Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 2016: Spiritual and angry

Chapter 2016 Spiritual and Angry

When Gong Siyu heard the words, he pulled the spirits and walked outside, "What do you want to do so much? Just go to the village chief's house and see?" Maybe there is a bead and horse trail that can point to them. road.

Seeing Lingyu and Gong Siyu leave.

Feng Jinxuan hugged A Luo who was sleeping and quickly followed.

Farreid followed closely, and the mountain ghost took his pet and his men to catch up.

On the way, Zhong Chuyue suddenly called the mountain ghost.

"Boss, who are they? Just now Kurosawa searched their information on the Internet and found that they were all characters from a wealthy country, but how could they appear in such a poor country? They are investigating this kind of appalling. It's within our responsibility. Don't you think it is suspicious, you still help them?"

The mountain ghost did not stop, with a pipe in the corner of his mouth, did not answer Zhong Chuyue's question, but said meaningfully: "Little girl, the Special Case Investigation Division is just a bridge between their world and our living world, and the few people in front. In comparison, we are nothing. Even the former Chief Lu respected them nine points. Don't you wonder why Qing Dai, the famous underworld yin and yang official, let them order?"

"Why... why?" Zhong Chuyue remembered, Master Qing Dai, the Yin and Yang official, only went to the Imperial Capital to inform them.

"If you and I are compared to the earth, then those people in front are the sky, especially the woman called Lingkui, understand?" The mountain ghost patted Zhong Chuyue's shoulder and reminded deeply, "It's like Our non-disclosure agreement is the same. You can only hide these words with you just now, and don’t ask anything. And you!" The mountain ghost went to the side of Hei Ze Xiu, "Take you Put away all the careful thoughts, or if something happens, I won't be able to protect you."

"Yes, Lord Shangui!" Kurosawa nodded vigorously with a smiley face, and then stepped on the clogs, trotting along beside the mountain ghost, dog-legged.


Lingyu did not know the specific household of the village chief in Taoism.

But under normal circumstances, the village chief’s house must be the most magnificent in the village, and it is in a higher place.

Reluctantly, it is impossible for the village chief’s house to hang a sign with the word "village chief" at the door for them to distinguish. They can only look for the house from house to house on the higher ground in the village.

When Lingyu and the others were looking for the village chief’s house from house to house, under the dark night, a raging fire in a gray concrete three-story house on their southeast **** immediately attracted their attention.

The fire just started to burn, and they didn't even see the fire before Lingyu.

A group of people quickly ran to the burning house. The fire started from the second floor. The fire was not big. Lingshou started and fell, casting a water curse, and instantly extinguished the fire.

"How could this house burn on its own?"

Zhong Chuyue looked at the mountain ghost chief in confusion and asked.

The mountain ghost hesitated to look at Linggui, "Uh...this..."

"Go in and take a look, don't you know?" Lingyu lifted up a layer of hem of her skirt and used it as a handkerchief, covering her mouth and nose, and then entered the house first.

Ling Lu was still thinking about where the dead village chief lived and which one was. As a result, when he entered the old house where the fire was extinguished and there was still a little spark in the house, he saw it hanging in the house. Old family photos on one wall...

"It turned out that after looking for a long time, this household is the home of the village chief."

Lingsi gazed at the pictures on the wall and muttered to himself. Behind him, Farreid looked cold and worried: "The fire started from the second floor. The first floor was only blackened by smoke. Burning, I’m afraid someone has come a step ahead of us, taking away important things...or things that we don’t want us to see."

Obviously, there was a person hiding in secret, preventing them from getting closer to the truth again and again, cutting off all their clues...

"That's not necessarily." Linghui retorted, patted Farreid on the shoulder, and then went upstairs, "If I were the person who set fire, it must be because I couldn't find what he was looking for. The fire burns down the house. If he finds what he is looking for and burns it again, it will only make us notice that there is a fire sooner. It is meaningless to do so."

The stairs are made of concrete, which is very strong. A brief fire will not disintegrate it. The spirits reached the second floor, and everyone behind them followed. There are three rooms on the second floor, two bedrooms, and one... ...

After Gong Siyu kicked the door open, the strong smell of smoke choked.

A burnt down simple study room.

Inside are wooden furniture, and paper products such as books have been reduced to ashes.

The glow of the three lotus flowers illuminates the entire burned study room, making everything clearly visible.

"Kid, let's go, it's almost burnt, there's not much to see."

Gong Siyu grabbed Ling Yu's wrist and said helplessly.

But Lingyu seems to have been swayed three times by others, and on three occasions, he was taken the first step, and all the clues in his hand were cut off. Therefore, he was extremely unhappy, and regardless of dissuasion, he had to stay in the burned room beyond recognition. Looking for clues that she thought existed.

Except for the village chief and the man who appeared with him, all the people in this village were dead, and the elders in the village would all be killed and abandoned in the secret room, so why would the village chief still use the alchemy furnace to make alchemy?

Lingyu suddenly remembered that when they were hiding in the secret room and others came in, the village chief had exchanged a few puzzling words with the people who went in with him: There was no time to care for outsiders. Our pill furnace has been around for a few years. It only takes seven to seven forty-nine days for an inner pill, but now it takes eighty-one days to make one. There is no substitute for the pill furnace cauldron. I am afraid that this inner pill will not be completed...

The only thing Lingyu can be sure of is that the village chief has not taken the inner pill in his mouth.

Because his cultivation base is too shallow, an inner alchemy is worth more than a hundred years of cultivation base, if he eats it, it is impossible for him to have only this ability.

Then for whom is he doing alchemy?

Lingki looked around the burned-out study for a week, and started walking around in the cramped study.

She was unwilling to say coldly: "Lighting Life and Death is a very evil and profound Taoism. People who have suffered from this kind of Taoism will think that they are still alive. In fact, they are alive during the day and have the memory of that day. They are doing what they should do step by step like a puppet, but at night, they will become a corpse, a corpse that will be corrupted every day. The village chief is doing alchemy and controlling the village. Many puppets, he must have been ordered by others, and he holds something invisible..."

Burnt desks, blackened walls, burnt bookshelves...

(End of this chapter)

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