Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 599: Dreamland of Miyajiyu

Chapter 599 The Dreamland of Gongsiyu

"Gong Siyu, if you don't wake up, the child will cut off the righteousness with me, cut off the righteousness, the old and the dead! I was smashed by you! Dude! Wake up! Don't pretend to be dead!"

Wuling is the ancestral land of the family, early in the morning, in the stilted old building with mountains and rivers.

Accompanied by the sound of throwing, Ji Ruchen kept performing "King Qin walks around the pillar" to avoid being accidentally injured by the hatchet that Ji Yuno had found.

Gong Siyu could clearly hear the surrounding sounds and movements.

But the body still couldn't move.

He was trapped in a mysterious and weird dream, and his body seemed to be held back by an invisible force. It seemed to insist on telling him through this dream.

The dream is faint and illusory, as if taking him to ancient times.

Gong Siyu saw an ancient palace hidden deep in the mountains. The palace was like a huge mausoleum, magnificent and magnificent, but it was filled with a breath of extreme sadness.

The palace is magnificent and magnificent.

And above the one-hundred-level high-level, there are two coffins placed together...

Gong Siyu's body involuntarily went up to the one hundred high-level, and came to the two coffins.

He saw a man.

A man wearing a golden dragon robe, but his three thousand blue silks turned silvery white, his stalwart and broad back was set off by his stalwart and broad back, noble and charming, but for unknown reasons, his body was filled with intense grief.

Around, twenty men and women wearing red cloud robes with black background, all knelt on the ground sadly, their foreheads were tied with a white cloth to pay homage to the deceased. They were masked and mysterious. Everyone was tattooed with symbols on their hands and necks. A totem of identity, with a gold sword with a unicorn pattern on the waist.

Gong Siyu looked at the two coffins expressionlessly, always feeling the inexplicable pain in his heart, like angina, painful.

Two coffins, one is empty, and one is lying alone.

And at this moment, a vain male voice sounded faintly in the entire hall, the startled Gong Siyu raised his eyebrows slightly, his pupils contracted, and he was extremely alert.

Gong Siyu saw the noble man with his back facing him, wearing a dragon robe, standing beside the coffin where the person was lying, reaching into the coffin, gently stroking the person lying in the coffin, and saying: "I am already Let those people be buried for you..."

"You said you never want to love me again..."

"It's okay, for generations to come, I won't let go of your hand..."

"I will use my own way to persecute you and be with me forever..."

"You wait for me... silly."


Miyajiyu was puzzled and didn't understand why he was in such a dream.

With a strong curiosity, he vaguely found out the heart of the person lying in the coffin, he took a step forward and glanced into the coffin.

Seeing the bloodless, but extremely beautiful girl in the coffin.

At that moment, Gong Siyu's pupils shrank, and his heart seemed to be hammered hard.


Gong Siyu was in a cold sweat and shivered all over, suddenly startled from the bamboo bed!

The whole body was sweaty, but immediately after that, Rumenruu wakes up and has not fully recovered.


At the crotch, a hatchet flew horizontally, just a few centimeters away, which could make him cut off his children and grandchildren, and he was so frightened that he immediately became sober.

An unusually familiar anger sounded in his ears and yelled: "Ji Ruchen! Where are you blocking the knife and swinging it! Do you want to make me not happy in my next life!"

"Haha, mistakes, mistakes, it didn't hurt him either."

With his head dizzy, Gong Siyu subconsciously searched for the source of the anger, and looked into the dazzling sunlight, anxious and joyful, rushing towards him.

"you're awake!"

Seeing Miyajiyu sitting up suddenly in shock, Ji Yuno rushed into his arms, tightly wrapped his arms around his waist, buried him in his arms, and rubbed his small face against his chest.

At the sight of Miyajiyu, Yuno was extremely nervous and hugged himself.

I recalled the scene I saw in my dream.

In that coffin, there was a bloodless, dead girl...

He twisted his heart, and hugged Ji Yuno back tightly for fear of losing. He took a deep breath and tried to calm the fear in his heart, "Dear heart... I had a dream, in which you died."

When raising his head from Miyajiyu's arms, Yuno found that this handsome face that was close at hand was filled with shock.

"What nonsense? It was you who almost died, and not me, I am here..." With thin arms around Gongsiyu's neck, he hugged desperately, "I won't settle accounts with you or care about you. You urged Ji Ruchen and Liuyun to tie me up. How about you? Do you feel uncomfortable?"

The vision of not returning to the market last night shocked everyone.

No one knew what happened to the columnar aura from Miyajiyu's body.

The force that was so powerful that it would completely destroy the Temple of No Return to the Tiantai Temple, after that, disappeared from Gongsiyu's body.

None of them could detect a trace of spiritual power.

However, Miyajiyu really scared them all.

How can a flesh-and-blood drive, an extremely ordinary person, have that kind of power?

Ji Yuno knew that they could only find the answer after Miyajiyu wakes up.

Now he woke up unharmed.

She also breathed a sigh of relief.

"No, I'm fine."

Not only was it okay, Gong Siyu also felt that his body seemed to penetrate something, and his ears and eyes were instantly clear. He could hear the birds and insects outside the window more sensitively, and he could feel the sound of the breeze, as if the whole person Crystal clear and refreshing.

Afterwards, Ji Yuno thought of Ji Ruchen, who was watching the show with a smile, and took out the engagement ring that Gong Siyu handed over to Ji Ruchen from his pocket, spread his palms, and moved to Gong Siyu. before.

"I heard that you gave Ji Ruchen the engagement ring? You entrusted me to him? Gong Siyu, are you giving away your wife?"

In the dream, Yuno was lying in the coffin and died, but Miyajiyu was frightened.

Over and over again, he looked at Yuno who was safe and sound in front of him, clasped her neck for a few minutes, stroked her cheek, and felt her real existence.

Hearing this, it is important to take the engagement ring in Yuno's hand, put it back on, and quickly put Yuno into her arms, caress and comfort, and shake the pot with a black belly: "If it doesn't exist, he fools you."

"Brother, you are unkind!"

Ji Ruchen couldn't laugh or cry, how could he be fooled? I don't know who handed him the ring bravely before he died at night, and also entrusted someone to him. This man would really open his eyes and talk nonsense.

Gong Siyu glanced at Ji Ruchen coldly and sneered provocatively. What can you do with me?

After confirming again and again that Gongsiyu has no problems.

Ji Yunai summoned out of thin air the merits and virtues she received after taking over as Yin-Yang official, which recorded the merits and merits of all creatures in the world.

Whether the astrolabe array has successfully changed its fate against the sky.

Take a look at this book and you will know.

(End of this chapter)

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