Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 2031: Keep bombing the mountain

Chapter 2031 The Explosive Mountain

The cigar handed out by Farreid is very valuable. I saw the security guard of the outsourcing company. His fierce expression was slightly reduced. He took the cigar, dang it in his mouth, shook his head, and replied in English coldly, "We only I’m responsible for the security work, but I asked the employer why he came here. What I can tell you is that this is the site of the cooperation between the American Crewe Geological Exploration Company and your National Institute of Archaeology. If you are a tourist adventure, you can only take a detour. Here No outsiders are allowed to pass."

U.S. Crewe Geological Exploration?

Farreid's dark green eyes narrowed slightly. He had never heard of this exploration company.

After Gong Siyu, Feng Jinxuan and Linggui exchanged their eyes, let everyone return to the car first.

However, Qiu Jin violently kicked off the tires at this time, and said angrily: "What should I do now? Can't get in! Is your information wrong? Didn't you say that there is no one here!"

Lin Jingyu was also embarrassed, smiling to ease the atmosphere, "First get in the car and stay, how hot it is outside! There is air conditioning in the car! Don't worry, there must be a way for Fengjia Xiaoye and Mr. Gong! Don't worry, don't worry. ."

Everyone was coaxed back into the car.

Wearing sunglasses and sweating profusely, Lin Jingyu walked to Gong Siyu and Feng Jinxuan anxiously, "What should I do now?"

And Lingyu continued to look at her mobile phone.

She used to look at the first unread message.


She saw the first message from Emperor Baimei to her.

[Emperor Baimei]: By the way, I forgot to tell you that someone bought me the coordinates of Yuanhao’s tomb at a high price a few days ago. I knew that you would also go, so I didn’t give him precise coordinates, only a range... They were in front of you. , It may have arrived... I definitely can't reveal who it is, I still want to do business.

Lingshui was surprised, and suddenly handed the phone to Gong Siyu, "Disi, look at it!"

Gong Siyu took Lingyu's Three Realms mobile phone in one hand, raised it with the other hand, and used his flimsy coat to block Lingyu from the venomous sunlight. After he lowered his head and quickly read the first message of Emperor Baimei, he suddenly realized it.

Someone bought the coordinates of Yuanhao Emperor's Mausoleum from Emperor Baimei.

So they came here two days in advance.

And this person, I am afraid that at this moment, he is hiding in the territory of this geological exploration company and the archaeological research institute.

"Siyu, how do we get in?" Feng Jinxuan was in trouble.

A Luo raised her small fist, "Fight!"

Gong Siyu: "I'll call Bai Wuyou and let him find a way." Isn't Bai Wuyou a well-known archaeologist at the Institute of Archaeology?


Gong Siyu returned to the car, picked up the spare satellite phone, and directly called Bai Wuyou, who was far away in the imperial capital.

The call was quickly connected, except that the person who answered the call was Wuyou's wife Qingyin.

Gong Siyu: "Let Bai Wuyou listen to the phone."

Light tone: "Ok, master."

After a faint sound, Wuyou's voice sounded, "Master? Urgent business?"

Gong Siyu's face was cold and concise, saying: "We have arrived at the designated coordinates of the Yuanhao imperial mausoleum, but some people have come one step ahead of us. The joint exploration by the American Cree Geological Exploration Company and the domestic archaeological research institute has all been blocked. No, we can't get in, do you have a way?"

Bai Wuyou was silent for a while, he should be thinking, and then he said: "Master, I will call you back later."


ten minutes later.

Gong Siyu waited for a call from Worry-free. At the same time, he was surprised to see that at the outpost that was blocked by the barbed wire, an old man dressed in plain clothes and stepping on black cloth shoes, accompanied by four men and women who looked like students, was violently following the sentry. I walked out of the station, greeted them with smiles, and walked towards them.

Miyajiyu was standing by the car.

He heard the sound of Worry-free speech in the receiver——

"Master, I called to the archaeological institute. This geological company told them that the tomb of Li Yuanhao, the founding emperor of the Xixia Dynasty, wanted to seek cooperation and invest in excavation. The reason was that the chairman of the geological company David loved our culture very much. To get a glimpse of the mausoleum of the imperial tomb, the archaeology institute sent a veteran archaeologist Professor Wei Qingwen with ten archaeological doctoral students.

"Well, you keep talking."

"But I just talked to Professor Wei Qingwen and learned that he felt that this geological prospecting company did not look like a regular company, but they had a lot of people. The Archaeological Institute was just a few researchers. They didn't dare to conflict rashly, so I told Professor Wei, Your adventure travel just happened to be passing by, and you can help protect the archaeological staff, and he will come out to pick you up in person."

Gong Siyu understood.

This geological company did cooperate with the Archaeological Institute.

However, because the archaeological staff are weak and they are all researchers, and those foreign security guards have nearly a hundred people, Professor Wei Qingwen has noticed something wrong, and he is afraid. Now if they can enter in the name of protection, Professor Wei Will not disagree.

"Master, Professor Wei had a great friendship with me in the past. He knows who you are, so that's fine."

Gong Siyu hung up the phone, and the elderly Professor Wei Qingwen was already standing in front of him.

With a drenched towel on his head, his shirt was soaked with sweat, his skin was red and peeling from the sun, the old man was grey-haired, but in good spirits. This old professor looked like a poem and book. He was very good at learning. Conservative old man.

"Mr. Gong! Xiaobai told me about you. He used to have no money and worked part-time as a housekeeper in your house. Now you all live in the same building. He said... You happen to be exploring this area and he is worried about me going out. Outside, if you are coaxed by foreigners, let you bring your people over to ensure the safety of me and my students! Thank you! Thank you so much!"

Professor Wei Qingwen shook Gong Siyu's hand excitedly, and his words trembled.

Gong Siyu froze in place, nodded pretentiously, and cooperated: "We found this after a two-day journey. It should be... not late? Didn't those foreigners do anything excessive?"

Miyajiyu could see that the old professor was in a panic among the foreigners, after all, those who hired the company had weapons of destruction.

No wonder they were here, so happy, as if their lives were guaranteed.

"No, no, even they don’t know where the tomb is. They bombed the high hills in this wasteland with TNT. It has been bombed for two days and nothing was found, but these hills have been destroyed a lot, Danxia The landform has been formed for hundreds of millions of years. Once this is destroyed, it cannot be is a pity.

Under the guidance of Professor Wei Qingwen, Gong Siyu and his group of six vehicles drove neatly into the area enclosed by the barbed wire.

In the vast wilderness and hills, looking around, there are dark green tents within 100 meters, and there are many researchers, including foreigners and Asians.

From time to time, it was like hearing the deafening sound of a mountain exploding, and the sound of violent thundering vaguely from the command tent.

(End of this chapter)

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