Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 663: Dudu has never done anything in the tomb of the dead

Chapter 663 What Dudu hasn't done in the tomb of the dead

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Yuno was shocked when he listened to Guiwen's words.

In my mind, I was inexplicably thinking of hearing the conversation between the mysterious black robe master and his subordinates. In the conversation, "defective products" were mentioned...

A master above the heavens, concealing the heavens, crossing the sea, bypassing the underworld, spending a hundred or even thousand years of time, exhausting all their energy, casting man-made people...

Could it be...

The reason why Wei Lingwan and Yinshan King are not in the list of life and death and reincarnation, do not exist at all.

Is it because they are the man-made people mentioned in "Underworld"?

"Master Yin and Yang still have questions?" Guizhen asked patiently and gently.


"Please say."

"If it exists in the book of life and death, but there is no previous life in the reincarnation chart, what is the explanation?"

"This... As far as I know, a person who is scattered in ashes and dies cannot enter the cycle of reincarnation, so there is no record in the cycle of reincarnation, but if this person has survived in the world, he will definitely find it in the book of life and death, even after death. Soul die."

"Then what if this person is still alive but has no previous life?"

"This kind of situation has never been seen in the Underworld Unknown Records, so I don't know." Guizhen said apologetically, "This mortal is about to wake up, we should leave as soon as possible."

When Guiju Ling Shiyin and Ji Yuno left separately.

Did not tell her.

At this moment, like them, they are all in the lofty mountains, and there are two other people——

Fan Wujiu and Xie Bian.


The task that King Jiang gave them was to bring back a female body that looked the same as Ji Yuno from the ancient tomb. In fact, Fan Wujiao took Xie Bian with him. As soon as midnight arrived, he found the tomb and went deep into it.

But at dawn.

The two did not get out of the tomb.

But the female corpse, they have already found it, and it has been stored in the unold tree coffin they brought beforehand, so that the body is not decayed for the time being.

At the same time, the two also saw the male corpse in the crystal cold jade coffin that looked exactly like Gong Siyu.

"Hei Ye, what should I do with this one? Bring it back too?"

"Just treat it as if you haven't seen it, it's better to do less than more."

Fan Wujiu said in his heart that he would take the female corpse back for business early, so he could go back to the house with Xie Bian to rest.

But I don't want to, his Xiaobai...



In Jiang Ziwen's private residence.

Fan Wujiu put an undead tree coffin in the courtyard, and the ghost servant immediately went to report.

Soon, Jiang Ziwen wore a loose black robe, his chest was half open, and he walked out of the bedroom lazily and coldly, his ink hair flying, his eyes arrogantly cold and soaked in evil spirits, slightly frowned, staring at the court and standing on the coffin. Fan Wujiu next to him asked coldly:

"Where is Xie Bian for so long?"

Fan Wujiu coughed slightly, and subconsciously pulled the collar of his robe, his face expressionless, and coldly replied: "I will tell King Jiang, Xiaobai is unwell. I will go home first. The female body has been brought back and stored in In the coffin, where are you going to put it?"

Jiang Ziwen should have just woke up, his brows were cold and impatient, and Youyou coldly approached the coffin, gently pushed the coffin of the undead tree coffin apart, and cast a cold look inside.

When I saw the female corpse in the coffin, she really had exactly the same appearance as Ji Yuno. Jiang Ziwen's pupils were slightly shrunken, and a pair of horrible eyes that were as deep as **** and ice-cold, suddenly muttered to himself: "It's really exactly the same, but this body is born Strange, it was not born from a mother's womb, but as if someone deliberately created it...what is her name? Wei Lingwan?"

"Yes, Wang Jiang, Ji Yunai said that last time."

Fan Wujiu replied respectfully.

"There is no such thing in the book of life and death...There must be something strange behind it. You have nothing to do recently, so you are responsible for thoroughly investigating this matter."


"The corpse is temporarily placed in the ice hell, where it is extremely cold and can save the corpse." Jiang Ziwen slowly closed the coffin lid, seeming to think of something, and suddenly looked at the sky vaguely and lonely, "Counting days, that girl's body is just It's almost reaching the limit. If she gets stronger, the body will definitely not be able to bear it..."


in the morning.

In the manor surrounded by mountains and forests, the sun is shining and the weather is fine.

Ji Yunai has returned.

I was preparing breakfast for the people and animals in the kitchen in the restaurant.

Mo Hei curled up on the kitchen counter, languidly half-closed Mao Hitomi, watching Yuki cut fresh salmon meat for him there, Mo Bai fell asleep on the dining room table.

At his feet, two huskies and two puppet cats were playing around Yuno while biting each other.

Miyajiyu is wearing black home clothes, sitting on the main seat of the restaurant outside, drinking morning tea, reading the newspaper, and from time to time he glances obsessively at Yuno, who is busy in the kitchen, with a happy smile on his thin lips .

After a while, Bai Feiran and Liu Yun also got up.

When I arrived at the restaurant, Yuno happened to have prepared a rich and delicious breakfast. After the servant brought it to the table, she fed Mohei and the family pets.

So I sat down and chatted with Gong Siyu, Bai Feiran, and Liuyun.

Because the family is looking for a new housekeeper.

Everyone is discussing together.

"The monthly salary is according to the highest standard in the industry, 200,000 yuan a month." Miyajiyu said as he carefully cuts the bacon and eggs for Yuno, and put the plate in front of her, speaking slowly.

"You must have the courage. There are so many weird things in the family. The snakes, bones, and servants are all puppets. They don't have the mental capacity. They are probably scared to death."

Yuno took a bite of the caviar fed by Miyajiyu, and muttered.

"The confidentiality regulations must be signed, and everything in the manor must not be told to the outside world. This is necessary." Bai Feiran took a tablet and was recording the requirements of the recruitment butler, "It must be a man."

"It's best to know a little about psychic art."

While playing a game, Liuyun added a sentence while eating the toast that Bai Feiran handed over.

after an hour.

Bai Feiran listed about three pages of butler requirements. After reviewing them, he unanimously agreed. He then posted the butler recruitment to all recruitment platforms with one click, waiting for candidates to come and apply.

Neither Gong Siyu nor Bai Feiran went to the Gongshi Group headquarters on this day.

All work is done by remote video conference.

Yuna is "appreciating" her thick stack of task manuals, and is making a task plan.

At this time, the doorbell of the manor rang.

A Gu shrank and appeared by the door, his teeth trembled, and he dared not approach Yuno.

"Master, I am looking for you."


"What is the Human Realm Branch of the Three Realms Public Security Administration..."

Oh, that should be the black human world temporary residence certificate.

(End of this chapter)

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