Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 217: A thrilling adventure with Lu Xingze

Chapter 217 A thrilling adventure with Lu Xingze

I have to say that the protection level of Wilson Biogenes is really high.

After leaving the experimental research area, Yuno and Lu Xingze took off their protective suits, led by a group of serious-faced security personnel, took the elevator to the researcher resting area on the upper floor, and entered the equipment under the supervision of the security personnel. Fully equipped bathroom.

After Ji Yuno entered the women's bathroom, Lu Xingze also used an excuse to make it easier to enter the men's bathroom.

In both male and female toilets, there are occasional internal scientific research personnel entering and leaving the company, but at the same time, more than a dozen security personnel are waiting outside because of Ji Yuno and Lu Xingze.

After entering the ladies' bathroom.

Yuno chose the most hidden single room, entered, and locked the door behind him.

Then, from the pink LV handbag he carried, he took out a paper figure cut into a human shape and painted her appearance and placed it on the ground.

Then, quietly.

Put **** together and put Shijieyin together, silently chanting the curse.

As the curse was urged, the paper people on the ground gradually transformed into "dummy" exactly the same as Yuno's appearance. With Yuno's proficient manipulation of curses, the strange purple light overflowed with his fingertips. , One after another complicated and strange runes were printed into the body of the paper doll.

The doll was activated, blinked, began to stiffly move its limbs, and resurrected.

The paper doll in front of him is a second-generation improved version of Yuno's hard work.

No bugs, more realistic.

Yuno imprinted the memory in his mind into the doll's mind with a spell, forming countless instructions.

Make sure that the doll in front of you won't be oolong like the first time, and won't wear both shoes.

Without further ado, he took off his clothes.

Let the puppet wear it in front of itself.

In the small space, Yuno was standing on the toilet, looking down at the doll who looked exactly like him. After seeing the doll wearing her clothes, she made sure that there was no problem, nodded, and then said to the doll: "Go Right."


Seeing the improved version of the bug-free doll, he skillfully opened the toilet door, slung a pink lv handbag, and walked out with a graceful gait.

After the doll left.

Yuno tiptoedly locked the toilet door back, then turned on the phone, clicked on [WeChat], and sent a message to Lu Xingze in the men's bathroom next door.

[Ji Yuno]: Chief Lu, I have done this, what about you?

Almost seconds back.

[Lu Xingze]: The doll is in place.

[Ji Yuno]: Then implement the next step plan. After fifteen minutes, the door will meet the secret signal.

In the bathroom, the real Yuno and Lu Xingzawa are squatting in their men's and women's restrooms, sending messages to each other.

All the clothes on his body were stripped for the doll to wear, and the two of them had nothing except the underwear.

And two dolls that look exactly like Ji Yuno and Lu Xingze.

He already walked out of the bathroom, followed by a security guard and left.


Just after fifteen minutes.

At almost the same time, two people walked out of the men's and women's bathroom.

A man and a woman, both wearing Wilson's Biogenes scientific research personnel's clothing, purple sterile lining, white coat, one side of the chest, holding a work card and access card.

The woman is tall, with deep facial features, blue eyes and brown hair. She should be a foreign hired employee. She wears a pair of black-rimmed glasses, her hair is arbitrarily coiled up, and she is smeared with purple lipstick. She looks like a scientific research **** female doctor.

On her certificate, it reads "A-level researcher of the genetic research department".

The man is tall and mighty, with rough features and plain appearance, but his eyes are sharp and cold, and his aura is very strong.

And on his certificate, it says "Director of Zone C of the Biochemical Research Department".

The two met.

Four eyes face each other.

They were expressionless.

"The king overwhelms the earth." The man's voice was rough, slightly hoarse.

Immediately, the woman smiled with deep blue eyes and curled her lips, "Chicken stewed mushrooms."

The next second, the two shook hands in a friendly manner.

Then without squinting, he left very naturally.

At the same time, in one of the most concealed toilets in the men's and women's toilets, each had a stripped naked body, his mouth tucked in his pants, and a five-stripe tied man, fainted, unconscious.

And the man and woman who just met.

On the other hand, the real Ji Yuno and Lu Xingze used complex and mysterious psychic disguise.

It turned out that before coming here.

Miyajiyu, Ki Yuno and Lu Xingzawa discussed.

A detailed infiltration plan was developed, with the intention of finding evidence that could prove that the female disappearance and death case was related to Wilson Biogenes, Dr. Townsend, and nothing to Do.


Deep underground research and experiment area.

The ubiquitous infrared face recognition cameras monitor everyone 24 hours a day.

Ji Yuno and Lu Xingze, disguised as scientific researchers, both put their hands in the pockets of both sides of their white coats, walking with wind, and aloof.

"We have to hurry up. What is the residual material that Chief Lu detected in the bodies of the dead and changed their bodies?"

"It is a component numbered G40, which has not yet been officially named. This component, injected into the human body for a short time, can cause mental excitement, extremely powerful than ordinary people, and stimulate the brain's potential, but the consequences of violent behavior are generally used for …Biochemical weapons, in China, only Dr. Townsend’s company is secretly granted the right to research."

Ji Yuno talked with Lu Xingze in a low voice, walking in the corridor like a maze.

"Since it involves human experiments, biochemical genes, the serial disappearance and homicide of women, plus Wen Yu's disappearance, it is impossible to be related to A Luo. You have contacted her, and you should have discovered that the little girl has no knowledge of world affairs and has the ability to take care of herself. People who are all 0, how can they participate in this kind of secret research at the cutting edge of science and technology? Also harm others? With her reckless and impulsive temper, it is absolutely impossible.

Ji Yuno and Lu Xingze stepped into the elevator.

Take out the access card, swipe it, and press the floor marked "Biochemical Zone C".

When the elevator door closed slowly, Lu Xingze then whispered again.

"I personally feel that this matter has nothing to do with A Luo, but now the Metropolitan Police Department and above are closely watching this vicious case. At present, all the known evidence and clues are directed at her. Now only find out that can overthrow these. The direct evidence of the crime, otherwise, A Luo is still a suspect, and the real murderer will still be at large. The five missing before, three are already dead, then plus that Miss Wen Yu, three are still alive, I have a hunch, if Without speeding up the investigation, I am afraid that their lives will not be saved."

Ji Yunao just wanted to say: Wen Yu is dead or alive, I really don't care.

But this has not been said yet.

The elevator dinged, arrived at the floor and opened slowly.

What appeared in front of them was the biochemical research area, a secret area with a high level of secrecy in the mouth of the white masked male "Fake Townsend".

Under the cold white light, on both sides of the weird and quiet passage, there are mercenary-level security personnel wearing white chemical suits, helmets, and holding firearms.

This battle was shocking!

(End of this chapter)

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