Chapter 2045 kowtow

Linggui meticulously recalled the surrounding scenes when she first entered the hall of the underworld. She was surprised to find that just in front of the sarcophagus, there was a lotus kneeling pad on the central ground.

After they entered, the kneeling pad was filled with air and quickly oxidized, completely unrecognizable. Later when she revealed the identity of Zhong Chuyue and Chen You, it was burned by her ghost fire, leaving only a square black mark.

At first, Lingyu was wondering why a kneeling mat was placed in front of a sarcophagus without a corpse, but now staring at the scorched square trace on the ground, she thoughtfully walked to the charred position of the square kneeling mat and squatted down. Looking towards the front of the kneeling mat, he happened to see the middle of the side of the sarcophagus, where the Weiliang leaned.

Putting a kneeling pad here is for people to kneel, right?

Coincidentally at this time, Feng Jinxuan, who was studying the parchment scrolls and silk scrolls, found something. He strode to the spirit and asked, "Is there something in here?"

Ling raised her eyes in surprise and nodded, "Kneeling down on the mat, I accidentally burned it." She glanced at the parchment scroll and silk book that Feng Jinxuan was studying. These two things were given to Feng Jinxuan from the sarcophagus. Take it out, and then ask, "Did you find something? Can you understand the above?"

Feng Jinxuan nodded thoughtfully, nodded with complicated eyes, squatted down, half a body distance from Linggui, and said politely: "The silk book you gave me records the life of the sarcophagus owner. The main character of the sarcophagus was born by the founding sun **** of the Xixia Dynasty to sacrifice to Yelu in the early Ming Dynasty, a man who only existed in the wild history and only a few descriptions. The imperial family was cursed, and the offspring of Yuan Hao who cursed Yuan Hao would continue to kill each other and eventually destroy the country. This person is Yuan Hao's most trusted sacrifice, such as brothers and brothers."

"Oh, I understand, that's why he only has a cloak, and no body, because he set himself on fire."

Lingyu squatted in front of the burned kneeling mat, and asked Feng Jinxuan, "What is on the sheepskin scroll?"

"Good stuff." Feng Jinxuan smiled meaningfully at the spirit, "This Yelu was not originally called Yelu at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, but was called Zhuming, from the Northern Song Dynasty. During the war, he fled into the northwestern territory and was hunted down. Li Yuanhao rescued him. At that time, Li Yuanhao had not yet established Xixia, and although Li Yuanhao was cruel, he cherished his talents very much. He remembered Zhu Ming’s personal abilities and kept it for Yuan Hao. He changed his name to Yelu in the early Ming Dynasty. Send agencies to descendants."

"And this parchment scroll is the Mohist institution formation diagram written by Yelu in the early Ming Dynasty, and there are also the Mohist institution documents that have been lost for thousands of years. This tomb was built by Yelu in the early Ming Dynasty for Li Yuanhao. The hidden institutions are all Yelu. Designed in the early Ming Dynasty."

The sheepskin scroll is a treasure, and the Mohist organization formation map and Mohist organization documents are written on it, which is the painstaking effort of Yelu in the early Ming Dynasty.

The silk book is about this person's past.

"So?" Linggui listened for a long time, but didn't find any clues related to this kneeling pad in Feng Jinxuan's words.

But seeing Feng Jinxuan handing her the sheepskin scroll, pointing to the corner of the yellowed ancient sheepskin, he wrote a sentence in very small Chinese characters-knowing that the court is respectful, and respectful.

Courtesy? Respectful? Respect? Kneel down on the mat?

Lingki connected all these words together in his mind.

What came to mind suddenly!

She knelt down on the ground where the kneeling pad was originally placed, facing the sarcophagus, and bowed her head to the sarcophagus in a pious manner.

At this time, Wei Liang happened to be leaning in the middle of the sarcophagus. Huayu and the birds were helping him treat the wound. A Luo also kindly threw them a bottle of powder that can stop bleeding, but everyone was surprised to see the stunning woman. Which tendon was wrong, he knocked his head in the direction of Wei Liang.

The first kneeled down, got up, Lingyu looked around, nothing happened, but a group of people in front of her looked at her dumbfounded.

Gong Siyu even stepped forward to try to drag his daughter-in-law up, "What are you doing?"

"It's okay, don't stop me." Linggui signaled Gong Siyu not to stop, and continued to move towards the sarcophagus, which is the direction of Weiliang, and knocked the second head heavily.

Wei Liang's face was pale, he coughed, and said in a bad mood: "I'm not dead yet, what are you doing on my knees?"

Lingyu cursed while kowtow: "Get out! It's not you who kowtow. Take advantage of me."

When the words fell, she found that the second kneeling was still useless, and she exaggerated the third kneeling.

Underworld is silent...

They all kept kowtowing as if looking at the spirit convulsions.

Feng Jinxuan looked at Linggui amusedly and stopped: "Agui, maybe...not this..."

There was a "click".

There was a muffled sound from nowhere in the Ming Palace, and Feng Jinxuan was silent for an instant, looking at the spirit that knocked out the third ring in an incredible way.

The sound of a series of organ activation suddenly sounded. Just behind the center of the tomb hall's sarcophagus, there was a huge entrance to the ground with gorgeous relief murals in the style of the ancient Western Xia country, and the complete stone steps at the entrance extended all the way down.

In the incomparably dark passage, there were no corpses, ghost beetles, and no deadly organs. The silence was unbelievable.

Three ringing, no loss.

The spirit can bend and stretch, it doesn't matter at all. After standing up, he directly took out two light sticks from Miyajiyu's backpack, folds the light sticks, and lights up, throws them into the underground passage, and then summons them backhand. Her black rosette.

She ordered: "Lianlian, go in and find the way!"

The black lotus seat glowed with strange black and purple cold light, rotating in and disappearing without a trace.

Lin Jingyu stood there in astonishment, unable to believe, "This...this is all right?" He thought that they could not get out anymore, and they would have to waste ordinary efforts if they wanted to go deep into the tomb. It was cracked by Linggui so quickly.

The black lotus seat quickly rushed back and returned to the palm of Linggui. It turned bright and dark, and made a childish voice: "Little trick, the passage is not long, about 800 meters, there is no mechanism, and the end is a fork, and As we have come all the way, it should be the passage to the fourteenth floor, safe."

Lingyu nodded, turned and walked beside Weiliang, squatting down blankly, "Old man, we are going to go on, you have two ways, turn around, I will send you home immediately, if you still If you want to keep going, I don’t stop, but if you drag us back or have any thoughts that shouldn’t be there, don’t expect me to save you a second time. I am not a bodhisattva and I am not so kind."

All the arrows on Weiliang’s body were pulled out, and the wounds had been bandaged. Because of the spirit's tricky rescue, Aluo injected a lot of spiritual power into Weiliang to help him recover from the wound, so the wound was already unknowingly Heals quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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