Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 267: Would you like to stay with this king?

Chapter 267 Are you willing to stay by my side?

The scarlet setting sun on the horizon dyed half of the sky.

The wind blew the grass low and brushed over Yuno's face, messing up her hair.

So what if you are a sly?

Fan Wujiu's words shocked Ji Yunai's heart! Beautiful eyes widened, looking at the man in front of him in disbelief, his expression froze, "What are you talking nonsense? Lord Jiang told me that the spirit is gone and the soul is gone, how could it be me, you teasing me?"

Because Ji Yuno used the black flute to cause a small turmoil in the underworld, her black flute was handed over to the ghost judge Ling Shiyin by the ghost, and then to the hands of King Jiang, but in the end, it was in the hands of Fan Wujiao.

He took out the black flute and suddenly pinched Yuno's left wrist, revealing the pink jade hibiscus soul bracelet she was wearing on her wrist. One flute and one bracelet were placed in front of Yuno's eyes.

Fan Wujiu curled his eyebrows and stared coldly at Ji Yunai's face.

"Do you know who was the former owner of these two spiritual things?"

Suddenly, there was a bad hunch in his heart, and Yuno was startled.


"God of tricks, princess Lingshou."

When he heard the words "God of Trick", Ji Yuno suddenly thought of the appearance of the flute in the black flute that night turned into a flute boy, buried in her arms and shouting to her master, and still insisted. , She must be its owner.

It turns out that the spirit is the **** of tricks and the true master of the black flute.

"The princess is domineering and doesn't like anyone touching her objects. Therefore, your spirit bracelet has been cursed with death. Anyone who is not herself, who uses it, will die, and your flute, besides her, has no title. The two can sound."

"That doesn't prove that I am her, or it may have been too long and the spell has expired."

"I don't talk nonsense with you, I just want you to understand that Wang Da Jiang is cruel and ruthless by nature. It's definitely not so easy to talk about on the surface. If you want Gong Siyu to survive, you have to stay away from him. Don't be killed by Wang Jiang. Your lord knows his existence, otherwise, if he knows that the person he likes is robbed by another person, he will never make that person feel better!"

"You just said that just to prevent me from returning to the human world!"

"Whatever you think, this is the end of the matter, and I have said everything that should be said. If you insist on returning, then we will see how far you and Miyajiyu can go! Just don't blame me for not reminding you! So do it yourself !"

Fan Wujiu took Jiang Ziwen's attention to her.

Ji Yuno didn't believe it anyway.

Jiang Wang loves only spirits, and she can't be spirits. She is just an ordinary person who has just been selected as a candidate for the onmyoji official after he came back from the dead. She just happens to be lucky and looks very much like Qin Guang Wangai. The woman is nothing.

However, Ji Yunai had to admit that Fan Wujiao's words scared her.


And from that day on.

As he himself said, Jiang Ziwen personally supervised Ji Yuno and taught her to practice all kinds of complicated and obscure spells and spells for seven consecutive days, except for eating and sleeping, never stopped.

And Jiang Ziwen seemed to enjoy it, except when he was sleeping.

The rest of the time, he was with Yuno almost all the time.

Ji Yuno said that the human world gave her a sense of belonging at home.

Jiang Ziwen sent personal ghost servants and often went to the human world.

Searched for many delicious and fun rare objects for Yuno's entertainment.

Ji Yuno said that the food in the underworld is too unpalatable.

Jiang Ziwen spent his thoughts and sent a personal ghost servant. He grabbed a skilled chef from the human world, and served Ji Yunao every day at Fan Wujiao's mansion what she wanted to eat.

Ji Yunai was practicing the transformation technique and became bold and bold as Jiang Ziwen. He wanted to sway out from the exit of the Underworld Division to the Human World, but was spotted by the Underworld Division's automatic identification. The five-flowers were thrown in front of Jiang Ziwen. .

Jiang Ziwen just opened one eye and closed another, without punishment or scolding, and asked her if she was hurt.


Finally, it was the eighth day.

Even Ji Yuno realized that Jiang Ziwen, who indulged her and used her in this way, was too ridiculous.

The better Jiang Ziwen treats her, the greater the fear in her heart.

No one will be good to another for no reason.

What's more, this is a **** who is above ten thousand under one person.

In just eight days, Ki Yuno's spiritual power at level six had a breakthrough and reached level seven.

Under the personal guidance of Jiang Ziwen.

In a very short period of time, she learned two extremely difficult spells, namely, Yuhuo and Yushui,

On the highest mountain in the underworld, the mountains and plains are full of demon-red flowers of the other side.

At a glance, it was like being in a sea of ​​blood.

On the edge of the cliff on the top of the mountain, behind him stood a proud and domineering Jiang Ziwen dressed in a black gold mysterious robe. Ji Yunai turned his arms and looked back at Jiang Ziwen, and immediately a huge water ball slowly formed in her palm. , Accompanied by the fluctuation of spiritual power, the water ball gathers bigger and bigger and rises into the air.

In the next second, Yuno Ki volleyed and kicked the water polo towards a towering pine tree beside him. The moment the huge water polo hits the pine tree, the trunk of the pine tree, which ten people can't enclose, slowly fell towards one piece and stopped. Break off.

"Sir Wang Jiang, you said that I would cut this tree down with the technique of water protection. I did it. Are you satisfied?"

"Ten points give you nine points, one more point, this king is afraid of you being proud."

Walking up to Ji Yuno, looking down at the girl who only reached his chest, letting the wind on the top of the mountain blow up his messy hair, she looked like a god-like dazzling peerless face, as if it could make the world pale.

Jiang Ziwen's pair of deep and lonely black eyes fixed on Ji Yuno lonely and far away, without a smile, but a deep and deep voice, which made people sound like he seemed to be in a good mood.

Seeing that Yuno's hair was blown up, covering her small face.

I wanted to stretch out my hand to tidy up for her, but Ji Yuno suddenly avoided.

His hands froze in the air, and his eyes were cold and cold.

"What are you arguing with this king? It's just to tidy up your messy hair for you."

Ji Yunai took a step back and deliberately kept a distance from Jiang Ziwen, then raised his face and looked at each other.

"Are you treating me like a spirit again?"

Hearing Ji Yuno's question, Jiang Ziwen's eyes shrank suddenly.

"Why do you ask."

"These days, I can see how good you are to me, you are too good to me, I can't bear it, so, Jiang Ziwen, don't treat me so well in the future." Because, in my heart, Someone has already said, "I am me, and Lingyu is Lingyu. She is dead, she is gone, and her soul is gone. You told me that at the beginning. I am not her, and it is impossible to be her."

"This king... no longer treats you as her."

Yuno was shocked, "Because you think the spirit is me, right?"

Jiang Ziwen's eyes were cold, "Who told you!"

Ji Yuno naturally cannot betray Fan Wushu, "I guess."

Deep and lonely eyes flashed with lonely complex emotions, watching Ji Yunao, Jiang Ziwen was silent for a while.

Just when Yuno felt that the king-like man in front of him would be furious.

However, he asked her a word.

The tone is so lonely and regretful.

"Then if this king tells you, you are likely to be her, would you... stay with this king?"

Of course not! ! ! ! (But I am King Chiang, but I am determined not to be partial)

(End of this chapter)

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