Chapter 2053 Skin ulceration

How big is the six-winged colored back centipede?

Almost full of the tomb passage for three people standing side by side, the mouth covered with venom can swallow a whole person!

Seeing two giant centipedes rushing towards them!

Only less than one meter away from Linggui!

Ling Suddenly raised his arms blankly, chanting a curse, making seals with both hands, drawing a curse circle out of thin air, a black and purple circular mask suddenly appeared, and a giant centipede bounced away with a mask.

Behind her, Lin Jingyu and others showed horrified eyes, and Wei Liang was also extremely jealous and backed away frequently.

A Luo's eyes were full of excitement, and he threw the trembling long-eared mouse to Lin Jingyu, "Help me take care of it, not just two big centipedes, what are you afraid of!"

After the words fell, Aluo summoned the ghostly red lotus. A red lotus glowing with dark red aura in his palm instantly turned into a fiery red lotus sword. Aluo flew up, holding the lotus sword in his hand, and surpassed the ghostly light. Cover, Volley used a lotus sword to chop off the head of one of the giant centipedes!

The centipede's head was in a different place, and scarlet-green blood spurted out, showering everyone!

"A Luo, there is one more."

From the beginning to the end, the linguist used spiritual power to transform into a protective light, blocking the giant centipede attacking them, and preventing it from harming Lin Jingyu and others behind her.

Linggui signaled that A Luo could solve the other one quickly, but before A Luo volleyed up to the other one, the spiritual black lotus burst out with a cold black purple light, which suddenly became a squeeze. The huge black lotus in the tomb passage, in the dazzling purple light, the black lotus blossomed with petals, and the lotus heart became a black whirlpool, and it just swallowed another giant six-winged centipede that was constantly hitting the spiritual mask. Mind.


The sly black lotus swallowed another centipede directly.

Seeing this scene, Lingyu turned black for an instant, and yelled: "Eat everything indiscriminately! You are not afraid of eating out! Spit it out!"

With a "vomit", the black lotus honestly spit out the giant centipede corpse that he had swallowed, flashing purple light, "Lianlian hasn't eaten it, I want to taste it."

Her own woman is too sturdy and has no chance to take action. Gong Siyu smiled helplessly, and asked Feng Jinxuan for a paper towel, wiped Linggui's little face covered with centipede green blood, and chuckled and asked: "Is that good?"

Lianlian honestly floated into the arms of Ling Yu, and the lotus petals were withered, "It's not delicious, it's disgusting."

The red lotus sword in A Luo's hand changed back to the red lotus seat after killing the centipede. Unlike the black lotus, the red lotus was originally a highly poisonous thing. After seeing the poisonous centipede's corpse, it glowed red. , Inhaled the centipede corpse that Hei Lian vomited, and the poisonous blood on the ground. After licking it clean, he returned to A Luo's arms.

Behind him, Lin Jingyu, Qiu Jin, Zhong Qin and a group of people began to ulcerate slightly on the surface of their skin because of the centipede's blood.

Lin Jingyu thought he was poisoned, and was so frightened that he fell to the ground, cold sweat.

Lingyu turned around after cleaning up the centipede, and found that except for the Wei Liang, the faces, limbs, and skin surfaces of the other people, as long as they were stained with centipede blood, began to fester.

Fortunately, A Luo carried the medicine powder for the treatment of ulceration, and everyone's ulceration symptoms were relieved.

The long-eared mouse returned to A Luo's arms. It should have felt that the crisis was relieved. The whole mouse relaxed, using A Luo as his backer, shrinking it in the pocket on the side of A Luo's clothes.

After Lin Jingyu wiped the powder given by A Luo, he only felt hot and painful at the festering place, and leaned against the side of the tomb wall sadly, worried: "This poisonous blood will not penetrate my skin and enter my blood. Then I It’s just dead, right? Why is this tomb so dangerous? It’s scary."

The poisonous blood of the centipede corrodes the spirits, and the skin speed of Gong Siyu is not as fast as their healing speed, so there is no threat to them.

When Lin Jingyu was shocked, Lingyu took out a clean handkerchief from his pocket and wiped Gong Siyu's face, while venomously said: "You are dead, you have to wait till now? Can you give it to me? Shut up! You were the one who yelled to come in with us, baby, but you, if you're afraid of losing your life, mom will send you back now?"

Lin Jingyu narrowed his mouth and stood up, "Sister Gui, I just said, don't take it seriously."

After trimming it a bit, A Luo continued to make the long-eared mouse bigger, leading it, and leading the way.

"How long will it take?" Zhong Qin asked, walking behind A Luo.

A Luo pointed to the red-eyed long-eared mouse who led the way, "You have to ask it!"

Zhong Qin's words: "..." The mouse can't speak, how can I ask?

I don't know how many turns it took. Finally, the long-eared mouse stopped, looked back at A Luo, and kept making "creaking" noises.

A Luo understood, nodded, and called the Lingyu behind the cushion and Gong Siyu, and shouted: "The long-eared mouse means, at the end, it is this tomb door."

The ghostly black lotus and Aluo's red lotus are floating in the air, one red and one purple, illuminating the dark and gloomy tomb path, but because of these two auras, there is a strange force of evil, so At this moment, the surroundings at the end of the tomb, against the dark red and black-purple rays, felt like a haunted house in a horror movie.

The tomb door at the end was tall and wide, different from the other tomb doors they saw in the maze of tomb passages.

This door is entirely black, and the material resembles some kind of black gold rock. The shape is like an arched city gate in ancient times. It occupies almost the entire tomb wall at the end of the tomb. The door is carved with the tomb of the town and the intricate patterns prevailing in the ancient country of Xixia. The door was also engraved with dense Xixia script, except for Feng Jinxuan, everyone did not know the meaning of the writing on it.

And in the center of the tomb door, there is a golden organ similar to a keyhole, with exquisite unicorn patterns carved around the organ.

"This tomb door needs a specific key to open?"

Lingyu took a closer look and looked at Feng Jinxuan, but they didn't have the key!

Feng Jinxuan approached, carefully observed the Xixia text on the tomb door, and ignored the spirit.

A Luo also walked to the tomb door, but she was observing the keyhole on the tomb door.

She carefully observed the intricately crafted keyhole, then looked up at the huge dragon heads on both sides of the top of the tomb door.

In the dim light, the dragon head left and right, opening his mouth fiercely, facing her and Feng Jinxuan.

Seeing the keyhole in the tomb door, the Weiliang in the hidden door suddenly realized that there was an opportunity to show their skills, because the old man always felt that this way was only protected by the spirits, A Luo and the others. The opportunity to prove their hidden ability is really annoying. Now that the opportunity to show their skills comes, they must naturally be grasped.

Immediately, Wei Liang coughed slightly, and the old man said coldly: "Girl A Luo..."

(End of this chapter)

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