Chapter 2285

"I'm still saying that, you only have seven days. You can show your face in front of your parents and even Huo Yiqiu, but you must act in accordance with everything Qingdai arranged for you, and you can't expose any flaws."

"Thank you, Qin Yong."

Qin Yong ignored Du Ruoyu, his indifferent figure disappeared before Du Ruoyu's voice disappeared.

Qing Dai returned to the Underworld before he had time to rest, yet another mission came.

I thought it was a difficult and high-risk task, but I didn't expect it to be the "nanny" of Chujiang King's "White Moonlight" temporarily. This kind of idle work was so happy that he directly pulled Du Ruoyu and left Chujiang Underground Palace.

Qing Dai took out an invisible cloak for Du Ruoyu to put on, then used the Mingzhu to open the transmission channel, and in the next second, Du Ruoyu appeared in the hidden woods of the hospital where she physically lived.

"Have we met somewhere?" Du Ruoyu kept staring at Qing Dai's face, but couldn't remember.

"Maybe, but does it matter?"

Qing Dai glanced at her watch and smiled at Du Ruoyu's seductive charm.


"It's twelve o'clock at noon, and I will use magic to stop your real body from beating. Then the doctor will declare you dead as the rescue is invalid. After your body is pushed to the mortuary and parked, we will take advantage of this. Time is lost, you pretend to be resurrected by a miracle, and walk out of the morgue by yourself, I will take your physical body, understand?"

Qing Dai had already thought of this foolproof method, and after adding the contact information of the Three Realms mobile phone with Du Ruoyu, Qing Dai began to implement the plan.

But when the plan was implemented, many "troubles" were encountered.

Qing Dai asked Du Ruoyu to wait in the grove alone.

She went to the intensive care unit invisible, casting spells to separate the remnant soul possessed in Du Ruoyu's body.

The moment the remnant soul left Du Ruoyu's body, the heartbeat monitor and other medical machinery in the intensive care unit started to alarm.

The nurses and doctors in the critically ill area were in place at the first time and rescued Du Ruoyu's body in all aspects.

It happened that Huo Yiqiu was in a wheelchair to see Du Ruoyu with the help of medical staff.

As a result, he was hit by Du Ruoyu's heart stop and no pulse, which declared death.

At the moment Du Ruoyu was declared "dead", Huo Yiqiu couldn't accept it, and snarled hysterically at the group of doctors.

"Continue to rescue! Don't stop! I'll give you all the money!"

"Mr. Huo, we have used all the methods, sad..."

In stealth, Qing Dai watched Huo Yiqiu, who was sedated and carried away by the sedative injection, watching Huo Yiqiu, who was sedated and carried away on the spot. She watched the scene completely.

Then, Qing Dai watched the medical staff remove all the instruments from Du Ruoyu's "physical body", covered it with a white cloth, and sent it to the morgue. She flashed away and left the floor.

Du Ruoyu has always been obediently wearing an invisible cloak, hiding in the grove and waiting for Qing Dai.

When Qing Dai appeared, she stood up excitedly, "How is it?"

"OK! Follow me."

Qing Dai led Du Ruoyu to the mortuary on the fourth floor of the hospital.

The body of Du Ruoyu who was temporarily parked in the morgue was found in the morgue where there was no one.

Qing Dai vigilantly walked to the door of the morgue, glanced out of the small glass window, and then urged Du Ruoyu to say: "Hurry up! Change your own hospital gown and put it on. No one is here yet. Hurry up! If you change it, lie down and play dead."

"Oh, good!"

Du Ruoyu obediently followed suit, quickly stripped off the gown from his flesh and put it on his body, then pushed his "corpse" to the ground with difficulty, climbed into the morgue, lay flat, and covered the white cloth. Own face.

Du Ruoyu, whose face was covered by the white cloth, did not dare to express his nervousness, "A-dai, I'm all right, now?"

Qing Dai took out the Mingzhu, opened a transmission channel, picked up the gradually stiff corpse on the ground, and took away Du Ruoyu’s mobile phone from the Three Realms, and said: "At twelve tonight, I will wait for you in your apartment. Next, give full play to your acting skills and remember! Don’t let the doctor check your body, it’s easy to reveal yourself."

"Then am I going out now, or do I have to wait a while?"

"Look at your mood, I withdrew."

When the words fell, Qing Dai carried Du Ruoyu's body, retracted into the transmission channel, and disappeared into the morgue.

One hour after Du Ruoyu's body stopped beating and declared dead...

In the morgue of the hospital, a barefoot woman in a hospital gown walked out slowly and appeared on the surveillance screen.

When the management in the morgue saw this scene, they fled in fright...


Huo Yiqiu, who was injected with a tranquilizer, woke up at 4:10 in the afternoon.

When he woke up, the tearing pain in the back of his waist made him breathe in cold air, but the pain from the wound couldn't match the dull pain of the heart.

So, Du Ruoyu is really... no more?

He still couldn't believe it.

When he woke up, his good hair brother Mo Wenxuan and his younger brother Huo Jingchen were in the ward, and their expressions were indescribable... strange.

Wait, strange?

His wife is gone, shouldn't it be sad?

"You are awake." The young and deep Huo Jingchen walked to the side of the bed and shook the bed, "The wound is lacerated and infected, and the fever is 39 degrees. Don't die again, really."

"Help me out of bed..." Huo Yiqiu gritted his teeth and stood up, "I'm going to see Du Ruoyu." The last side.


Huo Jingchen's expression froze, Mo Wenxuan approached with a complicated expression.

"That still have to..."

"I'm going to see Du Ruoyu! She can't die like this, I don't believe it!"

Huo Yiqiu's face was pale and weak in speaking, but his stubborn energy was like a bull, and no one would listen.

Mo Wenxuan couldn't laugh or cry, "She, she's alive..."

"I'm going to see her...I..." Huo Yiqiu was taken aback and looked at Mo Wenxuan in disbelief, "What did you say?"

"Oh! I don't know how to say it. The people in the hospital were terrified this afternoon. Go and see for yourself..."

Mo Wenxuan pushed Huo Yiqiu, who was in a wheelchair, to the single ward of the inpatient department with Huo Jingchen.

Unexpectedly, once they got here, their way was blocked by many media reporters.

Many medical staff gathered at the door of a ward to discuss.

When Huo Yiqiu was here, many reporters recognized him and stepped forward to interview, but they were all stopped by the sudden appearance of hospital security.

Huo Yiqiu still felt that he was dreaming.

Until his wheelchair stopped outside the door of the ordinary single ward.

He heard the conversation inside.

"Miss Du! We must do a comprehensive inspection for you, please cooperate with us..."

"I said I'm okay, I'm really okay, no need to check, okay? I want to be discharged!"

"Miss Du, waking up does not mean that you are healthy, you must be checked before you can..."

"Why don't you understand human words?"

"Xiaoyu...Listen to mom, check first, let's do a check, so mom can rest assured..."

(End of this chapter)

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