Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 449: Begging God, don't take her away.

Chapter 449 begs God, don't take her away.

In the bedroom, beside the bed, everyone was at a loss, I don't know what happened to Yuno.

There is no way to treat symptoms.

The most panic is Miyajiyu.

At this moment, Ji Yuno woke up, with a "wow", another thick black blood was spit out from his mouth.

The black blood was mixed with the dissolved organs and tissues in her body, which was terrifying.

The faint makeup on his face had long been stained with blood. Yuno's dead gray complexion stunned everyone at the bedside. Liuyun watched him like this. Sora had terrifying skills but was helpless. An angry fist hit the wall, and suddenly, the wall was sunken and a big hole appeared.

Immediately, Bai Feiran twisted his eyebrows and stopped him.

"calm down!"

"Bai Feiran...five days, there are still five days left...Five days later, it is her life and death situation. What is the difference between her being like this and dying! We don't even know what happened to her! "

"Is it poison?"

Angelica condensed worriedly on Yuno's face like a lamp, he knew that he knew that if it were not for Yuno's particularity, she would never be alive now, she would have died early...

"Impossible! If it is poison, you and I will not be able to tell?"

"Curse?" Guess the angelica again.

"That's even more impossible. Is there any poison black curse that can escape my eyes?" Liu Yun overturned Angelica's guess.

Gong Siyu said nothing. At this moment, he was undoubtedly the most struggling, suffering, and painful.

Gritting his teeth, even if my heart hurts like a knife cut, even if my brain is aching, my brain explodes, as if losing my ability to think.

He was so afraid that he would lose...

Only five days...

He was really afraid of losing this woman in bed forever.

The phoenix eyes were faint and flickering, filled with distress and struggle.

Miyajiyu sat down by the bed and leaned forward, with a frightened palm full of cold sweat, carefully touching Yuno's cold cheek and buried it in her arms. He began to beg God over and over again in his heart.

Don't take her away.

It’s not easy to walk this way, it’s the last moment, don’t take her away...

Don't be so cruel!

Buried in Qi Yuno's arms, Gong Siyu prayed heartbrokenly. Inadvertently, he seemed to think of something, raised his eyes and looked at Liuyun and Angelica.

"That gift given to her under the guise of me! Could it be a problem? Today, she and I received suspicious gifts."

Liuyun twisted his eyebrows: "Gift?"

Angelica was surprised: "It's not impossible!"

As soon as Miyajiyu's voice fell, he felt that Yuno shook his hand gently.


"The watch box..." Yuno spit out a few words with difficulty, and again thick black blood poured up from her throat, flowing down the corner of her mouth, shockingly, "Finger...has hurt..."

Miyajiyu leaned his ears to listen, only to understand what Ji Yuno was talking about.

"Watch box? Your fingers hurt? Why didn't you tell us before?"

Miyajiyu repeated Ji Yuno's words, and hugged the man lying on his back in his arms.

"You want to make my heart ache, don't you!"

"Anyway... I can't die anyway... I... thought it was okay..."

It's all here, and Ji Yuno is still sloppy with Miyajiyu in a half-joking tone.

"Watch box? I remember! She threw a watch box in the trash can in the living room in the afternoon!"

Liuyun said, rushed out of the room, and soon recovered a delicate velvet watch box from the trash can.

All the lights in the bedroom were turned on.

Under the light, Liuyun and Angelica carefully examined the watch box, but found nothing.

The inside is very clean, except for the dust that the velvet sticks to, there is no foreign matter or the remaining breath of evil things.

Angrily, Liuyun threw the box out the window angrily.


For Ji Ruchen, it is not a difficult task to shrink the ground and travel thousands of miles a day. In the gathering of black fog, he turned into a human form and suddenly appeared in Yuno's home.

I saw the broken floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room and the shocking black sticky blood on the ground.

Like a shadow following the wind, he appeared at the door of the bedroom in a blink of an eye.

Shocked and stepped in, he saw the family surrounded by the bed.

The air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

In the afternoon, they were still chatting happily in the WeChat group. In the blink of an eye, Ji Yuno was covered in blood and lying there with ashes.

I heard movement at the door.

For a while, everyone's eyes were on Ji Ruchen, who had not even changed his costume and was still wearing a false headgear with fluttering hair.

"Mr Chen?" When Liu Yun saw Ji Ruchen, the bottom of his eyes lit up.

"Why are you back?" Gong Siyu twisted his eyebrows, and Ji Ruchen was filming at a film and television base outside the imperial capital. How could he suddenly appear here?

The blood contract is equivalent to the life and death contract.

Ji Ruchen's feelings can also be felt by Ji Ruchen.

He knew everything about the trauma and pain she suffered at this moment.

Ji Ruchen, who has always been very enchanting, entered the room with no expression on his face. The whole face of Juechen was as beautiful as a bright moon.

"Heh, don't come... waiting for her death? My life and hers are linked together. If she is dead, I will not survive! Why can't I come!"

Ji Ruchen and Gong Siyu were never right, and it was not pleasing to look at each other.

But this time, looking at the person on the bed, Ji Ruchen's enchanting twin pupils suddenly ignited a touch of anger, unceremoniously, and punched Gong Siyu on the cheek.

Surprisingly, Gong Siyu didn't hide, and received the punch abruptly.

"How did you stay with her! Be a good person! How come you like this? Didn't you say that you love her! Now! What can you do now? You don't even know what's wrong with her! Can you help her? There is a death-free order in her body, she died a long time ago! Look at her face, how is it different from the dead now! Do you know what she is going to do in five days? She is like this now! Do you think she might win ?"

Gong Siyu sneered coldly, and indifferently wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth. The cold and magnificent phoenix eyes were intimidating, and he asked instead, "Do you think it's time for accusations?"

Ji Ruchen had a quick temper and went faster. He rolled up his sleeves and stared at Gong Siyu, "Move a little to the side! Obstructive!"

Gong Siyu really gave Ji Ruchen a place.

"Do you think I made her like this?"

Gong Siyu frowned and asked coldly.

Ji Ruchen snorted coldly at Gong Siyu.

"How can you hurt her so precious to her? But what about the people around you? I saw someone you have a relationship with and knocked her off a cliff. Fortunately, this kid can stand by himself and can climb up after falling. I’m afraid it’s not enough to die hundreds of times with others! Everything has a reason, even if it wasn’t you, it’s because of you, or it’s related to you. It’s useless not to admit it.”

As Ji Ruchen said, he took the sheets and wiped the blood from Yuno's arms and palms.

In the palm of Yuno's hand, he saw a black line covered by dry black blood.

The eyes were cold, "I said, with her ability, if you want to harm her like this, ordinary harm is impossible. It turns out that it is Gu."

(End of this chapter)

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