Chapter 535

Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, Tongqing Hall on the second floor.

The marriage and engagement scene of the Gong family and the Jiang family.

The guests arrived as promised, the crowd was full of friends, and there were joyous and lively activities, and countless media were invited to live broadcast and interview.

The engagement ceremony will officially begin at four o'clock.

At this moment, it was four o'clock in the afternoon, with the last fifteen minutes left.

In the hall, half of the celebrity politicians and merchants in the upper circle of the imperial capital were invited by the Lafayette Shen Manqing. They are all important figures. Some hold high powers, some have wealth and wealth, and some come from famous scholars. Many They are all respected older generations.

Except for the grandfather Gong Mingyi and the eldest son, Gong Lisen, the father of Gongsiyu, the other people in the old house, as well as some other family members who rushed back from overseas, were invited to the scene. The momentum is huge.

Jiang Weizi, who has a Jiang Li appearance, can only attend in a wheelchair, but whether it is a dress or an engagement ring, it is luxurious and beautiful.

She has to admit that the Gong family is worthy of a wealthy and powerful family. The pear-shaped emerald and diamond ring that the old lady prepared for her engagement was bought from the treasure house of the British royal jewelry supplier for 2 million pounds. Yes, her engagement dress is a unique high-level custom style.

The entire engagement scene in the Tongqing Hall was decorated in a dreamlike European royal princess style according to her preferences.

Behind her, the maid arranged by the palace family pushed her wheelchair and shuttled among the guests. Jiang Weizi accompanied the old lady in the palace to toast with celebrities and billionaires.

She could feel the envy and blessing gazes from the ladies and ladies around her, but occasionally she looked at her with jealous jealousy and disdain, or sympathetic gazes.

However, the people around seemed to be due to the honorable status of the old lady, so they didn't dare to make any mistakes, and they were polite and respectful to her.

This made Jiang Weizi, for the first time, to feel the existence of what everyone noticed.

The former gang and Jiang Li, their half-sister who played well with the celebrity daughter, came to congratulate her and fawn on her, because she became the granddaughter-in-law of the palace family. This position is a dream of many high-class celebrities. .

However, even Jiang Weizi's vanity was satisfied for a moment.

But when someone around me asked: "Where is the heir of the palace family? What about the young master? Why hasn't he appeared yet? Where is he? Why are you alone?" Jiang Weizi's faint smile would still froze. Sadly and slightly dissatisfied, he looked at his father.

Yes, where are the people from Miyajiyu?

Today is their engagement day, why is he not present?

Jiang Weizi feels embarrassed, but at this time, the old lady Gong will come out and smile, and she will tell her with a frightening voice: "If you want to be a granddaughter of the palace, you are destined to get used to loneliness, even if That man doesn’t love you now, but you will be his original partner after all. Don’t show a sad, sorrowful look like a woman. Only if you are strong and independent, no one will question you."

"They all look down on my wheelchair."

Jiang Weizi lowered her head slightly, clenched her hands slightly, and said in a low voice.

Hearing this, Shen Manqing sneered and said coldly and solemnly: "Externally, you are the great benefactor who saved my grandson's life. Who dares to look down on you? It's your own inferiority complex that is the cause of trouble. Stand tall and don't be shy. You are the heroine, you know!"

"But Master Gong hasn't come yet, will he not come?"

Shen Manqing got rid of the impatience in the bottom of his eyes, turned his eyes down, and then said: "I said, the engagement will go ahead as planned, even if he doesn't come today, I will make you a famous and well-known future granddaughter of the palace family. , You don’t have to worry about this or that."

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the engagement banquet officially began. The emcee responsible for officiating the engagement ceremony first made a long talk about the glorious deeds of the two families, and then introduced to the guests the engagement ring that the palace family bought heavily. .

The off-stage media reporters kept taking pictures live.

But the woman was present at the engagement ceremony, but the man was not seen for a long time. This is not surprising, what is going on.

In the lounge, Jiang Weizi, who did not wait to come to Gongsiyu, was unexpectedly disappointed. Knowing that she was going to be ashamed in public, she became the biggest joke of the imperial capital. Jiang Weizi was sitting in a wheelchair, covering her face and crying sadly.

"Mrs. Gong, you said that Young Master Gong would come. He didn't come. The time has come. He still didn't come."

On the side, Shen Manqing kept calling Mo Sen.

But for some reason, no one answered Mo Sen's call.

Jianghuai was furious, and Bai Yu couldn't help but began to sternly question and ask for an explanation, but the Lafayette Gong had maintained an elegant and graceful manner from beginning to end, extremely calm, cold and arrogant, and would not allow anyone to speak loudly to her.

"I said, the engagement ceremony will be held on time, and you guys are gesticulating me here...what? My daughter hasn't entered the palace gate yet? That's the attitude? Don't forget, the Jiang family still asks the palace family, you... …What are the qualifications?"

Shen Manqing snorted arrogantly, her sharp and frightening gaze seemed to tell Jiang Huai, don't think she knows nothing.

If it wasn't because she wanted to use Jiang Weizi to separate her grandson and Ji Yuno, where would the palace's grandson-in-law take her turn?

Shen Manqing knew the dirty thoughts in the Jiang family's back. If it wasn't for her to have a wish and abacus herself, would she cooperate with the Jiang family in acting so blindly? How could you be willing to use a counterfeit to be the grandson-in-law of her palace family?

Shen Manqing's sharp gaze made Jiang Huai startled, and there was a burst of illusion in his heart.

I just felt that this old woman was too terrifying, as if she was seen through her heart.

For a while, he was speechless.

And Jiang Weizi just cried, she didn't dare to say more, because her parents did not know the plan of her and the old lady Gong, let alone, in order to make this engagement plan successful, she even betrayed her father. In my heart, it is also empty.

Suddenly, the whole lounge was silent.

Everyone has their own thoughts.

Until the shout of the emcee came from outside-

"Let's have the hero and heroine who got engaged today, Jiang Li, the eldest of the Jiang family, and the young master of the Gong family, Mr. Gong Siyu!"

Shen Manqing squinted her eyes coldly, and quickly asked the makeup artist to make up for Jiang Weizi.

Two minutes later, the old lady accompanied Jiang Weizi in a wheelchair and appeared on the engagement table together. The graceful and luxurious Shen Manqing wore a red velvet embroidered cheongsam, with a strong aura that suppressed everyone.

She asked the master of ceremonies gracefully and took the microphone. Knowing that her unconscious grandson would never appear, she pressed down her anger, kept a graceful smile, and bowed slightly to all the guests present.

(End of this chapter)

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