Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 572: The dead town of Wushan, the terrible one hundred thousand mountains in western Hunan

Chapter 572 Wushan Dead Town, the terrifying Hundred Thousand Mountains in Western Hunan

The thin and tall man wears ethnic costumes. He has a flat head, long and thin eyes, and a bad face. There is a deep scar on the eyes. It looks very fierce, like the eyes of a snake. It makes people creepy. His arms The snake tattoo on him extends all the way to his neck, looking weird and sinister.

Holding a silver snake-headed stick in his hand, the stick's back was wrapped in coarse cloth, only the snake's head that was awe-inspiring under the clouds and mist was exposed.

See this person.

At first impression, I don’t look like a good person.

However, these days, looking at the appearance of a person is superficial. After all, sometimes he looks like a good person, maybe this person really understands the evil person.

Besides, this guide was found by Sister Qian. For Rong Qian, Ji Yunai believed 100% of them. After all, Sister Qian would not harm them...


The thin and dark man saw the four of Ji Yuno suddenly appear strangely, and was startled at first, but did not show a look of panic. Instead, he took the initiative to welcome him and reported his name.

The four of Ji Yuno and the others came forward to shake hands with the man politely. They also reported their name and made a brief self-introduction to show their politeness. Then, they followed the man into the gloomy Wushan Town in front of them.

"Brother, isn't it a human being?"

Ji Ruchen shook 300 coquettishly and walked beside Zhi Baolun, and put his back on his shoulders, and he was close, seemingly warm, but in fact expressing threats.

Seeing that Ji Ruchen asked the guide if he was a human being, Ji Yuno sighed helplessly and covered his face. How could there be such a question? Isn't it a beating?

"Your Excellency can't be regarded as a person, right?" After a pause, "the three behind him are not really ordinary people who are wearing them?"

"..." Ji Ruchen was speechless, his face was stagnant, and he could see that he was not human, if he was not a little capable, he was hiding deeply.

"I've also heard of parasitic spirits on the ancient scrolls in the tomb, and haven't seen it with my own eyes." A Luo jumped to the other side of Baolun, staring at their "non-human" like a specimen. Oh," the guide kept watching.

"Parasitic spirit?"

How about Ji Yuna being the most ignorant of the four?

She doesn't know what parasitic spirit is.

After all, she became a yin and yang official by driving ducks to the shelves. Compared with Ji Ruchen, Liuyun and A Luo, she really didn't understand these things.

"It means that after the death of a person, the soul has not entered the underworld, and by chance, it parasitizes on the dying animal and merges with it. Then both humans and animals are reborn. Things that survive with them are neither human nor Count ghosts, count strange."

Ji Yuno nodded without understanding, and after walking with Liuyun, he watched Ji Ruchen and Aluo take turns playing in the funny looking treasure wheel, and then asked: "This town in this mountain, why a No one? It feels like it hasn't been inhabited for decades, it looks like a ghost town."

The map of the sheepskin scroll that Ji Yuno got from the treasurer of Baimei showed that in order to enter Wuling, he must go deep into the hinterland of Shiwanda Mountain, and the place where they are now happens to be in the center of Shiwanda Mountain.

However, the town is dilapidated and old, barren and gloomy.

Because the mountains are rainy and entwined with clouds and fog, the sun can’t penetrate the heavy clouds to reach here, so the sky is always foggy, and the visibility of the light is not high. The stilted buildings and indigenous houses covered by dense plants around them have collapsed, and some It still keeps its original appearance, some have been eroded, like a village forgotten by the world.

"More than fifty years ago, the people in this town offended the Miaogu Wizard Village in Yangui Mountain. They were retaliated and all died. The corpses are in the depths of the mud under your feet. This is the most secretive place in the Shiwanshan Mountain in Western Hunan. However, there have been several national scientific expedition teams who came here for exploration. One did not survive, and ordinary people would never come here. Because of evil, the country wanted to develop this place into a world-class tourist attraction in the past ten years, but who will come here? Death, too many times, no one dares to approach."

Baolun's snake stick was snatched by Aluo after acting like a baby, and Ji Ruchen held a dog's tail grass in his mouth and hooked his shoulders to him while listening to his introduction.

"In Xiangxi, now the Baimiao village in the south is cooperating with the state to develop tourist attractions in order to get rid of poverty. The Shennvfeng mountain range is safer and has become a gathering place for tourists. However, the other mountainous areas of Shiwanda Mountain have lived here for generations. Villagers in, rarely have foreign visitors, so what are you here for?"

It seems that Rong Qian didn't tell the parasitic spirit guide, their real purpose, nor did they mention the word "Wuling".

Ji Yuno glanced at the watch with a compass on his wrist. The magnetic field was completely chaotic, and he couldn't tell the direction. Hearing the words, he faintly replied: "Our three people ran here and disappeared. We are going to find them." The words fell. The name of the entrance mountain range of "Wuling" that was seen on the map of the sheepskin scroll appeared in Yuno's mind, and immediately asked, "We are short on time, do you know how to get to the mountain without returning?"

"I know, next to Yangui Mountain is the mysterious No Return Mountain, surrounded by clouds and mist all the year round. That mountain, even the Miao Gu Wizard Village on Yangui Mountain, dare not approach it, passing through Wushan Town and over this mountain. , If you pass through the Great Rift Valley of Yinshan Mountain, you will no longer return to the mountain. Have your people run away?"

"what happened?"

"Then they might be more ill-tempered. Anyone who enters the mountain of no return, whether he has the ability to reach the sky or possesses a special skill, has never returned. Therefore, it is called the mountain of no return. I can take you to the mountain of no return. But you won’t go in with you, you have to be more careful.”

Baolun said bluntly, with a somewhat indifferent tone.

For Yuno, she didn't want to hear such useless nonsense.

In her heart, all she thinks about is that she can find Miyajiyu in the fastest time.

Or, you can find him and stop him before he changes his fate!


Gong Siyu didn’t expect that when he returned to Feng Jinxuan’s family ancestral home, it could be described as difficult and dangerous. They used flying tiger claws to shoot to the cliffs and crevices to fix them and tie them to their waists to protect them. A group of people climbed the cliff all night and did not climb to the top of the cliff until dawn.

Gong Siyu felt that if he hadn't been able to climb such a high cliff with his bare hands, if he hadn't developed a skill that he could not leak since he was a child in the military academy.

Feng Jinxuan and his family's clerk's children are also ruthless people. When they climbed the cliff, their faces were not red and breathless, except for the damp clouds in the morning that wet their robes and hair, and they looked intact.

And while they were sitting on the top of the mountain, taking a rest, looking at the magnificent scenery of the sun rising slowly and the clouds and the sea and mist...

Behind the dense forest and sea, in the wind and grass, ten young men in white robes with outstanding appearance, tall and straight, and extraordinary tolerance suddenly appeared like a ghost.

All looks clean and handsome, with a clear sky, like a fairy boy.

(End of this chapter)

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