Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 608: A Luo's cruel means

Chapter 608 A Luo's Cruel Methods

Duanmu Xiyue realized that it was her own blood that dripped from the top of her head.

The thick, herb-scented blood slid down her dark black hair to her cheeks. In the blink of an eye, the wheat-colored face was covered with blood, shocking and terrifying.

The wrists and ankles were all **** by the rusty chains and tied to the four sides of the bed.

It is not difficult for Duanmu Xiyue to escape.

After all, the Duanmu family is proficient in witchcraft, and the escape curse is a breeze for a master like her who has just stepped into the Profound Realm of the Four Great Realms.

But the terrifying petite girl in front of her seemed to know what she was going to do next.

With no expression on his face, he took out the sewing kit from the cloth bag diagonally across.

Thread the needle and thread in one go.

The mouth of Duanmu Xiyue who was about to chant the curse to get away was sewn tightly.

The stinging pain of the needle piercing the skin and flesh caused Duanmu Xiyue's pupils to shrink. It was extremely painful, but because the mouth was sealed, she could only make a sound like "Woo".

"Oh, it turns out that you can also heal wounds on your own. It seems that your cultivation level is not low."

The dark and cold peach blossom and apricot eyes were faint, slowly, and the tone was flat.

A Luo stared at Duanmu Xiyue's sewed lips.

Her **** lips, after acupuncture, the holes left in them began to heal gradually, just like a rag doll with a big mouth cut, extremely ugly.

"What if your cultivation base is not low? I can also make you survive and die. The pain that A Xuan endured with the heart-biting gu, I want you to repay it ten times, oh no, a hundred times."

Throwing the embroidery needle in his hand, A Luo was expressionless, humming an unknown strange tune in his mouth, hopped up to Duanmu Xiyue’s vanity mirror, and took a silver scissors wrapped in red thread. I took a small art dagger that was as thin as a cicada's wings.

As he walked back to the bed, A Luo took off Duanmu Xiyue's clothes a little bit and took off, leaving her naked in front of her.

Then Aluo took the dagger and stabbed it like cotton.

First pierced Duanmu Xiyue's abdomen, and saw blood flowing out of her body, but the wound was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Immediately, she brought her fingers together, followed by the pink light flowing lingering at the fingertips, silently meditating on Fa Jue, and cast a spell on Duanmu Xiyue's body that could prevent her wounds from healing themselves.

Seeing that Duanmu Xiyue's wound could no longer heal on its own.

A sweet smile appeared at the corner of A Luo's mouth, and while holding the silver scissors, he followed Duanmu Xiyue's abdominal cavity all the way up, cutting a hole in her body.

Under the **** skin, the muscle tissue was opened, and it was clearly visible. Under the muscles were the ribs, and under the bones were her organs.

Duanmu Xiyue saw that she was cut apart by the terrifying girl in front of her, but she had no power to fight back, her angry and hateful eyes were mixed with fear.

She wanted to ask for help, her mouth was sewn.

She wanted to escape and had nothing to do.

Then, she saw the Lolita girl in horror, and took out another thing from her diagonal cloth bag, which was a small porcelain bottle.

Unplugging the stopper, transparent white smoke burst out from the mouth of the bottle, soaked with strange fragrance.

It was this strange fragrance that soon attracted many five poisonous insects.

Wuling, an isolated paradise, not only nourishes people, but also nourishes the poisonous insects here.

Densely dense centipede poisonous scorpions followed the cracks in the doors, windows, and ground into Duanmu Xiyue's boudoir, weirdly gathered beside A Luo, and stopped in place as if they could follow her instructions and manipulate them.

A Luo squatted down, picked up a dozen giant poisonous centipedes that were all black, turned around and threw them into Duanmu Xiyue's open belly.

"You make A Xuan's body full of disgusting black threadworms, then I will let your body be full of disgusting centipedes and poisonous scorpions. Enjoy it, you deserve it."

In the body of Duanmu Xiyue who was cut open, A Luo threw no less than 40 centipedes and poisonous scorpions.

Ji Ruchen and Liuyun caught up with A Luo and broke into the time.

Seeing their loli right away, she was about to close Duanmu Xiyue's chest and abdomen, and began to suture her body with stitches.

The densely packed poisonous insects stay in place, neither leave nor attack people.

Duanmu Xiyue has been tortured by A Luo for a few minutes.

If it weren't for her to be different from ordinary people, she would have died early if she entered the Profound Realm with her cultivation base.

"Lori, what have you done?"

Ji Ruchen was stunned. When he walked to A Luo's side, he saw Duanmu Xiyue's naked and sewed body, and looked away with disgust, and saw A Luo humming and wiping his hands.

"She caused A Xuan to be bitten by insects. Of course I want her to taste that taste."

After all, Aluo relieved Duanmu Xiyue's spell that was unable to heal his wounds.

Seeing the terrifying sutures in her chest and abdomen, it gradually healed on its own.

Looking at it, she sneered suddenly: "Those centipede poisonous scorpions will bite her internal organs, but she can't die because of the Profound Realm, she has the ability to heal wounds by itself."

In other words, that is.

The pain and injury caused by the poisonous insects in her body will be healed, and Duanmu Xiyue will not die, but the pain caused by the poisonous insects to her internal organs cannot be offset by the self-healing ability.

She could only endure the intense pain caused by the boundless bite, while waiting for the wound bitten by the poisonous insect to heal on its own.

Ji Ruchen didn't think it was anything, so let's vent.

He and Liuyun came, just to prevent the entire Duanmu family from being angered, and set fire to deal with A Luo.

I thought it would be over.

Who knows, Aluo unlocked the chains on Duanmu Xiyue’s limbs and tied her up to look like a wild boar to be slaughtered, leaving Duanmu Xiyue naked, pulling the chains in her hands and pulling her out of the bed all the way Pulled down, dragged out of the room.

"Loli, take a moment, where do you go?"

Ji Ruchen couldn't laugh or cry, and Liuyun followed behind her, looking at the half-dead Duanmu Xiyue who was dragged to the ground and asked.

"Walking pig, stop by and find where the old woman is."


Bodhi Hall.

The elders of the Duanmu family gather here every day, chatting about the home, tasting fragrant tea.

Outside the ancient doors and windows, the sky was gray and cloudy, and it was about to rain.

And just as the older generation of Duanmu parents were talking and laughing...

The whole Bodhi Hall, invisibly, diffused unknowingly, a chilling air of murder.

The smooth bluestone ground trembled, and the water glass shook and fell to pieces.

Antique ornaments can be seen everywhere, giant plaques shattered and smashed to the ground.

The wall began to fall apart, and dust fell.

Outside the doors and windows, the sound of the wind stopped, and the chirping of birds was still, and the silence was strange, and there was no terrible sound.

On the high seat, the old woman Duanmufeng hugged the tabby cat, and her old eyes narrowed coldly.

Then, facing him, a naked and chain-ridden woman was kicked from the door and flew into the Bodhi Hall with humiliation and fell in front of Duanmu Fengqi.

Suddenly, the four were shocked and shocked.


"Hee Yue!"

(End of this chapter)

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