Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 635: The absurd reason that the Mingrui beast throws up its head is actually...

Chapter 635 The absurd reason that the Mingrui beast throws its head is actually...

Yuno's head was dripped with the sour and smelly liquid mixed with the vomit and saliva of the underworld beast.

Slimy and smelly, Yu Nao wrinkled her face in disgust, stood up, brushed off the mucus standing on her eyelids with her hand, shook it, and suddenly stopped getting angry, and took a few more glances. Fan Weiliang's head fell on the ground.

Looking up and glaring at Mingrui Beast, pointing to the head that was spit out by it, he said loudly: "Ah! Cannibalism? Forget it! You ate the head! Now! I got nauseated and vomited! I tell you! I will report to King Ming Jiang when I go back! You are dead! Little broken stuff!"

When Ji Yunai yelled at her reprimand, she was arrogant.

The huge Mingrui beast was looking down, with its head hanging down. The black cat's nose kept sniffing the flute boy transformed by the black flute, and it kept purring, as if he liked it very much.

It seemed to understand what Yuno was saying.

As soon as he heard the word "King Jiang", he immediately persuaded.

With her ears drooping, her thick and powerful tail dangling, the blue cat's pupils were infinitely enlarged, as if she was wearing cosmetic contact lenses, it seemed extremely innocent, and she sat and squatted well.

There was a "meow".

He also secretly used his sharp claws to hook Yuno's chicken feather teaser stick and hide it under his paws.

"Master, this **** cat, it said, it didn't kill or eat people."

The flute boy transformed from the black flute.

The appearance is a boy of five or six years old.

A pocket-sized figure, wearing a purple and light blue moiré ancient robe with double breasts.

Like a little witch boy.

A pair of oval eyes are a rare purple.

The pink jade is very beautiful.

Raising his head, Ditong pointed at the Mingrui beast, and felt that the Mingrui beast was too tall and tired, so he said to the Mingrui beast milky and cute: "You lower down, you are so tired. ."

The Ming Rui Beast "gummed" and actually got down.

"Do you understand it?"

Yuno was skeptical, but Ditong nodded like a garlic, "Yes, it says it doesn't eat people, it doesn't taste good to people, it likes to eat dark and evil things that are heavy, and it praises me for being cute."

"You ask it, why would it spit out a head without eating people!"

Yuno just asked. On the side, Miyajiyu left the mask that resisted the attack, and took off the outer black short sleeve that he wore neatly, and walked to the side of Yuno, not too dirty. Wipe her face and hair with clothes.

Ditong nodded, and listened to the Mingrui beast "meow" very seriously for a while, then jumped to Yuno's feet, raised his head and stretched out his hand, "Master, hug~!"

Ji Yuno bent down and picked up the flute boy.

Inexplicably, she felt that Gong Siyu was by her side. She was holding the flute boy, and she had a sense of sight of a family of three.

He listened to Ditong leaning against her cheek, rubbing it, and cleverly said: "The big cat said that he was looking for food in the woods that night and saw a town tomb anaconda that emerged from the tomb and saw it dive into the mud. , Took a person in his mouth and wanted to swallow it, and he went up to stop it, not allowing the town tomb anaconda to eat people, so the two of them fought. The big cat bit the man’s head and did not give it to the town tomb anaconda. The town tomb anaconda bit the man’s lower body and did not let go. The two sides competed against each other and did not give way to each other. The big cat wanted to let the town tomb anaconda get lost. The town tomb anaconda felt that the big cat was taking care of his business. In the end, they both tried hard. Too fierce, I'm not careful..."

"I accidentally pulled someone's head off the neck abruptly and separated the head, right?"

Ji Yuno had a black face and looked up at Ming Rui Beast.

Seeing Ming Rui beast nodded very clumsy, and fiddled with the human head on the ground with its big fleshy claws, it seemed very embarrassing.

In the next second, I listened to Ji Yuno's snarling anger——

"Is this what people do!"

The scared Mingrui beast shrank its ears, covered his head with its two furry front paws, and its tail shrank.

"Master, the big cat is a strange animal in the underworld, and the tomb boa is a thousand-year-old boa constrictor. You are not a human. You are stupid." The little lotus arm hugged Ji Yuno's neck. Suddenly, the flute boy turned the purple big circle again. Looking at the beautiful and extravagant Gong Siyu, he tilted his head and asked blankly.

"Brother, have we met somewhere?"

Miyajiyu doesn't like children, and thinks that baby teeth are a kind of creature in this world that makes noise, troubles, and makes people irritable.

As a result, the flute boy was cold and gloomy.

"No," replied indifferently.

"You must have seen it, I have been living with him, how come you haven't seen it?"

Ji Yuno interjected.

Di Tong shook his head, "No, no, it's a long, long, long time ago. It's been a long time since Di long is it?" Di Tong kept mumbling, but his thinking was jumping. Second was still wondering where he saw Gongsiyu before, and then suddenly said again after a second, "Yes, master, the big cat just said, it knows where the town tomb anaconda is. It is the town tomb anaconda that eats people, not it. , You can go to the town tomb anaconda to settle the account. Can you let it go first? It thinks the human world is fun and doesn't want to go back to the underworld. The big cat also said that the transfer seal can be brought back to the owner. Be kind and discuss everything."

Just as Ji Yuno was about to blurt out, "Don't even think about it, come back to the underworld with me", the word "you" has not yet been spoken, Liuyun, who is squatting in the center of the underworld with Bai Feiran and watching the theater, does not know what mechanism he has stepped on.

The ground of the entire Hades suddenly heard the sound of the activation of the huge organ device.

I didn't wait for everyone to know where the agency was activated.

Suddenly, everyone's body lost their center of gravity and balance, and the soles of their feet were suspended.

I watched the stone slabs on the ground of the Underworld shatter one after another and fell.

Without any precautions, they fell into a huge dark space one after another.

The wind is hunting, and there are echoes.

Yuno felt that they had fallen into a **** and then kept rolling down.

Soon the **** disappeared.

The body fell in a straight line, like an abyss.

Accompanied by the meowing sound of Mingrui beast exploding hair, Liuyun's cursing sound, and Ditong's cry for help...

Yuno felt that when she was falling, she accidentally threw out the flute in her arms, and she even heard flute crying.

Soon, Yuno felt it through.

He fell down with a "bang" and sat in a warm embrace, his buttocks landed first, accompanied by a muffled grunt.

In the next second, I heard Gong Siyu's difficult and low voice asking: "Have you hurt?"

Yuno felt no pain at all.

Looking down, he was sitting on Miyajiyu's chest.

Scared to stand up hurriedly, he lifted Gongsiyu up, "Isn't it broken by me?"

"Your body can't sit still on me."

"Where are Xiaoyun and Bai Feiran?"

Ji Yuno looked around, strangely surprised that the blue and cold dark light swayed above their heads.

Suddenly looked up.

Suddenly, there are large blue water ripple crystals like ice crystals on the head.

It is the blue crystals formed in underground caves for hundreds of millions of years, and the ore buried deep in the rock layer squeezed by crustal movement, in pieces, covering the rock wall of the mountain above them.

Under the refraction of the weak light, a faint blue light was formed, and the surroundings immediately reflected gradually became clear.

(End of this chapter)

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