Chapter 1966 is gone

Alu’s body size should have been deliberately smaller, with snow-colored hair and dark blue eyes, like a white husky.

It kept providing Lingyu's waist with its wet nose, and fiddled with the large chain around its neck with its paws, trying to let Lingyu see the conspicuous glass beads on its neck.

Countless golden streamers flowed freely in that glass bead, which looked like it was deliberately sealed inside.

Lingyu was busy pacifying Jiang Ziwen and preventing him from calling the police, while reaching out to touch Alu's head, and then looking at Gongsiyu, "Go and take the beads from Alu's neck. There seems to be something hidden inside."


Miyajiyu did.

When Jiang Ziwen saw that the beautiful woman who suddenly appeared in front of him had been preventing him from dialing "110", he frowned and said with a terrifying aura, and said coldly: "Who are you in the end! Don't say what you are here, don't blame me, you are welcome!"

"I told you that it was your relative!" Linggui stared at Jiang Ziwen, and reached out to grab his mobile phone.

"I have no relatives." Jiang Ziwen raised his hand, and finally stood up. At a height of nearly two meters, it was impossible for Lingyu to **** the phone. Then he said mercilessly, "Get out, get out!"

Lingyu said "Wow", when have he and Gong Siyu been treated this way? What's more, this person is still the eldest brother Jiang Wang who she most respects! The six relatives didn't recognize it to the point where they could get out?

"You see Aru knows us, don't you think it is weird?"

Dogs know us, but you don't. Shouldn't you reflect on it?

Lingyu stretched out his hand and jumped up. In the end, he gave up grabbing the phone. Jiang Ziwen was really too high.

Gong Siyu took down the glass ball from Aru’s neck. He looked at the streamer in the ball in amazement and handed it to Linggui, “It’s a bead that stores memories. Jiang Ziwen should put his memory in it. Hung on Aru’s collar so as not to lose it."

Gong Siyu had done similar things before, so he knew.

Lingyu knew that the plaster on Jiang Ziwen's feet was fake, because he could stand on his own.

Upon hearing this, she immediately took the bead containing Jiang Ziwen’s memory, and then crushed it, and as the golden streamer burst out from the bead, it flowed in all directions. The spirit and swiftly collected all the streamer, and Jiang Ziwen was shocked. In his eyes, all the memories belonging to Jiang Ziwen were injected into his brain...

A golden light burst out in the simple room with bright yellow light, which disappeared in a flash, returning to peace.

Jiang Ziwen's gloomy and stunned gaze returned to death after the golden memory returned to his brain, and the feeling in his eyes that was generally cold and quiet and cold and secluded returned.

He moved his gaze downwards and looked down at the spirit with the palm of his hand on his forehead in surprise, as well as Gong Siyu, which was touching the dog. The air seemed to freeze, and there was an inexplicable breath of embarrassment. Jiang Ziwen I lowered my head and glanced at my thighs in reinforced plaster, his body covered with gauze...

His complexion was suddenly very weird, and he dodged the sly eyes.

It was as if I had done something embarrassing but was embarrassed after being discovered.

"do you know me?"

Lingyu asked cautiously.

However, after observing the change in Jiang Ziwen's eyes, she felt confident, and she knew she knew it.


Jiang Ziwen narrowed his eyes, was silent, and his face was not very good-looking. He seemed to be trying his best to restore his image, showing the usual cold and ruthless low pressure as much as possible.

"Kid, don’t ask, he knows us, or if he does, he will continue to say that he is an orphan with a wealth of wealth and his family’s dead, and he threatened to call the police to arrest us if we broke into the house. Embarrassing, may feel ashamed, after all, we have found this, haven't we?"

Gong Siyu hooked his lips and smiled, deliberately provocatively looking at Jiang Ziwen.

Leaving the underworld with them on their backs to play missing is actually hiding in Gusu City and guarding the reincarnation of Shang'er.

Jiang Ziwen's absolute self-esteem was hurt at this moment, and his face was completely lost. After all, he used to appear in front of them as a domineering, ruthless, tyrannical big brother.

Gong Siyu suffocated a smile and felt Jiang Ziwen’s murderous gaze. He was even more gloat. He quickly took out his phone and prepared to take this scene. Just as he was about to press the "photo button", the phone was snatched away by Jiang Ziwen. Throw it aside on the coffee table.

"Advise you to be enough!"

He warned with anger in his deep, cold voice.

Linggui also secretly took out his mobile phone and was about to take a photo with Jiang Ziwen, but Jiang Ziwen snatched it and yelled at him: "Kuier! Are you uniting with him to make trouble for me?"

Ling smiled slyly, glanced at Jiang Ziwen secretly, looked away, and blew his whistle, "The demon said that you are missing, and rushed to find it. The Emperor and I also wanted to say how you disappeared for no reason, but it turned out... Here..."

Here and her reincarnated brother are doing something unspeakable.

Still carrying all of them.

Jiang Ziwen gritted his teeth secretly and gave a cold snort, without any expression.

"We thought you had an accident." Ling said strangely.

"What can I do?" Jiang Ziwen snorted coldly. Because of the cast, it was not convenient to walk and limp. He walked to the coffee table and poured himself a glass of water and drank it all.

"Then this wound on you..."

Gong Siyu stroked his chin, watching the wounds on Jiang Ziwen's body thoughtfully. The wounds on his body were supposed to be stab wounds and blood was oozing. He didn't know how to get them. It looked deep, there were three places, one on the abdomen. , One shoulder, one is almost close to the lungs.

Seeing that Jiang Ziwen was unwilling to answer, Ling Yu elbows Xia Gong Siyu’s arm, "The bitter trick must be realistic to make people convinced, don’t ask, it’s like you haven’t used this kind of indiscriminate means. Oh's not the next three indiscriminates..." Feeling the terrifying look in Jiang Ziwen's flying eyes, Lingyu quickly changed his words, "It's a witty method."

"Have you seen enough." Jiang Ziwen finished drinking the water, turned around, and leaned against the edge of the coffee table with his muscular arms crossed his chest. "If you see enough, go back, don't be an eyesore."

After Lingyu and Gong Siyu looked at each other, they shook their heads and said in unison: "I haven't seen enough."

Linggui: "Shang'er's reincarnation is only eleven, Brother Jiang, what do you think? The child is still so young."

Jiang Ziwen: "Go away."

Gong Siyu also sighed and shook his head: "I didn't expect you to be such a person."

"What do you two want?" Jiang Ziwen held his temper, took a deep breath, restrained his temper, and asked coldly.

"Of course it is to tell us where you have developed, what are you going to do next, how long are you going to stay here, the demon calls you to go back, and ah, how come Bai Xiaobai will give you food?" Looked at Jiang Ziwen.

(End of this chapter)

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