Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 562: Hidden danger: her body is almost out of use?

Chapter 562 Hidden Danger: Her body is almost out of use?

Clearing the memory is just one of the steps in the succession ceremony.

Yuno has no spare time to grieve at all.

Although Jiang Ziwen was angry with her, but in the end, even though his eyes were cold and deep, the movements of his hands betrayed him. Even though he knew that Ji Yunai's wound cut by the dagger would heal on its own, he still opened his brows worriedly. Yuno's wide sleeves looked closely, and everyone looked in full, regardless of the surrounding gaze.

The next step is to take an oath and memorize the "Underworld Iron Law" and the "Three Realms Public Security Management Code" verbatim.

Ji Yuno has an excellent memory. Last night, he looked at the iron rules and rules of the thickness of the dictionaries on both sides, memorized them by heart, and recited them by heart.

Ji Yunai worked hard to sort out her emotions, and began to recite the rules and regulations verbatim.

"Article 54 of the Management Code: Respect, Equality, Prohibition of Racial Discrimination, Prohibition of Refusing to Cooperate with Mortals, or Refusing to Provide Help to Mortals in the Names of Weakness, Stupidity, Short Life, and Greed. The degree is dealt with by punishment, condemnation, punishment, and destruction..."


"Article 38 of the Iron Law of the Underworld: It is forbidden to carry out large-scale destruction in the human world, such as being captured by newspapers, magazines and media of supernatural phenomena, causing public opinion, appearing on TV or Internet headlines, causing panic, and whipping, thunder punishment according to the severity... …If the damaged scene is restored to its original condition, punishment will be exempted."

"Article 56 of the Iron Law of the Underworld: It is forbidden to threaten, intimidate, or attack mortals by various means such as spells, spiritual powers, and language. If the circumstances are serious, the crime is severely punished. If there are special circumstances, the Yin and Yang officials may Cut first and play later."

The Iron Law of the Underworld and the Three Realms Public Security Management Code add up, with thousands of pages of content, Ji Yuno's mouth is dry, and after he has completely recited...

Ling Shiyin, the ghost magistrate in charge of officiating the ceremony, walked to her with a wooden plate holding three treasures in his hand.

"These three pieces, from left to right, are the Mingzhu, the Yin-Yang seal that symbolizes the status of the Yin-Yang official, and the merits and longevity books that can be found for any creature. Please keep them properly."

Yuno took the wooden tray with an indifferent expression.

Mingzhu, she knew.

The top ten ghosts, or an orb held by a person with high authority in the underworld, can instantly go to any realm that you know and you want to reach, but it needs a strong spiritual power to activate, it can be said to be an arbitrary door. Baby.

The underworld pearl owned by Ji Yuno was in a dark purple color with the words "yin and yang" written on it in a seal. Only she can use it, and no one else can activate it.

A small hole was pierced in the middle of the Mingzhu, which was connected in series with a black string to make a necklace. After Ji Yuno put it on his neck, he put away the yin and yang seal, and then picked up the book with the name "Gongde Fushou Book". Looking through it, there was nothing in it.

"Just mute the name you want to know in your heart and it will appear."

Ling Shiyin reminded.


Eternal life, the word used to be in Yuno's eyes, and he didn't dare to think about it.

These are two words that can only be found in legends and only in the wild history of ancient kings. It is a wish that ordinary people could not achieve in their entire life.

Ji Yuno's order to protect her from death was taken away by Jiang Ziwen.

I always thought that the so-called immortality is to take the elixir of elixir, but Ji Yuno realized that she was thinking too much.

In the underworld, all civil servants or underworld citizens who have obtained permanent residency rights have extremely long life spans. Their names have been erased from the book of life and death by the Emperor himself. This is the so-called gift of eternal life.

At that time, Yuno suddenly realized that as long as a name is erased from the book of life and death, then that person will have an extremely long life.

However, many practitioners in the past, who practiced psychic spells or reached the realm of heaven, are not qualified to erase their names from the book of life and death, so they can only rely on the practice of the sky to achieve the goal of life and harmony. The road depends not only on talents, but also on opportunities. After all, since ancient times, there are only a handful of real masters in the heavens.

Ji Yunai looked at the high platform from a distance, Ming Emperor Qingwu handed back the book of life and death to Jiang Ziwen, immediately took a deep look at her, and whispered a few words in Jiang Ziwen's ear.

Yuno casts a spell secretly, trying to eavesdrop on what they are saying.

In the end, she heard some vaguely, but she didn't hear the key part clearly.

"The loneliness can keep her from dying, but her body, which has been ruined by her, is almost unusable... This is a problem. It will break sooner or later. You must find her a new body as soon as possible, otherwise it will be very bad. trouble."

"The king will take care of this, but Emperor Lao Ming will bother."

"I can see that you are very attached to that little girl. If you have deep feelings in the future, you can marry a princess. Then the princess and the yin and yang officials have the best of both worlds.

"It’s a long time coming, so I’m not in a hurry."

"However, her strength still needs to be improved. The last Yin and Yang official has not been caught, and the Three Realms have not been peaceful recently, and the Profound Realm is still lower."

Ji Yuni vaguely heard the Emperor Qingwu say to Jiang Ziwen, what she has, seems to be out of use, what is it?

Looking up at a height in doubt.

The inauguration ceremony came to an end, and the surrounding ghosts and gods of the underworld left one after another. The Underworld Secretary Jiujiang and the Judgment Secretary Yuanji seemed to be discussing important matters with the representatives from the Three Realms Public Security Administration and left together.

On the high platform, after Jiang Ziwen gave her a deep and cold look, he left with Emperor Ming and disappeared before her eyes.

Only three ghosts and gods stayed with her.

Master Fan, Master Xie, and Yeyou Shenfusheng.

Surrounded by Ji Yuno, the three of them began to teach Ji Yuno how to use the pearls, how to look up the merits and longevity books, and what is the use of Yin and Yang seals.

However, Ji Yuno was absent-minded and couldn't listen.

He took off the veil and looked at Fan Wushou persistently, eagerly wondering if the myephagous insect that erases memories is really effective.

"Does Miyajiyu really remember me? He went to America...that thing, can't fly so far?" There is still a glimmer of hope in his heart, and Yuno is always comforting himself.

Hearing this, Fan Wujiu and Xie Bian were still looking at each other, and they were silent for a moment.

In the end, Fan Wujiu told the truth.

"Those myephagous insects will make everyone who has your name in their mind forget you. They have your blood in their bodies. Therefore, they will not return to the underworld without erasing the memory of the last person."

Ye Yushen looked at Ji Yuno regretfully, "That is to say, unless all is cleared, they will keep tracking. If you don't remember you, it is something that will happen, you should be prepared and accept all of this."

His finger bones were white, her pink fists clenched, and Yuno bowed her head astringently.

(End of this chapter)

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