Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 522: It’s okay, you’re tired, I’m not tired, leave everything to me

Chapter 522 is okay, you are tired, I am not tired, leave everything to me

After being charming and indulging, Gong Siyu's breathing was slightly panting, but he still hadn't calmed down.

Miyajiyu's heart throbbed for a moment when she heard Yuno's words.

Feng's pupils were dark and deep, anxious and clear, staring nervously on Yuno's small face.

The next moment, Ki Yuno's body was more tightly wrapped in Miyajiyu's arms with angry arms, making her breathless, her chest pained, and she wanted to break free, but Miyajiyu didn't move.

"No, don't let go."

"..." His nose was sour, Ji Yunai's eyes were bitter and speechless.

"It doesn't matter, you are tired, I am not tired, leave everything to me, I will take care of it, don't listen to the rumors outside, don't pay attention to anything, you stay by my side, stay where I can see you, For other things, let me come, believe me, and I will take care of this matter."

"Let go, Gong Siyu."

In the end, Yuno opened her mouth muffled, her voice slightly hoarse.

"Don't let go."

Thinking that Ji Yuno still disagrees, insisting on separating from him, Miyajiyu's heart aches, and his warm and tense breath rises and falls on top of his head. His tone is stubborn and he doesn't want to let go.

"No, I'm breathless."

With a sigh, Yuno's cool, slender white arms lightly draped Miyajiyu's waist and hugged his back. She wanted to compromise because, because her heart was softened, she didn't know what else could be used to refuse he.

A man who dared to threaten her by cutting his wrist.

She did not dare to say any irritating words to hurt him.

His arms were loosened, but Miyajiyu still treasured Yuno in his arms, and said persistently, "Don't separate."

Hearing this, Ji Yuno didn't speak, but fell into a moment of silence.

The slender and beautiful eyelashes quivered, and the small mouth was attached to Gong Siyu's chest, resting his arm. Miyajiyu could not hear Ji Yuno's response, and his heart was always hanging and not falling, and he was constantly thinking about what to do.

The ancestor in his arms can't coax him well, and his heart is not at ease for a day.

Finally, Ji Yuno seemed to want to understand, her small face was quietly attached to Miyajiyu's chest, she looked up, her eyes dimmed, and said: "Forget it, let me tell you the truth."

"You are in love with a man other than me."

For a moment, Gong Siyu's eyebrows were stained with hostility, and his tone was somber.

Fenquan hammered Gong Siyu's chest, and Ji Yuno bit her, "What do you think?"

"..." He was relieved, not just fine.

"Remember the marriage book I told you about?"

Slightly startled, Gong Siyu let out an "um", "I remember."

"Your name is still written with Jiang Li's name, but I don't know why, Jiang Li's name has changed from red to black, and your marriage is still there."

Gong Siyu was silent.

"Do you understand? This kind of destiny is a foregone conclusion. In the past, we naively thought that Jiang Li could change everything when he died. Obviously, it didn't." After a pause, Yuno said again, "Before me. Let Angelica count our horoscopes, 20 hexagrams in a row, and hexagrams have no marriage relationship. Tell me, how can we get together like this...?"

Ji Yuno never expected that when she said all these stuffy words in her heart, Miyajiyu's face, except for the almost paranoid, was unwilling to separate in any way, and there was only a careless indifference. , Squeezed Yuno's delicate chin, bowed her head and kissed.

"There is always a way, I firmly believe." After a pause, then he said again, "Also, dear, I am a man. You should have told me all these things. There is no reason to make you sad and uncomfortable by yourself. Remember me. Have you ever said anything? I don’t believe in heaven, I don’t believe in God, I don’t believe in ghosts and gods, I only believe in myself, I believe in you, I believe in my heart. Only the weak will compromise and will admit their fate. No one should try to separate us."

Yuno didn't know why.

Gong Siyu can always give her a sense of security and trust, give her firm belief, and let them go on courage.

So, there is one last question.

"When I officially take office, they will send ghost chauffeurs to erase the memory of me in the minds of all the ordinary people I know acquainted with. The same is true for you. When the time comes, you will not remember me."

Listening to Yuno's words, Miyajiyu was silent for a while, and then his eyes were gloomy and sulky. Without a word, she turned over Yuno's body, and slapped Yuno's peach-hearted buttocks firmly.

Covering her hands, Yuno narrowed her mouth, "Why hit me?"

Feng's eyes narrowed coldly and angrily, "I said, why did you leave without saying a word, and you kept so many things from me?" No wonder Ji Yuno would get so angry when she heard the news of the engagement. After holding back for too long, it suddenly broke out.

With a snort, Ji Yuno ignored Gong Siyu and covered himself in the quilt.

With the quilt in hand, Miyajiyu took the baby-wrapped Yuno onto her lap, leaning her back against the head of the bed, and then pulled out Yuno's head from the white duvet, so that she could pant, and immediately held it. Raised her face and poked her forehead.

Hooking his lips and chuckles: "Pig brain, the way is to use your brain to figure it out, they want to erase my memory of you, won't you backhand to modify their memory? Let them mistakenly think that I have forgotten you, no more ?"

Slightly startled, at first, Ji Yuno didn't understand the meaning of Miyajiyu's words.

But after a moment, she suddenly realized, as if she was awakened by a word, "You mean... before they erase your memory, erase their memory, or use a spell to modify their memory to make them mistaken." I thought I had completed the task, so I can go back to my life?"

"Yeah." Replied, feeling that there was a hard object under the pillow, Gong Siyu reached out and took out a Nokia brick machine.

I stayed for a while at Ki Yuno, exclaimed and said, "Yes, why didn't I expect it?"

Miyajiyu raised his eyebrows and put the phone in front of Yuno, and asked in a cold voice, "In order to avoid me, the phone was replaced with an old phone?"

This is enough to see how Ji Yunai didn't want to be found by him.

Seeing Miyasiyu's face was not good, Yuno slumped her mouth and snorted, seemingly reluctant, but she still had two slender white arms from the depths of the quilt, encircling Miyasiyu's neck, to please. Putting his small face on his cheek, he didn't make a sound, but he looked like a baby.

"Are you still running?" Miyajiyu asked coldly after checking whether there were any "suspicious text messages" in Yuno Shimonose's phone and confirming that there was no wild man.

"Don't run for now."


"Yes, four days later, it was the engagement ceremony between you and Fake Jiangli, and you haven't confessed to me, why did you go to see her behind my back that day? She broke her leg in a car accident."

At the mention of this, Gong Siyu had a "myocardial infarction" and was out of breath.

Just as he was about to speak, the suite doorbell rang.


After finally being able to hug Yuno comfortably, Miyajiyu was displeased when he was disturbed.

"It should be Ji Ruchen and the others."

After that, Yuno was wrapped in a quilt and jumped out of bed, and was about to open the door, but was retrieved by Miyajiyu.

He took the black hotel nightgown from the bedroom closet and put it on loosely.

"I'm going to drive."

(End of this chapter)

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