Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 1982: Are you disappointed in me

Chapter 1982 Are you disappointed in me

After receiving the notice from Gongsiyu to acquire the Baishi Group, Farrid took the acquisition team to Gusu City and merged with Gongsiyu on a private jet. During the day, Gongsiyu and Farrid went together. Acquisition meeting.

While Lingyu stayed with Jiang Ziwen and learned that Bai Xiaobai was picked up by the police at noon, they rushed to the forensic center in Nancheng District, but when they got there, they were told by the criminal police captain Ge Lei who was about to leave. Xiao Bai had left alone in fifteen minutes. He went to the hospital, the public hospital where Bai Ye was.

Before Gong Siyu and Farrid left the car to Linggui and Jiang Ziwen before they went to buy the Baishi Group, they drove directly to the First People's Hospital of Gusu City.

On the way to the hospital, Jiang Ziwen was extremely silent in the passenger seat.

In the afternoon, the sun was obscured by clouds, and the sky was gray, like a sign before the wind and rain.

"How did Bai Bangguo and Mrs. Bai die?"

Linggui has read the Fushou Book, and the records on these two individuals are all "in vain".

Mrs. Bai’s favorite is Bai Ye. Her biological son, who is in danger, will leave a huge inheritance to their mother and child even if Mr. Bai dies. Mrs. Bai will be able to live in peace of mind in her next life. She will not need a heart transplant for her son. Suddenly she couldn't bear the pain of losing her father and committed suicide. Although she hadn't seen Mrs. Bai's corpse, Ling knew that there was something strange.

"You care how they died, every hour and every second, how many people will die in this world? Do you have to investigate them one by one?"

Jiang Ziwen's eyes were deep and unwarm, and his tone was cruel, and his speech was curious and speechless.

However, after she was silent for a while, the black car drove into the parking lot of the First People's Hospital and a sudden brake sounded. After the car was stopped, the handbrake was pulled up, and she looked at the people entering and exiting at the entrance of the hospital building blankly. , Her heart sank, and she said something she didn't want to say.

"It was made by Xiaobai, right."

Jiang Ziwen didn't answer Lingyu, but got out of the car coldly, closed the car door with a "bang", and strode into the hospital building.


The quiet corridors of the inpatient floor of the cardiology department of the hospital are just the nurses at the nurse station and the visiting doctors.

After Bai Xiaobai came to the hospital, he reported his name, put on sterile protective clothing, put on a mask and shoe covers, and entered Baiye's single aseptic care unit.

The air is full of the smell of disinfectant, the white night is pale and the lips are purple, and he is lying peacefully on the bed with an oxygen mask. The bed is surrounded by electronic medical equipment for intensive care, as well as heart defibrillators that can be used at any time. instrument.

The thin and tall Bai Xiaobai silently sat down on the chair next to the hospital bed, and the rare and beautiful Zitong stared coldly at the dying white night of the hospital bed. There was no trace of temperature, a trace of emotional ups and downs under his eyes.

Bai Ye suddenly opened his eyes when he felt someone nearby.

He thought it was his parents who came, but when he saw that the person was Bai Xiaobai, his weak eyes suddenly shrank and pupils enlarged, and his eyes flashed with disdain and disgust.

Bai Xiaobai's gloved hands were randomly inserted into the pockets of the sterile clothes, and he changed to a casual sitting position, with Erlang's legs tilted up, and wearing a mask, only his eyes could be seen, and his purple eyes were filled with cold smirk. , And a hint of... pity.

Bai Ye labored to remove the oxygen mask from his face, and confided in angrily, "Go..."

Indifferently, Bai Xiaobai took out the phone from his pocket, clicked on the photo album, and glanced at Bai Ye with a sneer. He was still hesitating whether to show it to the sick young man in front of him directly.

After thinking about it again, a thin smile flashed across Bai Xiaobai's eyes, "My dear brother, are you not curious why I am here, not your parents? Are you not curious why they are not here?"

Bai Ye was slightly startled, his eyes revealed anger, he couldn't help but cough lightly, inhaled deeply, and tried to restrain himself from controlling his emotions.

Indeed, his parents have not appeared for a day and night.

Since yesterday afternoon, he has not seen them again.

He is also very strange.

"At this time you should ask me where your parents are." Bai Xiaobai said dullly, playing with the mobile phone in his hand.

"I'll let you... Fuck... I heard..."

Bai Ye said intermittently, if he doesn’t change his heart, he will die, and now he can’t say a coherent sentence, his heart has failed, and looking at the alive brother in front of him, Bai Ye’s heart is jealous, he doesn’t know his parents What they were doing, they told him that this kid was the heart they brought back from the orphanage to pretend to be raised.

But the parents have not appeared for more than a day, why?

Bai Xiaobai turned on the phone again without hearing it, and then smiled in his eyes, got up and sat on the edge of the bed in excitement, and called up the last photo in the album. The baby was generally pressed on his chest, looking at Bai Ye with unknown meaning.

"Brother, let me show you pictures of our mother."

When Bai Xiaobai was in a daze, he suddenly brought a photo of Mrs. Bai's face lying in the morgue to Bai Ye.

This photo was taken by Bai Xiaobai while looking at the corpse.

"see it?"

Bai Xiaobai talked for a moment, and the smile in his eyes was lost. He brought the phone photo to Bai Ye's eyes.

"Brother, take a closer look, take a closer look... I'm sorry, have you been looking forward to my death in that small apartment, and then the heart will be transplanted to you? Sorry, hope is lost."

Bai Xiaobai coldly threw the phone on Bai Ye's body.

When Bai Ye, who saw her mother's remains, understood what was happening, she stared at Bai Xiaobai in disbelief, and then all the medical equipment beside the bed sounded an alarm.

Bai Ye couldn't get up in one breath, his eyes rolled white.

Bai Xiaobai stepped forward, put on an oxygen mask for Bai Ye, put away his cell phone, and looked at the boy on the hospital bed condescendingly, "It's a pity that I couldn't take pictures of our father's remains. They didn't take pictures for me because It's a bit miserable to die."


Bai Xiaobai watched the ECG that became a line, and immediately pressed the alarm bell. Soon, a group of doctors and nurses rushed in and asked Bai Xiaobai out of the ward.

Bai Xiaobai hadn't turned around in the ward until he went out to find that Jiang Ziwen was standing outside the door with a gloomy expression, while his sister Lingyu was looking at him with a complicated expression.

Bai Xiaobai took off his mask, and was too lazy to continue to behave, shrugging indifferently, lowering his head, and passing by Jiang Ziwen and Lingyu, "Are you disappointed in me?" He smiled and looked back. Eyed them. "I'm good or bad, I took a picture of Bai Ye's mother's remains to show him." Bai Xiaobai looked at the scene in the glass window where the doctor was giving Bai Ye a pacemaker, and his eyes flashed with joy, "Will you be unintentional? I am disappointed."

(End of this chapter)

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