Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 2232: Being your woman will not end well

Chapter 2232 is not a good end to being your woman

The dark basement corridor, this psychiatric hospital should be a little old, so the wall of the hospital’s ground floor is inaccessible to the sun, the wall is peeled off, the ground is covered with moisture, the iron door of the confinement room is also rusty, and the door is square. The narrow glass window is covered with a diamond grid to prevent the patient from breaking the glass and injuring himself with glass slag.

Du Ruoyu stood at the door looking at the confinement room unconscious. Even the doctor said that someone came to see her. Shen Yu ignored her. After watching for a while, she felt bored and planned to leave.

Just when Du Ruoyu looked back at Huo Yiqiu, turned sideways to leave...


The iron door of the old confinement room was slammed from inside.

Du Ruoyu was so frightened that he turned his head subconsciously and met the face suddenly exposed in the glass window in the middle of the iron door.

Shen Wan was looking at her gloomily through the iron bed that was protected by layers.

The soundproofing of the confinement room is very good, and Shen Yu's voice can be heard inside.

"Du Ruoyu? Du Ruoyu, why are you here!"

Du Ruoyu stepped back in fright, her high-heeled shoes were unstable, and she leaned back. Fortunately, Huo Yiqiu quickly gave her a hand.

Huo Yiqiu's hand rested lightly on Du Ruoyu's waist, Du Ruoyu curled his eyebrows, stood firmly again, and threw away his hand.

"Spread your trotters away."

"I helped you with my heart. I don't want you to fall down. You scold me like that?"


Du Ruoyu ignored Huo Yiqiu, and ignored the emotional Shen Yu who had been patting the door, and walked toward the end of the dark corridor.

She doesn't want to stay here for a minute!

The two behind them are "madness"!

As soon as Du Ruoyu left, Shen Yu naturally saw Huo Yiqiu, who had been standing on the edge of the dark light before, through the doors and windows.

Seeing Huo Yiqiu's Shen Wan, he was stunned first, then cried and laughed, making him crazy.

"Yiqiu, Yiqiu, take me home..."

"I know I was wrong, I will never dare anymore."

"From now on, our family of three will live a good life, okay?"

Shen Wan kept patting the door, and outside the door, three male nurses and the director of the mental diagnosis and treatment center stood there with indifferent expressions.

Shen Wan saw no response, and the aggrieved cry gradually turned into a threat of madness.

"Huo Yiqiu! Huo Yiqiu, what are you keeping me here!"

"Huo Yiqiu why are you with Du Ruoyu! What did you do behind my back!"

"Did she seduce you!"

"Huo Yiqiu! You killed our children! I want to kill you! Kill Du Ruoyu! I want to kill all of you!"


Shen Yu's words were fierce, and in the end he started to hit the rusty iron gate with his head frantically, with a hideous expression.

Huo Yiqiu was expressionless throughout the whole process, with his hands in the pockets of his suit trousers, coldly watching Shen Yu, who was mad, without saying a word.

"Mr. Huo, the patient is sick, shall we... still go up?"

Huo Yiqiu glanced at the dean coldly from his side, with a dark sneer flashing at the end of his eyes.

Seeing Du Ruoyu walking away, he turned sideways and followed in stride.

Suddenly he didn't hear the screams from the iron gate behind him.

The look in Shen Wan's eyes was like a stranger who had never met before.


Huo Yiqiu quickly caught up with Du Ruoyu, who had left the hospital on the first floor and was leaving outside the hospital hall.

"Why do you walk so fast, afraid?"

Huo Yiqiu appeared beside Du Ruoyu and asked with a smile.

Du Ruoyu glanced at Huo Yiqiu displeasedly, saying that it is impossible not to be afraid. Just now, Shen Yu went crazy and looked like a life-desiring female ghost, but even if she was afraid, she would not say that she did not want to be in front of Huo Yiqiu. Show weakness.

"Are you going to keep Shen Wan here for the rest of your life?"

In the afternoon, the sun was still venomous and the temperature was high. Du Ruoyu didn't want to stay outdoors. He sat in the car with the air conditioner on. After instantly relaxing, he took out a tissue from his bag, wiped his sweat, and asked casually.

"Whether it can live that long is still unknown."

After Huo Yiqiu got in the car, the driver restarted the car and returned.

They are going back to the Imperial City for lunch.

Du Ruoyu wiped her sweaty hand, and paused after hearing Huo Yiqiu's answer. She looked at Huo Yiqiu incredulously, was silent for a while, and sneered: "You mean, you don't want her to live that long?"

"This is your own understanding, I didn't say that."

Huo Yiqiu shrugged, with a smile that was unclear.

But your words will be misunderstood!

Du Ruoyu held her forehead and felt that Huo Yiqiu was a "devil". She laughed dryly and said bluntly: "It's really miserable to be a woman. When you fall in love, you are like a conjoined baby. Spoil her to the sky and would rather oppose the whole world. When you don’t love, you drive people crazy and put them in a lunatic asylum, even your children are not let go. Although Shen Yu is not a good thing, but I suddenly think she is very pitiful. "Pity she blindly fell in love with you .

"No, I have to justify myself." Huo Yiqiu paused and said with a cold smile, "You are the mother of God, usually as long as it is a woman. This is understandable, but you are not me, you can't experience it personally. When it comes to my pain, think about it in another way. If I indirectly kill your father, I will still be the one you love, the one you believe in, and then before the death of your father, you suddenly discover that you love not me but my money. And status, what would you do?"

"I will want to kill you."

Du Ruoyu replied without thinking about it. When the words were uttered and could not be retrieved, she was stunned and looked away without complacency.

Huo Yiqiu didn't say anything, but smiled and stretched out his hand to pat Du Ruoyu's head, "Look, so don't try to bring your subjective consciousness into other people's lives, because you are not him, you have not experienced For all that, don’t talk ridiculously, Shen Yu is not miserable, I am not miserable, we all take the blame and deserve it."

When I returned to the Imperial City, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

Du Ruoyu wanted to say that he would not go to dinner with Huo Yiqiu.

But Huo Yiqiu asked the driver to lock the car and refused to let her go.

"For your sake, I pushed the meeting all afternoon, and I said it was good to have a meal together. You won't even give up face?"

"It wasn't that I asked you to take me to see Shen Wan."

Du Ruoyu put down his bag, slumped on the back seat of the car, giving up resistance.

"What to eat?"


"Emperor does not have this kind of dish name."

"I want to eat seafood stalls, which is 100 yuan per person, which can be eaten until dark, have you eaten?"


Du Ruoyu remembered that Huo Yiqiu never seemed to touch this kind of food that was neither nutritious nor hygienic in his opinion.

After Du Ruoyu gave the driver a gear address in the old town, when they were going to the destination, Du Ruoyu's cell phone rang, indicating that there was a text message.

She subconsciously took out the phone, naively thinking that it was Qin Yong's message to her.

Seeing the bank transfer prompt, I felt disappointed and shocked.

It was Huo Yiqiu's billion transfers...

So fast?

It stands to reason that such a huge transaction cannot be done in a week.

But...for such a short time...

(End of this chapter)

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