Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 2329: You have a bad temper and I am also very strong!

Chapter 2329 You have a bad temper and I am also very strong!

"You like to mess with people so much?"

The city of Sa, at an altitude of 3,000 degrees, has strong sunlight during the day, and the temperature is not cold at ten degrees.

Lingyuan stood in the sun, black woolen trench coat, black boots, black super sunglasses set on his head, black and white plaid scarf around his neck, wild and indifferent, indifferent.

Lin You shivered subconsciously.

This low magnetic sound without temperature...

She froze in place for three seconds, and then slowly turned her head. Because of the loss of my myopia glasses, she could barely see a fuzzy tall silhouette standing three meters away from her.

With the light behind his back, he slowly walked over.

Lin You only felt that the light above her head was dimmed, like a bad guy approaching, and the surrounding air seemed to freeze.

Lingyuan had planned to leave as soon as she was going, what did she do to him?

But when I think of the honest and enthusiastic man in Cang Yang, if it's because this girl has fled again to find a living, I might have to get into trouble.

Ling Yuan approached the girl, stopped in front of her, looked down in a cold and arrogant attitude, like looking down at a disgusting little devil's head.

It really looked like a little piggy.

Ling Yuan raised his eyebrows and looked closely, there was no wave in his eyes.

Lin You’s small face, a standard childish face, white and tender, the baby is still fat. The only thing that can be regarded as eye-catching and beautiful on the whole face is the big oval and black eyes, but at this moment, these eyes are half-squinted. Big eyes, small doubts, her eyes are dull and unfocused.

"That... are you? I'm sorry, I'm short-sighted, and the degree is a bit deep. I can't see exactly what you look like, so I can't recognize you..."

But Lin You recognized this voice.

Because she was so recognizable, she had never heard such a nice and frightening voice.

"..." Ling Yuan was silent.

Piggy's voice was childish and timid, his nasal voice was strong, and his soft voice was shy.

This little voice suffocated Ling Yuan's venomous tongue.

I always feel that if he says it, he is a heinous bastard.

"Hello? Uncle?"

Seeing the tall and terrifying man in front of him, Lin You didn't speak, and shouted cautiously.

She really couldn't see what a man looked like, and they all said that they had a good-sounding man. They were all unsatisfactory, so Lin You didn't expect it.

"So." Ling Yuan's thin lips lightly opened, and asked in a cold voice, "Where are you going to find death again?"

"Ah I……"

Lin You looked down, wiped the back of his hand and pulled out the **** pinhole.

"Have you troubled my friend enough?"

"No, actually I..." Lin Youbainen put her little hand into the small pocket of the hospital gown and sighed helplessly. She was naturally slow to speak, "It's..." and was beaten by the man again. broken.

"If you fail the college entrance examination twice, you want to die. Then all those who are not ideal in the exams all over the world have to die?"

"Uncle! This is a bit too can't pierce people's hearts..."

Lin You was said to be in the pain, and pouted aggrievedly.

"I didn't use a knife to pierce you." Ling Yuan retorted in a serious, preaching tone.

Lin You felt that this was a generation gap, "I mean what you said is like a knife..."


"Uncle! You seem to have a bad temper." Lin You tried hard to refute, but found that he was stupid.

"No, I like to be reasonable."

"Uncle! But what you said is very hurtful... I have never beaten anyone in a big quarrel since I was a kid, but I am also very strong! I am stupid, but can you... let me finish it all at once? I'm not going to find death."

Lin You looked up, but she couldn't see what the man in front of her looked like.

"I want to go to the ATM near the hospital to withdraw money and return it to the uncle who was with you just now. I am not going to die."

Lin You finally finished what she wanted to say.

She breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he couldn't see the man's appearance, Lin You only realized that she was already in a cold sweat when talking to this man, which was caused by nervousness and fear!

Ling Yuan froze, he only felt that the sky was rolling...

Dare to be sentimental because you want to think more and get nosy?

and also……

Do you use the term "gang Lie"? It seems a bit... ridiculous to say it from this little Piggy?



Lin You felt the man's indifference again.

"I can't see clearly, or else... You accompany me to find the ATM machine? The hospital's ATM machine is out of order. If it's troublesome, forget it, let me find it myself."

Ling Yuan's cold eyes stared at the girl who squinted her big eyes coldly, looking around and trying to see the surrounding environment.

A touch of disgust flashed across his eyes. How could this nearsightedness look like a blind man?

Ling Yuan didn't speak, he directly saw a bank across the road, and walked sideways.

Lin You saw that the man left without speaking, thinking that he was unwilling to find a bank with him. He kept making troubles with inferiority and cautious thinking. He lowered his head and turned around and left in the opposite direction.

She just took a step, and was yelled again by the familiar cold voice.

"Not that! I have to cross the road."


Lin Youmeng was startled, she turned her head and saw the man standing by the roadside.

"Come here!" Lingyuan felt that it was a bit difficult to talk to this girl. Does she not understand people or something?

"Oh, here it is!" Lin You was not walking fast, she was still feverish and weak.

five minutes later.

In the ATM hall across the road from the Sacheng People’s Hospital.

Lin You hugged one hundred thousand yuan and walked out of the glass cabinet with sweat on his forehead.

Ling Yuan turned his back when he heard the movement.

Then he heard the prompt sound of the ATM machine-"Please remove the bank card" in the glass cabinet that was slowly closing.

He narrowed his cold eyes, squinted at the girl who was about to walk out of the automatic teller hall, and reminded him coldly: "You forgot to take the card."

Lingyuan felt that this kid was not only like a piggy, his brain was not bright, he was also confused and forgetful, heh, stupid...

Lin You embarrassedly turned around to fetch the card, and then returned to the hospital accompanied by Ling Yuan.

As soon as they entered the hospital, the police and medical staff hurriedly walked towards them, with a worried expression on the face.

"She just went to withdraw the money." Lingyuan helped explain, coldly, then looked at Cang Yang, "Give you the money."

"How can you run? You have a high fever, little girl!"

"Hurry up with us."

"Although the symptoms are alleviated, you will have to stay in the hospital for at least a week to stabilize your condition..."

Lin You was taken away by the medical staff. When she left, she squeezed all the money she took out to Cang Yang, even fearing that Cang Yang would not accept it and threaten him.

"Uncle, you can't don't want this money. If you don't want it, I don't mind to die again."

"..." Cang Yang didn't dare not accept it.

Lingyuan left Sacheng in the evening. He randomly found a city he wanted to go to and continued his next stop.

Regarding this episode of his in the snowy area, he didn't care at all, and never thought about whether he would meet Piggy again.

(End of this chapter)

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