Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 424: Haunted ghost city, where people and ghosts are mixed

Chapter 424: Ghost City, People and Ghosts

What Miyajiyu is most reluctant to hear now...

It was someone who told him that he was different from Ji Yuna.

He is an ordinary person, but Ji Yuno is not!

Lu Xingze's words stimulated every nerve in Gong Siyu's brain.

His head is a little bit swollen and painful, his chest is full of yin anger, Junrong is tight and cold, and his pupils are not warm.

Miyajiyu even read a little bit from Lu Xingze's provocative and disdainful words. Lu Xingze and Ji Yuno are the same people, and Miyajiyu is just rich, powerful and powerful...

The bigger the gap, the stronger the intense anxiety in Miyajiyu's heart.

He was really afraid that one day, Ji Yuno would leave him...

Yuno picked up a glass and threw it towards Lu Xingze.

"Lu Xingze, you will die without saying a few words!"

Turning his head, avoiding, Lu Xingze coldly snorted, "I'm telling the truth." After a pause, "I'm just upset. He used your mobile phone to delete my phone and friends for no reason! He can limit your life Are you in other opposite **** relationships? Are you still willing to let him always take care of who you are with, who you chat with, who you talk to? Just because of his desire to control, is he not confident in the relationship between you? Or for fear that someone will take you from him Snatch it around?"

"But how difficult it is for me and him! Do you know! It seems that no one will let us be together, we are so bad! Lu Xingze, you say one more thing, you and I, even friends don’t have to do it !"

Yuno glared at Lu Xingze and drank sweetly.

Then he turned around and hugged Miyajiyu who was sitting on the chair, bowed his head and said nothing.

Miyajiyu seemed to be stabbed with the pain in the bottom of his heart, as if he was really afraid that Yuno would leave him, he was paranoid and gloomy, relying on the extreme confinement of Yuno's waist, and muttered dumbly:

"He's right. I'm afraid you will be snatched away. I feel insecure..."

"How could I be snatched away? No."

Ji Yuno has always felt that she should be the one who has no sense of security. After all, Miyajiyu is the type of man a woman dreams of.

"Can't I look at your phone?"

"Who said that, yes."

"Can't you delete your friend?"

"Delete it casually, didn't your friends also delete it for me?"

"Well, my desire to control you will always be strong, will you be annoying?"

"I only have you. If you don't treat me like this someday, then you will change your mind."

Ji Yuna turned his back to Lu Xingze.

Therefore, she didn't know that after this, Lu Xingze and Miyajiyu had any eye contact.

Miyajiyu's head tilted around Yuno's waist.

From the gap between Yuki Yuno's arm and waist, Gloom stared at Lu Xingze coldly, sneered at Lu Xingze's lips, as if a winning winner, looking provocatively at the handsome man standing not far away.

That look seemed to say, you have no chance, she loves me.

Lu Xingze had a black face, knowing that Gong Siyu was acting there on purpose to show him! Actress!

It was at this time that he thoroughly understood that he would never have a chance.

At the same time, I also understand that Ji Yuno and Miyajiyu are inseparable.

"The entrance to the ghost market has only been open for two hours, can't you go?"

Glancing at his wrist watch, Lu Xingze scratched his head, breaking the awkward atmosphere, and said unruly.

Ji Yuno ignored Lu Xingze, but gave him a blank look.

Then, she whispered softly to Gong Siyu: "You are here with Grandpa, I will be back soon."

At this time, Angelica, who slept dimly, also woke up.

Listless, with drooping eyelids, stood up very sad, took up his yellow rucksack, walked staggeringly behind Yuno, rubbed his eyes, and yawned, "Female donor, it's dark, let's... Yes Don't you want to leave?"

"Yeah." Ji Yuno responded and was about to leave.

However, when they were leaving, Gong Siyu suddenly called Angelica.

"What's the matter with the male donor?"

Angelica looked back and smiled at Gong Siyu Wu Xie.

"Well, help me stare at this man and tell him not to get close to my woman. From now on, I will cover your meals."

"Good talk!"


People and ghosts, ghost city.

A ghost market is a place similar to a human market, but most of them are ghosts and demons trading in it, and only a few strange strangers and strangers live in it for a long time.

Mortal humans can only enter it with deep roots and trade some strange things that are not available in the human world, such as the human body shortly after death, or rare and extinct precious medicinal treasures.

Most of the transactions are bartering.

The more peculiar items are, the more precious and exotic treasures are to be exchanged, but there are also direct exchanges for coins or gold, but most of them are expensive and unbearable for ordinary people.

Moreover, the ghosts in the ghost market are extremely scary, according to legend, they like to eat human flesh.

Imperial capital.

Next to the ruins of the old city gate of ancient Kyoto, the inaccessible thousand-year-old alley ends.

Ji Yunao, Lu Xingze, and Angelica, each of them carried a white paper lantern.

Suddenly, I heard a ghastly and creepy voice from all around me—

"If you want to enter the ghost market, you must first pay three gold bullions, and you will not be owed any credit! The phantom coins are also available, and you can put the money in the mouth of the soul-suppressing beast."

Then, Ji Yuno saw Lu Xingze took out a wad of Ming coins from his arms and stuffed them into the mouth of the Soul Suppressing Beast.

Along with a black glow, a door suddenly appeared on the dark and damp stone wall of the old alley...

As if entering another world.

Countless brightly-lit ancient cornices rose from the ground. The gates are like a city, bustling, and the light is faint, illuminating the erratic pedestrians who come and go, as if they are in a thousand-year-old city isolated from the world, Ji Yuno and Angelica are crowded Among the strange-looking pedestrians, it is difficult to move a single inch, and you can see all kinds of monsters in strange clothes, as well as the ghost vendors and the resentful stall owners who set up stalls to shout...

"Follow up, don't go away, this place is like a labyrinth, it was formed three thousand years ago, and the scope is extremely wide."

Lu Xingze seems to be very familiar with the ghost market.

Seeing that the two people behind him were getting further and further away, they stood on the side of the road and looked at a body shell that had not been long before. This body shell is for sale. It is a leather pouch specially used for ghosts and ghosts. It sells very well on the black market.

He twisted his eyebrows and walked behind Yuri and Angelica. It was the first time that Yuri had come. Lu Xingze knew.


Looking at the young little Taoist priest seeing everything strange and fresh in his eyes, Lu Xingze raised his eyebrows, "Don't tell me, you are here for the first time."

Angelica nodded and stood in the middle of Lu Xingze and Ji Yuno responsibly.

"Xiao Dao used to live deep in Kowloon to observe and practice. I didn't have the opportunity to open my eyes in the ghost market. I only learned the map and entrance of the ghost city from Master's book. No, this trip to the imperial capital happened to happen to the loss of yang. I just want to come here to try my luck and ask for help from an expert..." While talking, Angelica took out a tattered pamphlet from his yellow rucksack, and asked after pointing to the corpse body sold by his feet. This corpse is still fresh, and at first glance it just died. How did they get it?"

"...Kill now, sell now! If the corruption can't be sold today, they will keep and eat for themselves."

(End of this chapter)

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