Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 2066: A "male corpse" like a mad dog

Chapter 2066, a "male corpse" like a mad dog

Feng Jinxuan seems to be as gentle as jade. Compared with Lingyu, Gongsiyu, A Luo and others, he talks a lot, but in reality it is not. In terms of coldness and unfeeling, Feng Jinxuan can definitely do anything with them. One person has one fight.

Lingyu knew that Feng Jinxuan would absolutely reject the request of Wei Liang, not only because Feng Jinxuan would worry about A Luo, but also because Feng Jinxuangui, as the director of the Three Realms General Administration, must lead by example. If a dying person is doomed, If you are the leader of the General Administration, he will not be able to save people, but he can only comply with the fate.

It's A Luo... Lingyu is a little uncertain.

A Luo seems to be jumping off, but she has a character that can't even understand Lingyu, not to mention what she is thinking, even what she wants to do, Lingyu can't see clearly.

A Luo was petite standing next to Feng Jinxuan, with a gloomy face, her teeth biting her lip, and staring coldly at Huayu's breath-like flower language. He never spoke. Hearing Huayu's pitiful words just seemed to stimulate her. A Luo quickly sneered: "The thing I can't stand for is your pitiful, innocent, nasty, nasty white lotus that has to pretend to be innocent and deceive everyone to sympathize, even It's dying, still like this!"

Lingyu approached A Luo and really agreed with A Luo.

After all, this Huayu gave up his life and saved Wei Liang, and with a few sensational words, he won the sympathy of everyone, and he attracted the unfamiliar Kurosawa Xiu to speak to her sternly.

Isn't this amazing and what is it?

"Today, if we don't save you in front of so many people in the fighting world, and we go out tomorrow, who knows what these people will say, A Xuan and I were not saved because of our grudges in the past. Are you sure? As long as you continue to pretend to be pitiful, will I or A Xuan save you?"

Hua Yu nestled in Wei Liang's arms, shivered by A Luo's icy words, and coughed up blood again, breathing hard, as if fainting.

"Axuan really won't save you." A Luo's face was stern, "because he can't save you." A Luo's smart little head naturally knows the reason for Feng Jinxuan's identity, and he definitely can't save someone when he sees death. "Agui and they have the ability to save you, but she and Gong Siyu have always had weird temperaments, and saving people depends on their mood, so! Only I can save you here."

The grandson of Emperor Qingwu, the princess of the underworld, Zen is located in Jiang Ziwen's female emperor of the underworld, the daughter of Emperor Killing.

These identities of A Luo can scare a group of people to death by just moving out.

Her special relationship with Emperor Ming made her absolutely not accountable even if she saved Huayu today, because no one would dare.

"It will cost you a huge price to save you!" A Luo slowly squatted down, met Huayu's weak eyes, and gave a sweet smile that made his back chill, "There must be such a person, willing to use it. His life, save your life, the death curse is a poison curse. You are just an ordinary person. The poison curse itself has seriously injured your three souls and seven souls. There must be such a person who is willing to sacrifice for you. His lifelong cultivation base will mend your fate."

As A Luo spoke, his gaze glanced at the old man Wei Liang who was holding Huayu.

When Wei Liang met Aluo's lightly smiling eyes, he immediately understood everything.

The old man was already exhausted and seriously injured, but he did not hesitate to look at A Luo firmly, "Since it is one life for another, there is only the old man! Huayu is still young, and a great future is waiting for her, old man Enough living...I'm coming, old man!"

Huayu no longer has the strength to speak, lying weakly in Wei Liang’s arms, she shed tears, and she kept shaking her head, opening her pale mouth, as if she was saying "No! Don't do this!"

With that said, Wei Liang used his few spiritual powers that he had not yet recovered to protect Hua Yu's heart, and used the Sleeping Curse to make her fall asleep.

"Senior! Let me come... I have a low life, it is not a pity to die, but you are different!"

The ugly dwarf bird hugged Wei Liang's arm, crying and pleading.

Weiliang caressed the top of the bird's head lovingly, "You and Huayu are both good children in the eyes of the old man, and they are both children who are hand-in-hand with the old man. In the future, if the old man is not there, your senior sister is proud of her temper. Get into trouble, take care of her for the old man..."

A Luo feels like a villain, she can't bear this kind of sensational scene the most.

She didn't understand why this Bai Lianhua was so fateful, he helped her speak one by one, and even the bad old man could sacrifice his life to save her.

She couldn’t stand it, she conjured her own dark pearl out of thin air, and opened a teleportation channel to send them back to the hidden door: "Take her back, late tomorrow night, I will go to the hidden door to find you, during this time, make sure she Just keep the last breath!"

"Then thank you!" Wei Liang picked up Huayu, and then, except for Lin Jingyu and Hei Zexiu, the other disabled people followed Wei Liang and left the Requiem Hall.

By the cliffs and waterfalls, most people are less people, and the atmosphere is quiet.

The transmission channel was closed, and A Luo took back the Mingzhu, with a gloomy face, standing alone on the edge of the cliff, not knowing what he was thinking.

Feng Jinxuan appeared behind her, suddenly hugged her into her arms, stroked her messy braid, bowed her head and kissed the top of her head, "If you don't want to save, you don't need to save it. , Did you hear that?"

A Luo narrowed his eyes, turned around, buried her small face in Feng Jinxuan's arms, and kept hitting Feng Jinxuan's heart with her small forehead, "Forget it, Ji De, who made my father kill the emperor and kill people without blinking? If I commit a heinous sin, even if I don’t want to recognize him anymore, I have to admit that his blood is flowing in my bones. I am doing good deeds. If I die, doesn’t it mean that I and my father are no different? "

This is the reason A Luo saves people.

A Luo and Feng Jinxuan hugged for a while, and when they turned around, they were surprised to find that Gong Siyu and Lingyu were squatting beside the "male corpse", and the rice dumplings that should have climbed along the cliffs and chains were also They cut off the chain and fell directly into the chasm, and disappeared.

The "male corpse" was bound by the magical curse of immortality, and the golden rope tied its five flowers. No matter how the "male corpse" struggled and madly, it could not break free.

What's strange is that the "male corpse" has been facing A Luo's direction all the time, seeing A Luo and Feng Jinxuan coming, rushing towards A Luo!

"I have also discovered this problem. This girl's target has always been A Luo. Only A Luo was behind me, so he has been chasing after me and killing him!" Ling looked suspiciously at the approaching A Luo, and said My doubts, "Why?"


As soon as A Luo walked to Lingyu's side, the "male corpse" grabbed A Luo's skirt like a mad dog, his dry lips kept open, as if trying to say something, but because of a dry throat, For hundreds of years of sleeping and failing to speak, I couldn't say a word at all.

Breaking news tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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