Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 2049: The towering temple in the imperial tomb

Chapter 2049 The towering temple in the imperial tomb

On Chen You's head, there was a shrunken bird-eating spider. His arm was bleeding and he had been simply bandaged. His pale complexion revealed embarrassment and alertness. After looking at the endless abyss below the cliff, his feet softly retracted his head. , Fell to the ground.

With a blood-stained face, Zhong Chuyue looked solemnly at Chen You who was sitting on the ground with a cold eye, condensed her eyebrows and thought: "They are down, it seems that the entrance to the next level is at the bottom of the abyss."

Chen You grabbed the bird-eating spider from the top of his head, hugged it in his arms, and calmed his breath. "Fortunately, I have the foresight to let the black tiger leave a mark on them with spider silk, so we can track it all the way, otherwise, we will not even I can't find the road, let alone the complicated methods in the tomb."

Zhong Chuyue’s sleeves and trouser legs were scorched in a lot of places, ragged, and she didn’t know where she hit her forehead. The wound was inflamed with abscesses. They only had two flashlights, and her luggage was long lost. She nodded when she heard it. , But made it difficult: "How can I get down at such a high level? I have limited abilities and I don't have the ability to fly over the wall."

Chen You smiled proudly, holding up the black tiger, the bird-eating spider in his hand like a treasure, and said: "We can't go down, the black tiger can take us down, it is my grandfather left me to protect my baby, what can I do? worried?"

When the words were over, the bird-eating spider in Chen You's hand suddenly changed back to a giant appearance, and it happened to be able to mount Chen You and Zhong Chuyue on its back.

The two sat on the back of the bird-eating spider Blackbird and hugged its forelimbs.

Under Chen You's order, the giant bird-eating spider quickly climbed down the cliffs under the stone platform, and disappeared into the clouds.


The end of the abyss, which has a drop of nearly a thousand feet, is the end of the river in the dry Helan Mountain wasteland.

Rich blue crystal mineral rock formations can be seen everywhere, and the water sources of the dark rivers converge into a tributary located at the bottom of the abyss, glowing with a dark blue color, mysterious and secluded.

When Lingyu and his group were sitting on the black lotus and sinking to the bottom of the abyss, they suddenly saw a giant stone gate that had just been opened at the bottom of the abyss. On the left and right sides of the stone gate, there were two ancient ancient statues. Buddha statue.

Everyone jumped off the black lotus seat. Immediately, the lotus shrank to the size of the palm of the palm, and then cleverly lingered around the spirit body, and flew up to the sky curiously, looking at the two giant Buddha statues on the left and right of Shimen, and then did not wait for the spirit to deceive. , Slid into the depths of the dark Shimen.

Lingki looked around, did not dare to enter, turned to Gongsiyu on his side, and said frankly: "Behind the stone gate is the fifteenth floor. It is three levels short of the main tomb hall in the center. I found it The farther behind this is, the more difficult it is to decipher the mechanism. Fortunately, Feng Jinxuan had obtained the structure diagram of the tomb before, otherwise our trip would be choking."

Because the customs clearance method marked in the abyss of the tomb structure map was old and dilapidated, Lingyu didn't know the mystery.

But then, the organs involved after entering this stone gate are clearly drawn in the structural drawings, so it will not be so difficult.

Soon, the black lotus sprang out of the stone gate and returned to Linggui, "Little Guier, safe! Come in!"

The group of them followed closely and directly entered the open giant stone gate.

Not long after passing through the tomb passage behind the stone gate, a magnificent ancient Buddhist temple in Xixia appeared in front of all of them.

Almost the moment they pushed open the bronze iron gate that had been in the dust for a long time, the ever-bright lights in the Buddhist temple in the mausoleum started to light up.

Resplendent and magnificent.

Large tracts of blue spirit glazed tiles cover the circular dome of the Buddhist temple in the tomb. Numerous night pearls are dazzling. In the magnificent golden temple of the Buddha, you can see giant statues of pure gold everywhere, and in the center of the temple stands a sacred statue. The eight-sided golden Buddha statue has eight sides, sixteen arms, and a strange shape. On the left and right sides of the eight-faced Buddha, there are eighteen Arhat Buddhas of different shapes.

Lin Jingyu was immediately stopped by the cautious Zhong Qin.

"Shock! You're so cheap! Don't be afraid to find something wrong, just in case you touch another mechanism! Everyone will have to suffer again!"

Lin Jingyu slapped the back of his hand, quickly withdrew it, and said with a cynical smile: "I just see if it's pure gold, it's really pure gold! It's not gilt gold-plated, solid gold Buddha statue! If it can Moving one back to Ningcheng, my Lin family will have nothing to worry about in this life!" As he said, Lin Jingyu slammed Qiu Jin's arm, "Big guy! Are you infinitely powerful? Or give it to your brother." I move back?"

Qiu Jin had a black face, "Get out!"

Lin Jing said: "Hehehe, why are you so fierce? I don't believe you are not touched, or let's ask A Luo Zuzong and Sister Gui, let them use those two beads to help us? Let's carry one by one. Go back and confess?"

At this time, walking in front of them, walking gently like a female ghost, Nalanyue with long hair and fluttering hair gloomily pointed to a ten-meter-high statue of Luohan Buddha with a grim expression: "Look... There are emeralds inlaid...and there are rubies under the lotus seat... how many can you get?"

Linggui couldn't listen anymore, looked back quickly, and coldly warned: "You can take it, if something goes wrong after taking it, solve it yourself, don't ask us to save it again! If you die, you can collect the corpses for you."

Lin Jingyu was just about to take a dagger to pry the dazzling gems on the Buddha statue. Hearing the cold and cold warning from the spirit, he retracted his hand anxiously, smiled awkwardly, changed the subject, and eased the atmosphere, "Hey! It's strange, this Xixia founding country Why did Emperor Li Yuanhao build such a large Buddhist temple in his tomb?"

Feng Jinxuan walked under the eight-faced Buddha, raised his head and stared at the golden body of the eight-faced Buddha. Hearing this, he said coldly: "It is not surprising that the emperor built a large temple in the mausoleum.

"But... why is it the Eight-faced Buddha instead of Shakyamuni Buddha?" A Luo murmured to himself, tilting his head up.

Spiritually admiring the Buddha unintentionally, with the help of the structure of the tomb structure in his mind, he bypassed the towering eight-faced Buddha and walked to the back of the temple.

Usually, a Buddhist temple is divided into front hall and back hall.

Ling Yu bypassed the eight-faced Buddha and pushed open the old lacquered and vermillion gates that connected the front and rear halls.

With a "squeak", the vermilion palace door slowly opened, and the water vapor and the strange Buddha incense filled the face.

Compared with the magnificent and magnificent front hall, the back hall seemed quiet and mysterious.

The water vapor is permeated, indicating that water is introduced in the apse.

Gong Siyu followed the spirits into the apse. Seeing that there was a fire canal on the side of the hall door, he snapped his fingers and ignited the dry kerosene in the fire canal. With a "clam", the fire canal was ignited, and the fire was lit. It extends all the way into the apse of the temple, and it is instantly reflected in the wide apse, presenting in front of Lingyu and Gongsiyu.

(End of this chapter)

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