Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 2226: Give you a chance to explain

Chapter 2226 gives you a chance to explain

Du Ruoyu had never seen Qin Yong wearing a monk robe.

When she really saw it, she admitted that her heart skipped a beat.

He just sat meditating and chanting under the cherry tree without staining the dust.

The white monk's robe, which is so pure and without any decoration, is so light that it is almost dazzling. It is plain and unpretentious, but it is worn on his body. There is a lot of extreme mystery and sacredness in his bones.

The little monk who has always appeared in his dreams is Lao Qin? why?

"Come on, Yuan'er, let me introduce to you, the title is Wuyong, holy monk of Huguo Temple."

"Holy monk? He doesn't look too big... Why is he a holy monk? He is the abbot of Huguo Temple, Master Wuliang..."

"Brother, he doesn't look big, but his seniority is high!"

As he said, the handsome young man in brocade and garb squatted down beside the monk under the tree, and casually stretched his hand over his shoulder, "Brother Wuyong, I took my sister to see you, remember? Me and You mentioned that the strong woman who broke the emperor’s son, the Nine Princes, hahahaha!"


Du Ruoyu realized that these three people couldn't see him at all, so he became bold.

She heard that woman's brother call that woman... Yuaner?

The name Xue Yuan that Lao Qin called in his sleep last night also has a Yuan...

The monk who looked exactly the same as Qin Yong was silent, and slowly opened his clear eyes.

When I opened my eyes, the world was overshadowed.

His voice is like a cold spring in the mysterious mountains and rivers, as if it can brush away the distractions of people's hearts, "Amitabha, the benefactor must not mess around. Women are strictly forbidden to enter the back mountain of the Huguo Temple. If this is hit by the protector monk, the donor's sister can I'm going to suffer."

Wuyong sat there, like a superb jade Buddha, beautiful and spotless.

As a result, Du Ruoyu saw the girl from a distance, and squatted in front of Wuyong without fear, resting his cheek with one hand, tilting his head, and smilingly staring at Wuyong's flawless side face.

"Monk monk, it's a pity that you have become a monk with this face, but your face can attract those official ladies in the capital to bend their waists."

Wuyong didn't speak, but he turned his eyes slowly, his natural eyes filled with a bit of evil, and his eyes were clean and thorough. He stared at the girl squatting next to him with a smile for a long time, and then closed his eyes again with no distraction. Continue to recite his sutras and meditate on his Buddha.

Du Ruoyu stood there blankly.

Watching the brother and sister talking and laughing around the little monk, deliberately teasing him.

But the scene in the dream suddenly switched.

Almost every day in the future, the girl named "Yuan'er" would sneak into the Huguo Temple and enter the Houshan Forbidden Land to pester the little monk.

"Wuyong, don’t be a monk. It’s so boring to be a monk. You can’t see the prosperous world, and you can’t experience the various forms of life. Come with me. I will take you to the prime minister’s house. As a daughter-in-law?"

"Criminations and sins, Xueyuan donors don't want to be foolish."


"Wuyong, do you have a nun in the Huguo Temple? Or should I be a nun to accompany you? The nun and the monk seem to be quite right."

"Amitabha, the benefactor of Xueyuan must not be lying, and Huguo Temple does not accept female monks."


"Wuyong, my brother took the troops to the frontier. The emperor personally named him the marshal of Zhenbei. My father is just a son like him. Can you say he can come back safely?"

"Don't worry, Xueyuan donor, the poor monk must devote himself to chanting and praying for your brother, and bless him to return in triumph."


Nowhere is the scene constantly changing.

It was all scenes where the girl sneaked into the Huguo Temple to find Wuyong to play.

Until the scene suddenly turned into a dark and windy night.

Du Ruoyu saw the girl in his dream, dressed in night clothes and two subordinates, sneaked into the Huguo Temple with great skill, and quietly entered the Buddhist room where Wuyong lived, took out a sack, and beat Wuyong. Faint, put it in a sack, carried it away, and hid it in the prime minister's house.


The dream suddenly stopped here.

A thunderbolt thunderbolt down, awakening Du Ruoyu in his sleep.

She sat up in a cold sweat and watched the torrential rain pouring down outside the window, panting.

In the dark hotel bedroom, another thunder struck.

Suddenly, Du Ruoyu got goose bumps all over her body, because she was horrified to find that the door of the hotel bedroom was opened, and the thunder was lit for a moment, and a figure stood at the door, looking at her motionlessly.

Du Ruoyu almost screamed in fright.

But she suddenly felt that the figure was very familiar.

Then, she heard Qin Yong's low and faint voice: "Don't be afraid, it's me."

Du Ruoyu subconsciously turned on the bedside lamp behind him.

It really is Qin Yong!

He stood there drenched, with water dripping from his hair.

He didn't come in, just stuck there in a daze.

It was Qin Yong, Du Ruoyu was relieved, but she was still very scared, looking at Qin Yong a little angrily, "Are you crazy? Standing at the door looking at me like a ghost most of the night!"

Qin Yong stuck there like a big stupid man.

He was totally different from the spotless, peerless saint monk in the dream, a little embarrassed and a little lonely.

"I..." Qin Yong stopped talking, lowered his head, and saw that he was soaked and didn't want to stain the carpet, wanted to enter, but didn't dare to enter, "I have been waiting for you to go home, and I won't see you until the early morning. When I come back, I will come out to find you..."

Then he found out that Du Ruoyu actually lived in the hotel alone.

I found the hotel all the way.

Du Ruoyu curled his eyebrows and looked at Qin Yong, "How did you come in?"

"Climb the window."

"This is the forty-sixth floor!"

Du Ruoyu was in shock and had a bad tone, but when she calmed down, she thought at first glance that Qin Yong was not an ordinary person, wouldn't it be strange that he could climb the forty-sixth floor?

Seeing Qin Yong not speaking, Du Ruoyu took a deep breath before coldly apologizing, "I'm sorry, I was scared. I might not speak well."

Fangcai's dream disturbed her thoughts.

Du Ruoyu was very confused at this moment.

Therefore, there really was a woman named "Xue Yuan" who existed, and that monk who looked exactly the same as Qin Yong was called Wuyong, and Qin Yong was indeed a monk before...

So, the woman he loves is the one named Xueyuan, not her, is that true?

Only because she and that woman have exactly the same looks, Qin Yong is just...

The more Du Ruoyu thought about it, the colder his heart became.

A few days ago, I was still dissatisfied with the status quo. I felt that the relationship with Qin Yong lacked substantial progress, lacked the dispute and sweetness between ordinary lovers, and was always separated from him by a sense of intangible distance.

Now she understands everything.

"Qin Yong."

Du Ruoyu buried his face between his palms and called out tiredly.

"I...I'm here."

"You still have nothing to say to me?" She gave him one last chance to confess.

(End of this chapter)

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