Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1972: Mrs. Bai and Qing Yaoji meet

Chapter 1972 Mrs. Bai and Qing Yaoji meet

Bai Xiaobai's graciousness is difficult, because the woman holding him is so powerful that he can't refuse.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, he was confused by the unique fragrance of women. At the noisy school gate, he narrowed his purple eyes through the gap between the thick curly hair of his woman, and saw a smile standing close at hand. Yingying looked at her own spirit.

He was a little at a loss. With so many parents around him, he was embraced by a strange woman.

How is this going?

When Bai Xiaobai was hugged tightly, he felt that someone had taken his heavy bag and lunch box from his hands.

And the embrace of this woman who appeared suddenly made him feel a strange, familiar, and attached feeling inexplicably.

It's like the feeling of my mother holding myself in my sleep, which makes me feel at ease.

"Mom, that's okay, don't scare people, so many people here are watching, stay back."

Lingsui carried Bai Xiaobai’s old schoolbag and the lunch box she prepared. The schoolbag was very old, and the Bai family was not willing to replace him with one. Lingki thought about buying a few for Bai Xiaobai when he was shopping. Color, I can’t wait to prepare to offer treasures.

Bai Xiaobai heard the sly words, mom? Is the woman holding him a sly mother?


Bai Xiaobai felt the woman let go of him, and his cold fingertips ran across his cheek, making his heart tremble.

Bai Xiaobai and Qing Yaoji face each other, one is shocked and the other is full of love.

Time seemed to stand still, and the air seemed to stagnate.

Bai Xiaobai looked at the face of the woman in front of her in disbelief, and the breeze slowly whipped her face, messing up the slightly curly hair on her forehead, and she was charming and enchanting.

First it was Lingyu, and then this woman. Bai Xiaobai had never seen such a beautiful woman. Compared with this woman and Lingyu, any school girl or female star would be overshadowed.

She appeared with a halo.

When he appeared in front of everyone in the large courtyard, within a hundred meters.

At that moment, it was as if time had stagnated and breathing had stopped. Everyone's eyes, whether men or women, young or old, even a pet dog on the side of the road, or a yellow warbler resting on the treetops, were all focused on her.

The key is.

The white jade-like woman was holding his cheek with a gentle smile and a soft voice. Su Yin charmingly said to him: "Xiao Bai is so cute." The words fell, and a kiss was dropped on his cheek. .

Then he took his hand and squeezed out of the crowd with Lingyu.

Along the way, Bai Xiaobai was dumbfounded, his head was empty, and he could only feel that his left and right hands were being held by Lingyu and the woman.

The classmates, parents, and teachers around him cast envious, surprised and puzzled eyes at him.

Qing Yaoji gently held the small hand of her son's reincarnation Bai Xiaobai beside her, her nose was sour, her beautiful eyes filled with tears, and she said to the spirit: "Baby, mom wants to cry." Because she saw her son's reincarnation, because Qing Yaoji missed Lingshang's entire childhood.

Compared with Qing Yaoji, Lingyu is slightly colder, charming and enchanting between her eyes, but she is cold, and although beautiful, she gives people a sense of not being close.

"Be normal, so many people are watching." She rolled her eyes, and just after speaking, Gong Siyu saw her carrying a heavy schoolbag and hurriedly walked over to carry it for her.

Then when he got to the car, Lingyu half-bended, nodded Bai Xiaobai's nose, and explained: "Don't panic, these are my parents."

"..." Bai Xiaobai only felt that his right hand was held tightly by the beautiful woman, not loose at all. He stared at Lingyu in a daze, wondering, this is your parents? So why is your mother holding me like this?

and also!

You are the mother of three children. How could your mother be so young?

What is the problem with your family's genes?

"It's not surprising, I have a brother, but he left us. My mother thought of her son when she saw you. She was so emotional that she couldn't control her, forgive me." Ling smiled and touched Bai Xiaobai's short hair, adding He said, "My brother, he also has a pair of purple eyes, very beautiful."

Bai Xiaobai was stunned, and seemed to understand some things, because he was like the son of this beautiful lady, that is, the younger brother of the spirit?

Bai Xiaobai was a little flattered, because he found that these men and women who met by the water were more friendly to him than the Bai family who had adopted him, although it was because he relied on his brother Lingyu.

"Husband, do you look like him?" Qing Yao Ji offered Bai Xiaobai to Ling Tian and asked softly.

The spirit sky is tall and stalwart, and at that station, you can feel his terrible aura in a radius of 50 meters. The condescending young man is looking down at the reincarnated boy. He has a cigar between his fingers, his eyes are deep and complicated, and he is silent for a long time. Nodding, the broad palm patted the shaggy head of the young man in front of him.

"Get in the car."

The man's aura was extremely terrifying, but Bai Xiaobai was not afraid of him, and even felt a sense of intimacy somehow.

"Is the lunch I made for you delicious?"

Before getting into the car, Lingyu smirked and pinched Bai Xiaobai's cheek and asked.

Bai Xiaobai let out a "Well" without resisting, and said lightly, "It's delicious." It was him who had lived so much and had eaten the best meal.

Gong Siyu was responsible for driving, and it was just right to have five people in the car.

Lingtian sits in the passenger seat, Qing Yaoji and Linggui sit in the back, and Bai Xiaobai sits in the middle.

However, when Bai Xiaobai was just about to get on the car, behind them, a woman asked tactfully: "Xiaobai? Who are these people?"

Bai Xiaobai's body became stiff, and the conditioned reflex of getting into the car was withdrawn. He looked back suddenly, his eyes faint, no emotions, and Shengfen called out: "Mom?"

Lingyu just got in the car, heard the sound, got out of the car and looked at the woman dressed as a lady who suddenly appeared in surprise.

When Qing Yaoji heard that the beautiful teenager in front of her was calling someone "Mom", she suddenly darkened her face and sneered with her lips curled. She looked sideways and looked sharply at the woman who called Bai Xiaobai "Xiaobai".

A very valuable Chanel celebrity suit, with her hair curled up high behind her head, her earlobes wearing delicate pearl earrings, a black pearl necklace hanging from her neck, and a Hermes platinum bag of hundreds of thousands in her hand. Dignified and beautiful, noble and graceful, although the years have left some marks on her face, she is still a graceful and graceful rich lady.

Qing Yaoji was very disdainful, and immediately flirted with her beautiful curly hair that was carefully managed and rolled her eyes.

She originally wanted to see who could be the reincarnated mother of her son, or the adopted one.

Unexpectedly, it was just a pretty middle-aged "old woman".

When Qing Yaoji thought of Bai Xiaobai's old clothes and old schoolbags, she would live in an apartment alone when she was only eleven, and she was so angry.

After all, she was a woman spoiled by Lingtian, she was used to being unscrupulous, and she began to shake her face on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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