Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 2010: Secret Chamber

Chapter 2010 The Secret Chamber

Three Realms General Administration, Lingyuan Office.

As soon as he received the pictures and news from Feng Jinxuan, Lingyuan immediately called the commissioner of the intelligence department of the Three Realms to quickly retrieve the archives and seek the truth.


On the other side, the Underworld Judgment Department, the demon who was holding the ghost and **** meeting in place of Jiang Ziwen and Princess Youlong, also received a short message from Gongsiyu mobile phone.

As soon as he saw the photo attached to the text message, the demon immediately transmitted the picture to the huge projector so that all the ghosts and gods in the meeting room could see it.

The demon raised Erlang's legs awe-inspiringly, raised his eyebrows sharply, and pointed to the picture on the screen, "You...who knows which deity is on this idol?"

The nine Hades looked at each other, and the ten ghosts were whispering, and the ghosts and gods were talking.

Suddenly, a civil official from the Archives Department of the Department of Hades raised his hands tremblingly, not daring to look directly at the fierce and cold demon, and his voice trembled: "Ki...Master, this is not a god. This should be a yin consecrated by some side door. Idols, this kind of yin statues, generally only appear in yin temples."

The demon sitting in the swivel chair heard the words, turned around, and said in a lazy and cold tone, "Oh? Yin Temple? Yin Deity? You belong to the Archives Department? Record and archive the big and small events since the creation of the underworld, so big as to despise the disaster. As little as today, any kid in the underworld will keep a record of it. You know so much... you should know who this thing is, right?"

The civil servant of the Archives Department wiped his cold sweat, "It needs to be checked! It will take some time. I remember that there were such archives in the underworld. Give me some time, Lord Tianma."

The demon glanced coldly at the little civil official, and said sternly: "I'll give you half an hour, and I can't find a pickup to see you."

Half an hour?

The little civil officer knelt to the ground in fright, and disappeared into the meeting room rolling and hurriedly back to the Archives Department to find the archive records.

Yin Temple, Yin God Statue-Undestined ghost that no one enshrines, based on humane care, compassion for no one to enshrine him, so he built a temple for him and made him belong, called "Yin Temple", and built a statue for it , It is "Yinxiang".

Half an hour is one hour.

Lingyu and the others couldn't wait, and there was no reply. In desperation, Gong Siyu called Farrid, got into the passage first, and went to find the way.

Lingyu and Aluo sat on the threshold of Zhenzhi Tower, holding their cheeks, looking at the deserted and messy abandoned Taoist temple, waiting for news.

Standing behind them, Feng Jinxuan first made a phone call with Lingyuan, and then explained to Lingyu: "Lingyuan called and said that this Taoist temple belongs to the Yin Temple. The Yin Temple has always been under the jurisdiction of the Underworld, so the Underworld There should be an answer, wait."

Nearly an hour later, the mobile phone lingered in his hand "ding dong", and sent more than a dozen pictures from the demon.

Lingki turned on the phone and took a closer look. There is the source of this horrible statue!

More than a dozen pictures are all photos and texts from the Archives Department of the Department of Hades...

Lingsui glanced at the ten lines, threw the phone to Feng Jinxuan, turned around, looked up at the horrifying statue of worship, "This is not a Taoist evil image worshipped by Taoism, this statue is not a **** at all, but a person The person of Qi (fourth tone of qi), Almighty Zhenzhi Sect is a branch of Taoism created by this person."

The information sent from the underworld truthfully records--

Dao Qi, formerly known as Su Chengyin, was born in the eighth year of Jiading in Ningzong of the Southern Song Dynasty. He was a monk at the age of six, but he was not old at the age of ninety. Dan, a self-created sect of Zhenzhi, has many followers. It was later discovered by the underworld that he used the technique of the side door to kill his soul, cultivated the inner pill for prolonging life and long life, and committed a felony in the underworld. Kill, the soul was thrown into the seventeenth hell.

This Tao is the founder of the Almighty Zhenzhi Sect.

After his death, he was miserable. The corpse was buried thickly by his apprentice, and his statue was set up in the Taoist temple as an enshrined deity. All explanations made sense.

and many more!

Lingyu suddenly thought of something, and her beautiful eyes shrank. Before Feng Jinxuan had read all the information, he grabbed the phone and called the demon.


The impatient voice of the demon came from the phone.

"Didn't you find everything for you? What else is there? Why are you more troubled than the spirits?"

The spirit snorted coldly and didn't care about the demon, "My old lady is the deity, you have a problem?"


"Daoqi's soul is imprisoned in the seventeenth hell? By that calculation, it has been imprisoned for more than eight hundred years? Is it still there?"

On the other side of the phone, the demons should be in a meeting, because Linggui heard the vaguely sound of meeting reports.

The demon was silent for a long while, and then calmed down his tone, and said coldly, "I will take a trip personally, and see for you?"

Linggui responded: "It's numb, don't hang up, I'll wait."

On the phone, the demon yelled all the way and successfully entered the seventeenth floor of **** unimpeded.

Five minutes later, he said to Linggui, "The seventeenth floor of **** didn't hold it back, and the soul was gone."

"Oh, hung up."

Ling Yu hurriedly hung up the phone. At this moment, Farreid walked out of the secret road alone and shouted: "There is a major discovery, let you go in and take a look."

"What did you find?" A Luo asked curiously.

"Just go inside."

Weinan is rich in mountains and mountains, and there are many caves hidden in the mountains.

The passage built behind the statue was also excavated and trimmed through a natural cave, and it should have been dug a hundred years ago.

Taking a quick walk around for ten minutes, the field of vision suddenly opened up, and a stinking corpse odor, mixed with musty and soil, smelled like hundreds of corpses. Pile up in a confined space and rot and turn into stinky water, Lingyu and Aluo almost vomited it out overnight.

Gong Siyu was shining with his spiritual power, standing on the alchemy stove in the center of the spacious secret room, studying something.

Farrid covered his mouth and nose with a black handkerchief. The "significant discovery" in his mouth was the accumulation of white bones and dense heads that could be seen everywhere on the floor of the secret room.

The floor of the secret room is full of skeletons, and there is almost no place for them to stand.

Too much.

At a glance over the area of ​​more than 900 square meters, all were bones, or corpses in decomposing, with bones and new corpses, which was simply shocking.

A Luo retched, her big eyes full of consternation, "It's...a bit irritating...what is this place? The corpse secret room?"

Ling Yu directly darts over to Gong Si Yu's side, squatted down, and saw Gong Si Yu put his hand on the surface of the alchemy furnace and asked, "What are you looking at?"

"Kid, this stove is still hot, it's warm."

"What?" Lingwei couldn't believe it, "Warm?" In other words... has anyone used this alchemy furnace?

Is anyone else here?

(End of this chapter)

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