Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 574: Eat anything, tiger! You are not afraid of diarrhea

Chapter 574 Eat everything, tiger! You are not afraid of diarrhea

The beautiful woman who dared to pull Feng Jinxuan's ear was turned into a "grandma" by Feng Jinxuan!

Gong Siyu was silent, but could not hide his surprise.

Angelica was even more stunned.

What kind of "fairy family" is Fengjia? Each of these grows against age and is able to stay young forever. She should be an old woman, but she is bright and beautiful, like a beautiful double ten.

She is also wearing a white robe, but she wears brilliant colors around her waist. She has a pair of beautiful eyes looking forward to radiance like water, and she wears exquisite silver jewelry.

As soon as Feng Jinxuan's unkind words were uttered, the beautiful woman let go like a "drama", and within a few steps, she came to Feng Jinxuan Grandpa Feng Xuanqing's side, and her beautiful eyes squeezed out two drops of clearness. Tears, a look of sadness and grievance, clinging to Jun Yi, cold and deep Feng Xuanqing's arms, wiped the corner of his eye with the sleeve of his robe.

"Aqing, this kid is fierce to me and threatens me."

Feng Jinxuan's cold temperament should have been influenced by his grandfather Feng Xuanqing, because the old man's temperament was completely colder and colder than Feng Jinxuan.

The expression was indifferent, serious and unkind, letting the beautiful woman take her arm, making trouble there without reason, glanced at it condescendingly, and shook her head, "Children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, Jinxuan does not like Xiyue, and Xiyue's strong The temper is not suitable for Jin Xuan, so why do you force him to meet?"

The beautiful woman seems to be accustomed to making unreasonable troubles, eating Ding Feng Xuanqing will definitely turn her mouth, "The marriage between the two is a thousand-year tradition, and I was once a member of the Duanmu family, why can't it? I don't care, you must Let this kid go to Duanmu's house to show his face, otherwise I won't be able to keep my face!"

"Okay, okay, but you are not allowed to cry. The most unbearable thing I can't bear is that you cry. It's an old person, and like a child who likes to cry at every turn, it's like a kid watching jokes."

There was a harsh smell in Feng Xuanqing’s words, but he was able to let the beautiful woman next to him wipe his nose and tears all over his body. It was enough to show that he must be very fond of this beautiful woman, but his temper was cold. , Disdain to express it.

"Who dares to laugh at me, poison to death!"

The beautiful woman Xiaoniao Yiren took Feng Xuanqing's arm and leaned against his shoulder. It seemed to be stunning, but the tone of speech that could be spoken revealed a faintly ruthless color, which made people feel the creeps behind him.

The beautiful woman is Feng Jinxuan's grandmother and Feng Xuanqing's wife, Duanmuxiu.

"I'm going to take Jinxuan and his friends to the elder's hall. You can find your neighbors and sisters for fun."

"Dead old man, you have left me here for so long in retreat, and will not accompany me when you come back. What do you mean?"

"Hey, Axiu, when I help Jinxuan's friend, I will take you to the top of Kunlun Mountain to enjoy the snow."

Feng Xuanqing successfully sent away his wife. While walking along the beautiful Fengjiazudi trail, he looked back coldly and said: "I will help you with all my strength, but I will give your grandma a face and take the time to watch. Look at Duanmu Xiyue."

"I see, grandpa." Feng Jinxuan said, and smiled bitterly at Gong Siyu, shook his head, and couldn't escape.


If it is an ordinary person, walking in the dense tropical rain forest climate, which is inaccessible to the people, trekking through the mountains and rivers, it must be difficult to walk, but for the group of Ji Yuni and the others, they crossed the mountains from Wushan Town, trekked through the Yinshan Rift Valley, and finally came to No Return At the mountain pass, it took a long time to see the scene, effortlessly.

The parasitic spirit guide named Baolun did what he said, and when he arrived at the pass of the mountain of no return, for fear that the mountain would be cannibalistic, he fled without saying hello to Ji Yuno and the others, disappearing without a trace.

The clouds cover the sky and the sun. Standing at the foot of the majestic No-Return Mountain, you can't see the top of the mountain. Around them, the lush woods are so deep that you can't see the end. At the entrance of the No-Return Mountain, there is only one upward slope. The narrow gap like a crack can only be used by one person to enter, like the entrance to the abyss of hell...

Ji Yuno took out the sheepskin map, looked at the entrance of No Return Mountain, and looked at the route. Liuyun and Ji Ruchen were on both sides of her, helping to study the map together.

"The map shows that Buguishan is the starting point for entering Wuling. After passing through this mountain pass and entering the depths of Buguishan, as long as you pass the poison barrier forest and Death Valley, you can see the buried sky pond. The map is drawn to the buried sky pond. Broken, that is to say, the Funeral Lake is the entrance of Wuling."

Yuno rolled up the map and stuffed it into his backpack. Then he picked up the water bottle. She wanted to drink water, but found that the water bottle was empty. Seeing dew and rain on the wet plant stems and leaves, she just wanted to take off a piece and pour it into her mouth. , Was stopped by Ji Ruchen.

"Blind? There is a decayed pine tree corpse under this plant. I am afraid that the water cannot be drunk. This place is indeed very evil. I don't know when the bugs, song and birds have disappeared, or stop drinking and drink me. of."

With that said, Ji Ruchen handed over half a bottle of mineral water to Ji Yuno.

As soon as he took a sip to quench his thirst, Liu Yun asked suspiciously, "Where is A Luo?"



Looking around, there is no sign of A Luo.

However, Yuno discovered that there was a string of muddy shoe prints at the entrance of the foot of No Return Mountain.

In the next second, in the gap between the entrance of the foot of the sky, A Luo's excitement was heard——

"Wow, there are a lot of bones in the crevices of the cliffs. It looks like a lot of people have died. It looks so interesting..."

It turned out to be one step ahead of them and couldn't wait to sneak in first.

"Lori, don't run around, wait for us to follow."

Ji Ruchen screamed into the mountain pass without a laugh or cry, and listened to A Luojiao screaming: "I'll find the way for you, wow, the centipede here is quite big, the hemp rope is thick and thin, and it is more than one meter long. ?"

When Ji Yuno, Ji Ruchen, and Liuyun followed Aluo, they saw her holding a small dagger, chiseling the bones that had been sealed and imprisoned in the rock wall. After a few gouges, they felt boring and grabbed them with bare hands. He took the centipede with a body length of more than one meter, cut off the head, took the poison gland, and prepared to stuff it into his mouth.

But then Ji Ruchen slapped his head back and spat out.

"Eat everything, tiger! You are not afraid of diarrhea!"

Liuyun glanced at the abrupt white bones in the black rock walls on both sides of them, and raised his eyebrows.

"It seems that this place is a bit overhanging. It is definitely not what ordinary people can do to integrate the dead into the rock walls of the mountain."

A Luo pouting her mouth sulkingly, picked up the big half-dead centipede on the ground, pulled its body, tied it with a bow, and threw it away.

After that, the group of them continued to deepen in, and finally stopped outside the poison barrier forest with dense fog and no sun exposure, and had not yet entered the poison barrier forest.

I saw animal bones and dead human bones everywhere, and many skeletons deliberately hanged on trees.

These seem to have been deliberately done by someone.

(End of this chapter)

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