Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 2314: Such bad ideas can only be imagined

Chapter 2314 This kind of bad idea can only be imagined

Qingyao Ji gave a sly look, she didn't show her affection, "Your old lady is not that delicate, so your stinky father treats me like glass and thinks it will break when touched."

Qing Yaoji dragged the temporarily fainted Empress Sheng Xiao to the bed of Eight Steps, and threw it down, and slapped her a few more times. She stopped her hand when her cheeks swelled, she looked like a peerless woman Big shrew.

In fact, Qing Yaoji didn't talk to Lingyu too much about her pregnancy.

The reason why she was pregnant with the third child was completely accidental. Qing Yaoji didn't want the child. She felt that she was content if she was spiritual and silly, but Lingtian insisted on leaving the child.

He felt that he had missed the precious and painstaking period of Qing Yaoji’s sacred spirit and Lingshang. Qing Yaoji survived on her own, very guilty of herself, so this third child, Lingtian didn’t want to miss it again. He wanted to accompany Qing Yaoji from the beginning of her pregnancy to childbirth, until they brought the children together... This was an experience that had never been experienced before when there was spirituality and spiritual sorrow.

A Luo followed Lingyu all the way.

"Don't slap her in the face. It swelled up like a pig's head for a while and made people suspicious." Linggui stopped his mother, and then reached out to A Luo, "I will let you do things."

"Yes, yes! Take it with you." A Luo took a long time from the large cloth bag that was slanted across him, then took out a small red porcelain bottle and gave it to Linggui.

"Made by Yaoshen? Is it easy to use? How effective is the medicine? Is it powerful? Don't wake up suddenly when the medicine is not strong enough."

Lingyu opened the small red stopper of the bottle, did not hear, squatted down, pried the stunned Shengxiao, and poured a whole bottle of powerful hypnotic.

"Don't worry! I took it from Emperor Baimei. He said that the **** of medicine secretly made extra money. He made a lot of hypnotic water on consignment and sold it in the old man's shop. The effect is absolutely ruthless. At least one bottle of this can sleep for a day. Ordinary people drink it. I'll just sleep forever and belch."

Qing Yaoji stood by and watched the two little girls come and go in front of her. She really couldn't guess what they were going to do, but she could feel that it was definitely not a good thing...

After pouring a whole bottle of powerful hypnotic, Lingyu squatted there and gave A Luo a look.

A Luo nodded knowingly, and immediately formed a seal with both hands, and opened a layer of hidden barrier within a radius of 50 meters.

Even if someone broke in suddenly, they couldn't be seen, only the illusion of Empress Shengxiao lying on the bed to prevent them from being exposed.

After finishing the arrangement of the enchantment, the spirit cursed silently, and his **** quickly formed a lotus mark, and when the black and purple aura emerged, the psychedelic curse was injected into Sheng Xiao's brow.

Sheng Xiao, who was under the psychedelic curse of the spirit, sat up slowly in a coma under the control of the spirit, closed her eyes, her expression was like a demented woman, laughing for a while, crying for a while, compassionate for a while, crazy for a while, Still thinking about it...

"Yuan'er is back... Yuan'er..."

Linggui cast a psychedelic curse on Empress Shengxiao.

And the purpose of this psychedelic curse is to hypnotize the unconscious Holy Xiao and create an illusion scene that does not exist at all.

The illusion in this scene is that Lingyuan agreed to marry the goddess clan Sheng Xiao asked him.

It's just that Lingyuan and his marriage partner ran into trouble, and the goddess family could not successfully conceive.

With the help of Shengxiao Empress, the fertility goddess, Lingyuan's "wife" successfully conceived.

And Linggui is planning to take advantage of the "illusion" created by this psychedelic curse to puppet the holy heaven, making her in the illusion mistakenly believe that she is casting a spell on her daughter-in-law to help her get pregnant, but in reality, the real The person who was casted with the spell was Du Ruoyu.

Because Du Ruoyu was unable to come to the God Realm, Lingyu deliberately asked her for a personal token, a handful of hair, and a few drops of blood before coming, and stored all these things on a straw doll.

Lingyu is now concentrating on casting spells.

A Luo just stood aside.

Qing Yaoji looked puzzled, and hugged A Luo on the side, "You explain to Aunt Qing Yao what you are going to do?"

"Oh, it's like this. I know a new girl, she's pretty good, she is the lover of Qin Yong, the second king of the underworld, but she is a mortal, and now she and Qin Yong are getting married, but this girl has a wish , I hope that before I officially become a citizen of the underworld, I will have the opportunity to have a child, which will be left to Qin Yong."


"Then I discovered one thing, that is, when my grandfather created the underworld, he cursed that the ghosts and gods of the underworld are not allowed to marry any mortal woman. Even if they violate it, the child born is stillborn."

"We wanted to ask our ancestors to break this curse, but the ancestors were unwilling. Later, they found a way for me and Agui to find the **** of fertility. It turned out that the mother and mother of Xi Wangmu was in charge of fertility. It was passed to Empress Saint Xiao. Agui heard that she was Empress Saint Xiao. She knew that if she came to ask, it would be totally useless. She said that Aunt Qing Yao and she both had enemies with Sheng Xiao."

"Oh, I see, so you are taking the risk?"

"Yes, since she knows that Saint Xiao Empress must not be able to complete Du Ruoyu, and there is still the possibility of revenge, Agui has a plan, and we come together and impose spells on her. After success, we will erase her. Her memory made her think that nothing happened."

Qing Yaoji understood everything now.

She breathed a sigh of relief, snorted softly, hugged Aluo and smashed her, embracing her as if she were treating her own daughter, "So, I thought you two were going to betray me."

"Can you please!" A Luo raised his head, showing his loyalty.

"Just your sweet mouth." Qing Yaoji smiled and squeezed Aluo's face.

On the side, Lingyu turned a blind eye to the conversation between the two women and focused on casting spells.

After finishing the cast of the psychedelic curse, she quickly applied a complicated and obscure, high-level puppet technique to the Holy Empress who had entered the hallucinations.

After the puppet technique was generated, the mysterious black and purple spiritual power quickly turned into a looming puppet, and suddenly possessed and entered the body of Sheng Xiao.

Then, the sacred sky, who was in a coma and entered the hallucination, slowly stood up from the ground under the manipulation of Lingyu.


Lingxiu gave instructions, and the next second Sheng Xiao half-opened his eyes and slapped himself without hesitation.


Linghui hooked his lips and gave another order.

Shengxiao Empress had a dull expression, and she knelt down mechanically to Ling.

Lingwei was very satisfied, and looked at A Luo, "Where is the Scarecrow? Bring it."

A Luo immediately took out the scarecrow stuffed with Du Ruoyu's hair, blood beads and personal tokens and raised it in front of Lingyi.

Everything went smoothly.

Under the control of the magic puppet technique, the illusionist Holy Xiao Empress blessed the scarecrow, gave birth to blessings, and sacrificed the magical instruments used by the former Queen Mother of the West, blessing the sanctuary curse, and with no expression on her face, she took it out stiffly. A jade carving gave a statue of Zi Niang Niang, and said: "To enshrine this statue, until the smooth birth, three knees and nine knocks every day.

(End of this chapter)

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