Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 2047: Work together to break the gossip secret map

Chapter 2047 Work together to break the gossip secret map

Ling Wei never expected that after entering the Yuanhao Mausoleum, from the 14th floor to the 15th floor, there would be such an unprecedented huge mountainside space.

She clearly remembered that in the Yuanhao imperial tomb structure provided by A Luo, she had indeed seen a ravine drawn between the fourteenth and fifteenth floors.

The spirits chanted the curse silently, magnifying the black rosette infinitely, letting it fly into the air, shining on the vast abyss that straddles the two mountain walls.

She was shocked to see that on the cliff opposite the abyss, there were hundreds of black holes in Moyue. Those holes were all artificially carved caves, and the densely packed caves on the cliffs were like holes in a honeycomb. The holes, seemingly irregular, are actually arranged in a disorderly arrangement using gossip to form hundreds of caves.

Lingyu knew that with so many caves on the cliff, there was only one road leading to the real 15th floor. The other caves were all dead gates. After entering, one would either die or be seriously injured.

"It's such a big handwriting, so many caves have been dug on the cliff deep in the belly of the mountain. Compared with the tombs of the imperial tombs I entered before, it is more and more incomparable. I have never seen anything that can match this. In terms of scale, what kind of friendship was between Yelu and Li Yuanhao who repaired this ancient tomb for Li Yuanhao in the beginning of the Ming Dynasty?" Feng Jinxuan also exclaimed.

Lin Jingyu looked up, staring at the black lotus that had been haunting the spirits and became huge, glowing with a dark purple glow, shining on their heads, and through the purple light, it was clear that countless on the cliff opposite the abyss In the cave, he was dumbfounded and asked: "We are not going to choose one from so many caves to enter... If you make a mistake, there will be countless killing organs like just now, or something more terrifying than the previous organ..."

Gong Siyu, Lingyu, Feng Jinxuan, A Luo, Wei Liang and they all looked sideways at Lin Jingyu.

Gong Siyu smiled wickedly and nodded: "Yes, I'm getting better, I'm a little conscious."

Immediately, everyone looked at the spirits who knew the route, waiting for her to show them a clear way out.

However, Lingyu suddenly spread his hands, shrugged, and said, "Don't look at me, the structure map of the tomb that A Luo showed me does have this place, but the structure map is old and many places are ragged. , The handwriting is illegible, and it happens to be the same in this place, so I really don’t know which cave to enter, A Luo, you and your man are good at this, you look for it?"

we can only do this.

Feng Jinxuan nodded with a smile, and then he and A Luo were there to observe the terrain and the irregular arrangement of hundreds of caves on the cliff, looking for a way out.

Behind them, Qiu Jin, Lin Jingyu, Zhong Qin and others waited in silence.

It was the Wei Liang, who seemed to have discovered something in the dust on the side of the protruding stone platform, and limped to the edge. Because the arrow wound on his leg was still healing and was not fully healed, he could not squat down. , Reluctantly, can only turn around and beckon to the Huayu and the birds at the hidden door, calling people.

Wearing an exquisitely embroidered short jacket and a pleated half-length skirt, the flower language uses exquisite silver hairpins. Two strands of filaments hang lightly on both sides of the ears and temples. The beauty is clear and the eyes are soaked with a touch of chill , She glanced at Feng Jinxuan, who was focusing on studying the caves arranged in the cliffs, and finally walked with the birds to the gray-haired Weiliang.

Flower language: "Elder, what's the matter?"

The Weiliang stood there, looking down at the broken columns covered with dust and stone fragments on the ground, and said thoughtfully: "There should be something left on this broken stone column, and brush these broken pieces off the ground. Putting the dust together, there seems to be a lot of writing on it."

Huayu and Birds acted upon the order, and quickly pieced together the fragmented stones on the side of the stone platform.

Wei Liang held the protruding stone edge on the cliff and bent over, irradiated it with a high-beam flashlight, and took a closer look. As if he had found something amazing, he hurriedly called: "Feng Ye, Miss Aluo! Come look at this stone slab. The pictures and texts on this stone slab seem to be related to the hundreds of caves on the opposite cliff!" Wei Liang didn't understand the Xixia script, so Feng Jinxuan could only check it out.

When Feng Jinxuan and Aluo heard the words, they came to the slate that had been reassembled, squatted down and observed.

Linggui took back the black lotus seat, and walked with Gong Siyu to the intact slate that the Wei Liang had put together, but compared to Feng Jinxuan and A Luo, who were proficient in Qimen Dunjia and Gossip Yin and Yang, she and Gong Si Although Yu could see that the pictures and texts on the slabs were gossiping, they were not as proficient as Feng Jinxuan and the others.

The broken stone slab should have been placed on a broken stone pillar on the side.

The pictures and texts on the stone slabs are the key to cracking the numerous stone caves on the opposite bank of the abyss.

After observing for a while, Feng Jinxuan suddenly realized: “The cliff on the other side of the abyss leads to the cave on the fifteenth floor of the tomb. If you take the correct path, enter the cave to turn on the corresponding organs, and then you can find the right way out. If you make a mistake, you will fail."

Although the text on the slate is in Xixia script, the drawing on it is the eight trigram symbols of Zhenger's Eight Classics: Qian, Kun, Zhen, Gen, Li, Kan, Dui, Xun, corresponding to east, southeast, south, and southwest respectively. , West, Northwest, North and North East.

Seeing the location of the gossip on the stone slab, Aluo kept muttering to herself in silence: "Go on three lines, kun and six off, shake up the bowl, cover the bowl, leave the center empty, ridge full, meet the top and miss, and then go down; Gua Kan is located in the north, Gua Kun is located in the southwest, Gua Zhen is located in the east; Gua Xun is located in the southeast; Gua Qian is located in the northwest; Gua Dui is located in the west; Gua Gen is located in the west It is in the northeast; Li Gua is in the south..."

Feng Jinxuan stared at the weathered gossip pattern on the stone slab, looking for the sequence of the sequence, and then A Luo said: "The sequence painted on the stone slab is Kun, Li, Gen, Xun, Dui, Zhen, Qian Gua, Gua Kun, Gua Kan, Gua Xun..."

"But what do the symbols behind these hexagrams mean?" Aluo suspiciously wiped the dust off the slate.

"It's a number symbol in the Xixia script." Feng Jinxuan replied suddenly, and immediately looked at Gong Siyu and Linggui, "Siyu, Agui, you two go to the cliff cave on the opposite bank of the abyss to see the eight that corresponds to the gossip. Are there signs with Xixia numbers around the caves in this azimuth area!"

Lingyu and Gong Siyu didn't say anything, but did so, and the two took off in the air and jumped to the cliff on the opposite bank.

Gongsiyu found twenty caves with serial numbers 1-20 in the Qiangua position on the northwest of the cliff, and Lingyu also found twenty caves with Xixia numbers 1-20 in the northeast of Gengua.

(End of this chapter)

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