a top view map of all the islands within a radius of 2,000 nautical miles.

Filter out all known islands, filter out all the named islands that appear on the map, filter out the tiny islands whose area is not large enough to completely expose the sea level, then the remaining ones are not identified, unmarked, and very few islands that no one cares about. There may be Sol Island.

At the end of the screening road, there are a total of 12 large and small islands that meet all the conditions, all of which are delta mysterious islands that do not exist on the map.

Gongsiyu found eight islands along the way. The islands are all virgin forests, uninhabited.

And when they drove a medium-sized fishing boat through a ship cemetery and entered the fog and thunderstorm...

The fishing boat’s radar scanned another mysterious island that was not marked on the map. The island was circular, with only a narrow reef at the entrance, like a pier.

At the same time, Jenna, who was kicked into the sea by the spirit, strenuously kicked the hull of the fishing boat with her feet, and Mo Hei and Mo Bai rushed out to fish him up.

Sol Island is here.

Miyajiyu docked the fishing boat in a dense fog area 50 nautical miles away from the island.

The fog around the island is heavy, coupled with thunderstorms, bad weather, and poor visibility. They only discovered the circular island by long-range radar.

They can't get close anymore, because if this island is the headquarters of the Skull and Bones, there must be a line of defense around the island, monitoring all approaching ships and foreign objects.

If they want to land on the island, they must avoid surveillance before breaking in.

The engine of the fishing boat that went out on Gongsi Island, stood up from the recliner awkwardly, yawned, stretched out, and looked at Gong Youen, "I and Disi will first take the black ink in to explore the way, all of you People stay on the boat. After successfully sneaking in, I will use the Mingzhu to open the transmission channel. You come together, are there any problems?"

"No." Qing Dai shook her head, looked in the mirror, and continued to touch up her makeup.

Gong Youen also shook his head.

Just as Lingshu was holding Gong Siyu's arm and holding the black cat who turned into a black cat in his arms, preparing to leave, Peter "Tsar", the captain of the Ace Special Forces in the East 19th District in the cabin, hesitated and raised his hand. He swallowed and said, "I want to ask...find Sol Island and successfully sneaked in, but...and then? Save the major general and find Draco?"

"No." Lingyu looked back suddenly, curling her lips and sneered.

"Do not?"

"By the way, the island was destroyed. After all, it's all at the headquarters, so I can't do it in vain."

"Destroy the island? Are you going to destroy the island? I don't know how many Skull and Bones members are on it. Just relying on us... how could it be..." Czar Peter looked at the spirit in disbelief, only feeling incredible.

And the answer to him was just a cold and indifferent back from Lingyu.

Together with Gong Siyu, she disappeared in the sea fog and torrential rain...

It was not until the person disappeared that Tsar Peter was tapped twice on the shoulder by Gong Youen, who was on the side, and said with a smile: "Actually, it is enough to rely on them. You just come to make up the count."

"How is it possible! Just the two of them? Could it be possible to make this island disappear!"

"Bag and draft!"

"I don't believe it! You just like to exaggerate, I know!"


The five people who followed the East Nineteenth District talked and talked very much with great disdain.

The always deep and introverted, solemn and mighty Zhulong may be tired of being noisy, with a deep and powerful voice, coldly said: "Shut up! Seeing is believing, you will know in a while."


Lingyu and Gong Siyu took the dark beast with the dark beast, taking advantage of the dark, heavy rain, wind and waves, and thick clouds, they all became invisible and rushed into the dark sea, following the tide, avoiding the reef, and going around. To the back of the ring-shaped island covered by clouds and mist, the 900-meter-high vertical cliff at the bottom of the coast, taking advantage of the darkness, climbed from the bottom of the island’s cliff to the top with bare hands, taking advantage of the night when there was no one, flashed into the area where there were no five In the original jungle.

This is a black island formed after the eruption of a submarine volcano. The vegetation on the island is dense and weird, with some rare trees and plants that are not normally seen.

Moving fast in the forest, it didn't take long for Lingyu and Gong Siyu to stop.

The black cat of Mingrui beast was lying on his waist, hiding behind Lingyu, and the three of them peeked out from the dense bush together, and a hut in the wood appeared in the dense forest not far in front of them.

It happened that someone walked out of the wooden house wearing a black robe marked by a skull, and two people followed...

(End of this chapter)

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