Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 2244: Do you think i'm sick

Chapter 2244 Do you think I'm sick

Bailijia not only serves the special case department, he was only temporarily arranged by the elders of the family to experience it. In modern society, this form is equivalent to starting from the bottom, so that after he graduates from the school of magic and law, Just make preparations in the General Administration of the Three Realms. He won't stay for a long time. Even so, it doesn't mean that he will do things casually.

The General Administration of the Three Realms clearly stipulates that when dealing with ordinary people who have no spiritual power in the outside world, they must never reveal anything about ghosts.

Bailijia didn't understand why a mature woman who seemed to be her own age but dressed up would suddenly ask him the question "Do you believe there are ghosts in the world", but he chose to keep it.

"It just occurred to me that I wanted to ask your opinion, so do you believe there are ghosts in this world?"


Bailijia followed Du Ruoyu's flyover, and underneath was a congested six-lane road. The sun became stronger and the temperature gradually rose. He was silent and did not intend to bother about this issue.

But Du Ruoyu did not intend to skip this topic.

"Huh? Believe it?"

The stubbornness of Du Ruoyu, the subject of protection, caused Bai Lijia to subconsciously twist his eyebrows, and his lack of patience flashed under his eyes. In desperation, he could only answer perfunctorily:

"I am in awe of anything unknown, but seeing is believing, so believable is not."

"..." It was like no answer.

Ten minutes passed when Du Ruoyu took Bailijia to his original design shop.

She opened the store, watered the flowers and grass, turned on the central air conditioner, sprayed perfume in the space, and then made a pot of tea for Bailijia, who was standing at the door as the doorman, and let him come in and sit down.

There were no reservations for guests in the morning, and the assistant in the store was still stuck on the road. Taking advantage of his free time, Du Ruoyu sat at the Rococo coffee table next to the shop window, drinking coffee, and chatting.

"I haven't asked why you suddenly showed up and said you want to protect me? I'm just a tenant, and I don't seem to be threatened."

Du Ruoyu has many strange points.

What exactly does the department in their establishment do? She had never heard of it.

Who would climb the 78th floor in the middle of the night just to come and protect her? She is not in danger, and she has just moved into that murderous house. How could she be known so soon? If it weren't for a caring person to pay special attention behind her back, it would be impossible to protect her safety in such a short period of time and so much trouble!

"You thought you were not threatened, but in fact you have been in crisis since you moved into that haunted house. We will not harm you, so there is no need to ask more."

Don't ask, you won't even ask.

What are you talking about? The former owner of your haunted house turned into a ghost after death, killing many people? If you live in her lair, if you are found out, I'm afraid you will have life worry?

It is still the murderer who lives in the murder house that has not been captured so far, and it is likely to return to the scene. This is a very dangerous thing.

"But I am qualified to know the truth?"

"For details, you can ask him when the section chief comes. I'm just an intern, and I don't deserve it."

Bailijia successfully threw the pot to the head of the mountain ghost, and drank the tea casually.

The more Du Ruoyu thought about it, the more wrong she became. She always felt strange, suddenly thinking of something, curled her eyebrows and asked coldly: "Qin Yong asked you to do this?"

Du Ruoyu really couldn't think of the reason, and to protect his own safety, he could do so, only Qin Yong could do it after thinking about it.

Bailijia was tasting the tea, his young and old gazes did not waver, he glanced at Du Ruoyu when he heard the words, and shook his head slowly: "Who is Qin Yong?"

It is not the first time that Bailijia has done something like garlic.

No one in the Three Realms knows the name Qin Yong, but usually no one dares, and no one will call his name directly.

This woman is very bold...

However, the news that Bailijia obtained from his own channel is that the shadow of King Chujiang is indeed in the human world, and this married woman does have an entangled relationship with King Chujiang. As for the ties, he is not interested in further investigation. .

"Didn't he send you here?"

"You think too much. The Special Cases Division is not a bodyguard agency."

"..." Oh, is that so? That may really be because she thinks too much.

Du Ruoyu thought, and subconsciously looked at the mobile phone placed on the coffee table.

It has been more than twenty-four hours since she moved out of the building, but Qin Yong never contacted her.

But that's right, she let him go, and even left without saying goodbye. Why does he have to contact her? She was also the one who said he was leaving, but she was also the one who wondered about him.

She is so cheap.


Bailijia was young but seldom spoken. He just sat in Du Ruoyu's shop as a door-god in the morning and ignored people. When it was time to change shifts, he immediately disappeared.

In the afternoon, Kurosawa Xiu came to protect Du Ruoyu.

He wears very casually.

With **** pants, a white vest, and a pair of wooden flip-flops, people who don’t know would think that he is a **** if he is not good-looking and fair-skinned.

"Are you from an island country?"

Du Ruoyu listened to Kurosawa Xiu's accent and said with confidence.

"Although it is, I love this land and its culture."

"The police officer doesn't seem to accept foreigners?"

"It is said that our department is specially organized."

In the afternoon, when Kurosawa Xiu came, Du Ruoyu was measuring the size of the clothes for the ladies of the imperial capital who had made an appointment.

It was already five o'clock in the evening when she was finished.

Kurosawa lay on the fabric sofa and fell asleep with eyes closed. If he didn't snoring, and it didn't affect Du Ruoyu's business, she really wanted to get people out.

For dinner, Du Ruoyu ordered a takeaway, and by the way, he also ordered the one that helped Hei Ze Xiu.

The employees went out to have a lunch, and only her and Kurosawa were left in the shop during the break.

"Why do you have to protect me?"


Kurosawa put his hands together and said, "yitadakimasu." He started to move.

"Actually, I don't need your protection, you see nothing happened this day."

"The vicious murder occurred in the single apartment where you lived. Now that the murderer has not been arrested, he may return to commit the crime again, and he has more than one life in his hands. It is necessary to be cautious."

When talking about the murderer, Du Ruoyu stopped chewing.

"You Ke said it is very special, how special is it?"

"It is difficult for ordinary people to understand, there are cases where there are weird phenomena, and phenomena that cannot be explained by science are collectively called special cases, and they will be referred to us for investigation.

Kurosawa took a bite of the fish steak and drank a beer with a refreshed expression. After glancing at Du Ruoyu, he swallowed the food and asked, "What's wrong? What's wrong with you?"

Du Ruoyu wondered whether to help them find the murderer without being protected like this every day. After careful thinking, he approached Kurosawa Xiu and said mysteriously: "If I told you, I dreamed of the murderer’s true face, would you not Do you think I'm sick?"

(End of this chapter)

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