Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 2018: Million more 2

Chapter 2018 Wanchang 2

"Hey! How do you contact if you leave like this? I'm afraid we will need to help each other in the future."

Seeing the spirit, the mountain ghost was holding the iron box and preparing to evacuate with Gong Siyu and the others, but did not stop.

"Just call me directly if you have something to do, and ask Adai for it." Linghui was about to leave after speaking, but just walked downstairs and turned back again, "By the way, do you know the old man Fashe? Are... still alive?"

The intersection with She Lao was when I was Ji Yuno more than 20 years ago. At that time, that bad old man was already a hundred years old, but his cultivation was not superficial, and he had a good relationship with Zhong Kui and Lu Xingze. I don’t know if I’m still alive.

"Elder She?" The mountain ghost did not expect that Linggui would suddenly mention such a mysterious and veteran senior, and shook his head regretfully, "He passed away more than ten years ago, and the news reported at that time. How old is he? , But he has no wife and no children. He used to take the old road as a son, so if you want to know about giving up the old man, you have to ask the old road."

"Okay, goodbye, and call in another day."


After Lingyu and the others left, they returned to the hotel where they stayed in Ningcheng, Northwestern Province.

On the old Sheshan side, the mountain ghost led his subordinates and the underworld Yin and Yang Si to work together to set up an enchantment around the old Sheshan mountain, temporarily prohibiting any unattended personnel from approaching, because the workload of the on-site investigation is too large, and Adai can’t No ghost dispatched from the underworld to help.

The bizarre and serious case in Weinan's Lao Sheshan also spread to Lu Xingze, who was establishing a new branch of the Human Realm Security Administration in Hai City.

When Lu Xingze learned that the case that Linggui and the mountain ghost jointly investigated was related to a case that his godfather Fashe cracked 80 years ago, he came to the scene of the Lao Sheshan case to negotiate with the mountain ghost.

Because the underworld and the human world are jointly investigating the case, it is bound to pass through the General Administration of the Human World.

Therefore, Lu Xingze also participated.

Early in the morning, in the secret room of the Taoist Temple of Almighty Zhenzhi, Lu Xingze handed Lingyu's mobile phone number to the mountain ghost, but asked: "Ashu, where are they now?"

The mountain ghost did not answer, but Adai, who was carrying the alchemy furnace under his command, heard it and said loudly, "In Ningcheng, Northwestern Province."


When Lingyu and the group of people returned to the hotel where they were staying, Lin Jingyu left a note and went out to find someone for them to find clues to Yuanhao's tomb.

After two days and nights did not close their eyes, Lingyu and Gong Siyu all took a rest.

They called for room service at noon and asked the hotel to prepare a hearty Chinese meal. After a full meal, they stayed in the hotel all day, studying the rusty tin box dug from the village head’s cement house flowerbed.

Linggui, Gong Siyu, Feng Jinxuan, and Aluo work together.

Lingyu and Gong Siyu read the stack of correspondence, and Feng Jinxuan and Aluo studied the formula of the medicine on the old sheepskin scroll.

Although Farreid is very good in Chinese, he is not so good that he can understand calligraphy and cursive calligraphy in seal script, so he can only be with them mentally, watching TV boredly on the sidelines, and helping them to add tea from time to time. Water, or use Lingyu's cell phone to communicate with Shangui and Adai for Lingyu and send messages.

Time is passing bit by bit.

After reading the spirit of the letter in hand, I recorded the key points of a large number of letters on the white paper at hand.

According to the letter, Lingyu learned that the village chief was called a Taoist trick.

This village chief Taoist will contact the person who sent him letters on the first day and at the end of each month.

But the signature of the sender is just a pattern, with a black and white pattern of Yin and Yang and gossip in one eye.

This pattern cannot be more familiar, it is a sign of almighty true knowledge.

"The village chief Taoist will regularly communicate with people who know the almighty and true knowledge every month. The content is very simple. It is the quantity and precautions of the elixir sent by the other party at the beginning of the month. At the end of the month, the Taoist sent the specific number of elixir. And report the situation in the village..."

Lingsui expounded concisely, and immediately took out a piece of letter paper marked by himself, said.

"But there are three letters with these three sentences at the end..."

"There is no elder in the village anymore. In desperation, only young adults can replace them."

"Except for me and Daoming in the village, there is no more livelihood. Please find a solution quickly, otherwise you may be exposed."

"Dao Master Xie granted Miao Fa to revive people in our village. The furnace has been damaged. If we don't replace it with a new one, we may delay Dao Master's plan."

Ling Ling read the last words of the three letters coldly.

These three sentences are thought-provoking, but very easy to understand.

There are no old people in the village to use it, and they can only be replaced by others.

The village has no livelihoods, and urgently seeks a way to cover up.

A Taoist master from the almighty and true knowledge taught Taoist tricks to "illuminate life and death", so the talents of Taoist village became monsters who lived during the day and died at night.

The pill that the village chief Taoist made in the Almighty True Knowing Chamber was all for the "Daoist" in this letter, and the pill furnace was damaged and the efficiency was greatly reduced, which is what Taoist worried about.

Feng Jinxuan then put down the yellowed sheepskin scroll in his hand, his eyes were clear and cold, and he said solemnly: "This parchment records an ancient method of practicing the inner alchemy for immortality. Killing people, refining their souls, and finally becoming an inner pill. After taking it, it can prolong life. The village chief of Taoism cultivates such a thing in the secret room. The soul and rare herbs mentioned in the medicine use Taoism village. People, the medicinal herbs are those dried herbs hidden in the ear chamber. In other words, Almighty knows how to use Taoist villagers to make medicinal herbs...and!"

Feng Jinxuan wanted to speak again, unfolding the yellowed sheepskin scroll, and pointed to the indifferent inscription in the lower right corner of the sheepskin scroll.

"Look at this character, does it look like the character Qi?"

Lingyu and Gong Siyu both came up, because the sheepskin scroll is an ancient relic, its yellowish hair is crisp, and many of the writing and edges on it have been faded.

The words Feng Jinxuan was referring to were also vague, and almost only half of the words could be seen.

But the word "Xiao" is too special, although only half of it can be recognized, Lingyu and Gong Siyu nodded and said in unison: "Like!"

"Qi? Huh? Is this inscription the name of Dao Qi?"

A Luo got into Feng Jinxuan's arms and lay on the side of the coffee table, suddenly thought of it and asked in surprise.


The founder of Almighty True Knowledge, the Taoist who was arrested and thrown into the underworld eight hundred years ago?

He has been wiped out in ashes, and the Heavenly Demon went to the 17th floor of Hell and asked the one who told Lingkui in person.

There are many clues, but they are all fragmentary.

Lingyu and the others were not able to find any clues about where the Almighty True Knowing members were hiding from the letter paper in these tin boxes.

The only thing Lingyu can be sure of is: "Their alchemy furnace is broken, so... they need a new furnace cauldron."

A Luo clapped the table wittily, suddenly raised his hand, and said excitedly: "I know I know, Agui, what you mean is that their next goal is the Yin and Yang Yin Ding!"

(End of this chapter)

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