Chapter 2214 Bad News

It didn't take Huo Yiqiu's energy to resolve the reporter's sneak shots.

He quickly found his lawyer and asked him to come forward and settle the matter.

On the way back to the banquet hall, Du Ruoyu's hand was forcibly held by Huo Yiqiu, the kind that couldn't break free at all, but before reaching the banquet hall door, Du Ruoyu felt that his palm was wet.

She lowered her head and suddenly saw a lot of blood leaking from her fingers.

"Huo Yiqiu, you..."

She looked up in amazement and remembered the gunshot wound on Huo Yiqiu's arm.

"What?" Huo Yiqiu didn't change her face, lowered her eyes, raised her eyebrows towards her, "Did you say my injury? It's just cracked, it's not in the way."


Huo Yiqiu said he was all right, and Du Ruoyu was too lazy to ask.

After all, she didn't want to show that she cared too much for Huo Yiqiu to be misleading.


When they were about to re-enter the banquet hall, Huo Yiqiu was suddenly caught in a phone call and stopped in place.

"Mr. Huo, the call from the mansion servant is urgent."

An entourage handed the mobile phone, and Huo Yiqiu heard that it was the call from the Huo's Mansion and hurriedly picked it up with his other hand.

"Hey, what's the matter."

Tonight's banquet, except for his mother, Huo Lei and Huo Jinxuan who did not come, everyone else was present.

So the call came from the Huo’s Mansion, and it was so urgent that Huo Yiqiu was afraid of what might happen to his mother...

"Master! The old lady made all of us not allowed to go upstairs to disturb her after eating at night. Whoever disturbs will be fired. But now it's past nine o'clock. The old lady has the habit of drinking milk to sleep, but we knock on the door now. No, you should come back and have a look..."

Huo Yiqiu frowned, "I'll be back soon."

After Huo Yiqiu hung up the phone, he finally released Du Ruoyu's hand.

Du Ruoyu lowered his head, looking at his palms stained with blood, took out the handkerchief and prepared to clean it.

Huo Yiqiu prepared to leave without saying anything to her. It seemed that he was very anxious. The call was from the Huo's Mansion... In other words, maybe it was Aunt Huo's business?

She was stunned. Huo Yiqiu, who hadn't walked a few steps, thought of something and turned back. He pulled Du Ruoyu's hand and said, "Come with me."

"Huh?" Du Ruoyu had not had time to wipe off the blood on the palm of his hand, but he was shocked to realize that his palm was stained with new blood. It seemed that the cracked wound on Huo Yiqiu's arm was bleeding a bit seriously...

Huo Yiqiu walked to the elevator in a stride, and said: "The servant called and said that my mother had locked herself in the room and ignored anyone. I was afraid that something would happen, but she didn't want to see me now. I think you might be more useful than me. "

At least his mother would want to see Du Ruoyu.

"Uh, all right."

Du Ruoyu didn't think too much. Aunt Hoo had just experienced the pain of losing her husband. She might not be able to think about shutting herself in the room, she had to go. After all, Aunt Ho and Hobbo loved her very much before.

Huo Yiqiu left the hotel directly with Du Ruoyu, got in the car, and rushed back to the Huo's Mansion.

On the way back.

Du Ruoyu saw that Huo Yiqiu's wound was bleeding all the time, and suggested: "Would you like to treat the wound a little bit? You flow like this... dirty my skirt."

"..." Oh, the reason why feelings have to deal with the wound is because he soiled her skirt. This is a nice reason.

Huo Yiqiu took off his suit silently, rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, and stretched his arm towards Du Ruoyu.

Du Ruoyu asked the entourage sitting in the passenger seat to take a box of tissues, and then simply wrapped Huo Yiqiu with his handkerchief, and said indifferently, "Wait to your house, let the servant take care of it for you. "

after an hour.

Huo Yiqiu and Du Ruoyu arrived at the Huo Family Mansion.

At the gate, when the anxious butler saw Huo Yiqiu and Du Ruoyu go home, he was startled at first, and then he didn't care why the two would come back together, and directly greeted them.

"Master! Come with me quickly!"

Huo Yiqiu threw his suit to Du Ruoyu, and then rushed into the mansion with the old housekeeper and went straight to the room where Mrs. Huo had lived with Huo Tian for dozens of years.

Du Ruoyu kicked off his high heels and was also very anxious. He lifted the skirt, holding Huo Yiqiu's suit, and followed him in.

The second floor.

Mrs. Huo's room door was locked.

When the servant was looking for the spare key, Huo Yiqiu couldn't wait and started to forcibly hit the door.

If the door cannot be opened, use a kick.


The door was finally kicked open by Huo Yiqiu.

The inside of the room was pitch black, and it was quite disturbing.

Du Ruoyu almost rushed into the room with Huo Yiqiu.

The funny thing is that Huo Yiqiu didn't even know where the light switch in the room where his mother lived.

It was Du Ruoyu who reached out to turn on the retro crystal lamp in the dark.


Mrs. Huo lay quietly on the low and luxurious four-poster bed, covered with a thin silk quilt, with her hands dignified and folded in front of her.

Huo Yiqiu and Du Ruoyu one after another, ran to the bedside.

But with so many people coming in, Mrs. Huo, lying on the bed, did not react at all.

With Du Ruoyu's sharp eyes, she stared blankly at a glass bottle of sleeping pills on the bedside table. She reached out and picked up the bottle.

The medicine bottle is very light, and there is no sound of medicine particles shaking inside...

Du Ruoyu watched Huo Yiqiu stretch out his hand tremblingly, and reached into his own mother's nose.

Then, Du Ruoyu hurriedly opened the sleeping pill bottle and realized with amazement that it was empty...

"Send to the hospital! Hurry up!"

When the medicine bottle landed, Du Ruoyu had obviously realized something and forced himself to calm down in panic.

"What are you still waiting for! To the hospital! Go drive!"

She screamed towards the frightened servants behind her!

Du Ruoyu found Huo Yiqiu's fingers trembling slightly, and his face almost instantly paled.

"Du Ruoyu, my mother has no breath..."

She could almost hear the desperate tremor in Huo Yiqiu's voice.

Du Ruoyu stretched out her hand and probed for the pulse between the old lady Huo's neck, "Huo Yiqiu, it's not that she's breathless. It's shock. Auntie still has a weak pulse. Let's take her to the hospital!"

Du Ruoyu never expected...

Aunt Ho was actually taking medicine, and a few days after Hobbo left, she couldn't think so much that she wanted to leave the world with Hobbo.

Huo Yiqiu didn't even think about it, and immediately wrapped his mother in a quilt, and hugged him sideways.

The two rushed downstairs together.

The driver of Huo's Mansion also quickly started to drive.

Speeding all the way, speeding all the way.

But at the fastest speed, it took half an hour to get from Huo’s Mansion to the nearest hospital...

Mrs. Huo was rushed into the rescue room.

The moment the door of the cold emergency room closed...

Huo Yiqiu sat down on the ground leaning against the cold wall.

Du Ruoyu stood there in a panic, folded his hands together, and prayed on his back.

No, no more accidents...

(End of this chapter)

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