Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 511: After despair, all that is left is numbness

Chapter 511 After despair, all that remains is numbness

Yuno was expressionless watching the engagement announcement of Miyajiyu and Jiang Li on the TV, feeling like a lake with still water in his heart, with Pangruo and stormy waves.

Shen Manqing, a granddaughter-in-law who only recognizes "Jiang Li" as the future of the palace family, is incomparable with other women who are greedy for the palace family's property. This can be heard by a fool, and she is taunting her.

Yu Na was silent.

Looking down, faintly turned the couple ring worn by her ring finger and Gong Siyu.

Looking at Ji Ruchen, Liuyun and Angelica, they looked at each other, and the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

At this time, Shen Manqing's voice rang again on the TV——

"The engagement ceremony of the heirs of the palace family and the daughter of the Jiang family will be held on Saturday a week later. The venue is set at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse. Please come and celebrate together."

On TV, the voice fell off.

Yuno suddenly pulled out the couple's diamond ring between her fingers, flicked her finger, and threw it into the trash can. Regardless of the value of the ring, it was extremely expensive, and she just threw it away.

"What do you mean? Miyajiyu knew about this engagement? He knew it? But kept hiding it from you? He agreed to be engaged to another woman and pretended to be with you as if nothing happened. ?"

Ji Ruchen jumped up from the sofa and approached Ji Yuno, his charming eyes burst into flames.

As soon as Ji Ruchen finished speaking, he saw Liu Yun crumbling a glass in cold blood, "I said, if he dares to defeat you, he will never let it go."

Ji Ruchen and Liu Yun are so hostile, Angelica sees them in their eyes, and is anxious in their hearts. He alone remains absolutely calm, "Are there any misunderstandings in this? Don't rush to your conclusions. ,I read……"

"Shut up! What's the misunderstanding!"

Ji Ruchen and Liuyun looked at Angelica together, and said in unison.

"Mr. Gong doesn't look like that kind of person..."

Angelica scratched his head, sighed, and had to shut up.

Ji Yuno remained silent, but silently turned on the phone, and subconsciously turned on Weibo.

As soon as the press conference of the marriage of the Gong family and the Jiang family was released, as she expected, a series of keywords on the hot search rankings——

[The rich married, Cinderella is out]

[The first lady in the imperial capital, the final winner]

[The prince will only be with the princess]


Ji Yuno suddenly felt that he had become a big joke.

An abandoned joke?

Also, from Shen Manqing's speech on TV, Ji Yunai discovered something he did not know.

Gong Siyu had seen fake Jiangli without her knowledge.

Then, somehow, they had a car accident?

She didn't know this from beginning to end, because Gong Siyu didn't tell her.

The slightly upturned apricot eyes narrowed coldly.

Yuno's small face was set off by the cold mole.

Just when the entire large living room was quiet in an abnormal silence, there was no sound, the TV was turned off, and everyone was silent.

Yuno finally said something.


"Yuno?" A little startled, Angelica walked behind Ji Yuno, lowered his eyes and asked, "What's the matter?"

I saw Ji Yuno suddenly got up, found paper and pen, wrote his birth date and Gong Siyu's birth date on the paper, and then handed it to Angelica.

"Remember that you helped me calculate the marriage between the Nineteen Trigrams and Gong Siyu? I want you to help me calculate the last time."

"But..." Angelica hesitated, because the previous nineteen hexagrams were all a result. What's the point of counting it now?

"the last time!"

Looking at the urgency deep in Yuno's eyes, finally, Angelica sighed, "Okay."

In the next second, with angelica as the center, a faint blue gossip astrological array spins and spreads.

The black characters on the paper, following the Angelica chanting divination, separated from the paper, floated in mid-air, arranged strangely on their own, and rotated in the astrology and gossip array.

Ji Yuno didn't expect the result.

Rather, I had expected that divination would fail...

I watched the Angelica astrology and gossip array, suddenly all of them collapsed, shattered, and disappeared without warning.

A sorrowful and sarcasm smile gradually appeared at the corner of his mouth.

" marriage, no good death, still the same result..." Ji Yuno smiled bitterly, and shook his head again and again, "Forget it, forget it, I don't struggle anymore, and I don't want to deceive myself anymore, I'm tired, I don't want to work hard... "

Except for Ji Ruchen, both Liuyun and Angelica knew why Ji Yuna was so desperate. The one he loved the most was going to be engaged to someone else, and after all, they knew there was no marriage with him.

This kind of sadness is not something they can comfort and experience.

The exquisite little face soaked in cold, no sadness, no tears, only a deep chill.

"It's okay, you still have me and Lord Chen, what are you afraid of? End of the world, walk with you."

Like a close friend, Liuyun gently took Ji Yuno's shoulders, and said coldly: "The world is big, there is no place for him, there are many, don't be sad."

"Yuno, and me, are friends, just one."

Angelica stepped forward and said sincerely and frankly.

He always felt that being able to know these people in front of him was the blessing he had cultivated in this life.

They seem to be an invincible combination, and they are not afraid.

"Sad? There is nothing to be sad. After despair, all that is left is numbness." Looking out of the floor-to-ceiling window in a sense of disappointment, Yu Nai narrowed her eyes and chuckled her lips slightly. After winning the final contest of the Yin and Yang Officer, the bad news followed..."

"Half a month later, it is the day when I officially take over as the onmyoji of the underworld, and it is also the day to say goodbye to the past. The ghost of the underworld department will erase the memories of all ordinary people who know me and make them forget me, including the palace secretary. Inside..."

"Also, I have read the book of life and death in the underworld and the marriage book. When Jiang Li was not dead, she and Gong Siyu were destined to be married. They were destined to grow old and have children and grandchildren. Jiang Li died. The marriage book and Gong Si The marriage of Yu has not disappeared. This proves that the angelica divination hexagram, even if you work hard and defy the destiny, the reversed life will eventually return to its original track..."

"The person he ordained was not me."

"And he and I can't be together..."

"Then what are you doing in a daze? Pack your things and leave. It doesn't make sense to stay here."

Ji Ruchen held a husky in one hand and yawned lazily.

"Even if I want to leave, I can't leave without making a sound. I don't want to make a noise to disturb the whole city to vent my anger. I'm really not reconciled."

Fenquan clenched secretly, Ji Yuno sneered.

"How to make trouble? Do you pat them all on their heads?"

With that said, Ji Ruchen threw the two dogs in his arms to Angelica sinensis, and found a baseball bat from nowhere. He knocked out the glass fish bowl in the living room with a "bang" and he wanted to make this luxurious. The appearance of the penthouse apartment smashed.

(End of this chapter)

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