Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 613: I drank too much last night and killed me by mistake

Chapter 613 I drank too much last night and killed it by mistake, but I know my mistake and do not change

At the exit of Fengjiazudi, Ji Yuno, Gong Siyu and the others waited until the day lily was almost cold, but Ji Ruchen and Angelica still disappeared.

People did not wait, but waited for the news that three elders, six family members of the elders, and a young lady from the Duanmu family had died.

Things are getting louder, and across a turbulent river, you can feel the tension surrounding the Duanmu home.

Learned that they have not left yet.

Duanmuxiu and Feng Xuanqing walked dignifiedly.

I specifically asked: "You didn't do it?"

Ji Yuno looked dazed, "The matter is resolved, what do we kill them for?"

A Luo shook his head and said sweetly and well-behaved: "A Xuan said, stay a line of life, and see you in the future, I didn't kill, it's definitely not me, I'm very obedient."

Aluo's cute and well-behaved appearance immediately made Feng Jinxuan feel so tender, she looked down and held Aluo's small face and kissed in public, as if the person who threatened to kill Duanmu Xiyue and the old lady yesterday was not This bear kid.

"Then you guys are not leaving? Get out of here, it's an eyesore!"

Duanmu glared at Feng Jinxuan with a poisonous tongue, dropped a word, took Feng Xuanqing's arm and headed towards Duanmu's house.

It just so happened that when the two of them walked on their front feet, Ji Ruchen hugged a tuft of "unidentified objects" and swayed and appeared in front of them refreshingly.

Even though the clothes on his body are stained with dirt, it is still difficult to conceal Ji Ruchen's graceful and enchanting posture. Xin's long figure steadily hugs the "unidentified object" wrapped in bedding in his arms, Ji Ruchen smiles. It comes from Italy.

I was afraid that those old witches had caused too much psychological shadow on Angelica last night, and he shrank into Ji Ruchen's arms silently, feeling helpless and devoid of energy.

"Yuno and the others asked, I'm afraid... they will feel ashamed of me... they won't be friends with me..."

Leaning on Ji Ruchen's shoulders, barefoot, Angelica had no clothes on him, and they all fell on the scene of the incident last night, only wrapped in bedding.

"Nonsense, how nice children are they to you? This kind of thing will never happen, and..." Ji Ruchen's eyes moved down, smiling but not smiling, as if he wanted to give Angelica a sense of security, "this matter has passed. Except you know me, everyone else who knows is dead, what are you afraid of?"

"Should I...should I come down and walk by myself? So as not to cause misunderstanding..."

"I hold you, don't move."

Looking down, Ji Ruchen raised his eyebrows, and his enchanting voice was soaked in a sense of intimidation, which made Angelica immediately give up resistance and let him hold it with extreme obedience.

"Ji Ruchen, you are dying, we have waited for you for three full hours!"

When Ji Ruchen saw Ji Ruchen, Ji Yuno jumped his feet and poked the watch on Gong Siyu's wrist. When the words fell, he glanced suspiciously at the man who was tightly wrapped in the quilt. When he saw that it was Angelica, he was stunned.

"what's the situation?"

Angelica half-closed his eyes, he heard Ji Yuno's voice, and suddenly felt that he was causing everyone trouble. He twisted his eyebrows and buried him in Ji Ruchen’s arms, fearing that Ji Ruchen would tell Ji Yuno themselves. Humiliated by a group of old women.

Who knows, Ji Ruchen answered like this.

"He fell into a pit last night and was arched by a wild boar. I passed by, saved him, killed the pig to fill his stomach, spent the night in the mountains, and overslept."

"..." Ji Yuno was stunned, what about a liar?

I knew that Ji Ruchen didn't tell the truth, but looked at the languor of Angelica, and didn't ask much.

"Several elders in the Duanmu family have died, and Duanmu Xiyue is also dead, do you know this?"

"I know, I killed it. I drank too much last night and killed it by mistake, but I knew it and didn't change it."

Having said that, Ji Ruchen raised his eyebrows and smiled, and walked towards the exit leading to the outside of Fengjiazudi, holding Angelica, the pace was brisk and arrogant.

Seeing a group of people behind him looking at him with different faces, tilted their heads, the fox questioned: "Huh? Are you not leaving?"

"Walk around, I didn't hear anything just now."

A Luo held the demon gu moth, shook his head, and ran away.

"I ran off." Ji Yuna pulled over Gongsiyu and passed by Ji Ruchen, and changed the subject directly, "Angelica was arched by a wild boar, and the arched clothes are gone? Let me tell you, drunk chaos |Sex is also responsible!"

"I didn't say that I was not responsible..." Ji Ruchen smiled bitterly.

When Liu Yun and Ji Ruchen passed by, he took a deep look and shook his head, "I didn't expect you to be this kind of person, so goodbye."

"..." What happened to me?


After leaving Wuling, Ji Yuno directly took out her "Dark Pearl", opened the transmission channel, and sent everyone back to her new home with Miyajiyu.

It was supposed to be a return journey for several days, and it was just a short time.

When he got home, Ji Ruchen settled in Angelica and let him take a bath.

Then he yelled to visit the room furnished by Gong Siyu in his new home.

When only Ji Ruchen and Gong Siyu were left.

Gong Siyu also asked in a deep gossip, "Beast, do you really give Angelica?"

Ji Ruchen did not answer directly, but said quietly, "I said, I will be responsible."

"His mind is pure and simple, innocent and inexperienced. Don't do anything to hurt him as a bastard."

"Gong Siyu, is it that you are so happy that I can't steal the baby with you? You are still gloating at this moment? Think you are missing a rival? Very happy?"

"Otherwise?" Gong Siyu sneered.

"I tell you! I will never show mercy when it's time to grab!"

"Scum!" Gong Siyu snorted coldly, and immediately pointed out that he had been eavesdropping at the door, but his clothes corner was revealed, "Look at who is listening at the door?"

As a result, Ji Ruchen turned his head and saw a figure fleeing, with embarrassment, helplessness, and sadness.



Bai Feiran is not at home. In the morning, he should replace Gong Siyu to the Gongshi headquarters.

After Miyajiyu and Ki Yuno moved, A Luo and Feng Jinxuan visited them in the future, so at noon, everyone gathered together and had lunch in a modest manner.

After the meal, Feng Jinxuan asked Gong Siyu to borrow a car to take A Luo back to his home in the imperial capital. When he left, something happened.

A Gu moved his bones of bones, trot mechanically in front of Yuno, and said: "Master...there are a lot of bright green flying insects gathered outside the house. After you came back, hundreds of them have flown in one after another. Thousands... But, they were all set up by Angelica just now, and they were blocked."

But it is inevitable that there will be fish that slip through the net.

As soon as Ah Gu's voice fell, a bright green flying insect flew towards Gongsiyu very aggressively.

Ji Yuno's eyes were quick and quick, he quickly reached out and grabbed it, pinched to death, spread his palms, and looked intently, his heart sinking.

"It's myelophagous to erase the memory of Gong Siyu."

Sure enough, she knew that all the troubles would follow when she came back.

Eat myeloid, and then the five-day deadline will come tomorrow, she must return to the underworld immediately.

Thinking of a lot of things waiting for her to deal with, it is likely that she will be separated from Miyajiyu for a while, Yuno became worried, and she didn't know how to talk to him.

(End of this chapter)

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