Chapter 668 Stillborn

Although Zhuang You is the regent king and holds great power, but Wei Lingwan does not want to live in the palace, he will order the **** to send all the memorials back to the Yinshan Palace every day after he retreats, and stay with Wei Lingwan.

When Ji Yuno and the others returned to Yinshan Palace.

To his surprise, Wei Lingwan, who was about to give birth in October, was being forced to learn how to kill.

It was those mysterious people in black robes who forced her to learn.

"The princess and maid, this slave, one day intended to confuse the prince, she appeared in the prince’s study without her clothes, and tried to add an aphrodisiac to the prince’s tea, and now she wants to murder you and your unborn son , This is the decoction that can kill you. If I hadn’t found it in time, you would have drunk it at the moment. Do you know what you should do if you encounter such a thing?"

Even though Wei Lingwan was pregnant for ten months, she had a big belly, her face pale and weak, but the small face of the country was still dazzling.

The clear and beautiful eyes flashing with water, staring blankly at the talking cold beauty.

It was one of the five mysterious people in black robes, the woman with a quiet name.

"Sister Qingyin... I can understand that she wants to confuse Brother Zhuang You. After all, Brother Zhuang You is the dragon among people, and countless women yearn for it, but... Why does she want to harm me and the baby in my stomach?"

"Jealous, jealous, I want to take your place in the prince's heart... a lot, in short, she wants to kill you, tell me what you should do!"

Leng Meiren narrowed her glamorous cold eyes, stood in front of Wei Lingwan very domineering, and pointed at the maid who was tied to the ground by the big five flowers.

Wei Lingwan was holding her belly with some effort. Seeing Leng Meiren's fierceness, her eyes were slightly red, and she was a little aggrieved. She lowered her head and whispered, "Then I... Then I'll stay away? Don't let her see. ?"

Ji Yuno and the others were outside the door, peeking inside and listening.

Hear Wei Lingwan's timid remarks.

Inky black frantically on the side, a cat rolled around with a smile, laughing like a weasel, "Someone wants to harm you, what should you do? Hide... stay away? Hahahaha! What the **** is this answer!"

Mo Bai was displeased, "What are you laughing at cat, benefactor is gentle and pure, she can't even step on ants to death, how could she want to harm others?"

"Oh, I don’t understand, we don’t have such kind people in the underworld, all of them are very indifferent. Take Master Yin and Yang as an example. At that time, I was kept in captivity in the abyss of hell. I have heard of her being amazing, Yin Yang. The official decisive battle can kill people with grievances. After the opponent has been abused, she is cruelly put to death. People who have seen that method say that it is extremely vicious. I like Master Yin and Yang, a poisonous beauty who is not merciful to the enemy. Wow, your benefactor is really amazing!"

Hearing this, Ji Yuno was embarrassed and raised his forehead, covering his face with shame.

She wanted to tell Ming Rui Beast.

Your yin and yang master used to be.

What a fight against this innocent and innocent Wei Lingwan...

At this time, the sullen voice of the softly cold beauty came from the room.

"The princess empress! You should order her to be executed! Or solve her by yourself! Just like me!" The frosty mysterious black-robed woman said, drew out the golden unicorn knife on her waist and instantly cut off the maidservant's. The head, blood spilled on the ground, extremely vicious, "Have you learned it!"

Wei Lingwan was so scared that her face was pale, biting her silk paw, standing still not daring to move, looking pitifully at the cold beauty, like a stupid child who could not learn how to teach.

"I... I dare not kill..."

"I will teach you hand in hand?"

"The world is so beautiful, why must you kill?"

"That's because you haven't seen the dark, **** and cruel side outside! The prince has protected you too well! He is only willing to show you beautiful things, not willing to let you know the cruelty outside! If you don't know how to protect yourself, don't Know how to be cruel, you will put yourself in a crisis, don't you understand?"

"I stay in the mansion every day, so behaved, how could it be dangerous? I didn't harm anyone."

"..." But do you know how many people Yinshan King killed for you?

Leng Mei stopped talking, hating iron for nothing, turning her back, and shook her head at the three men in red and black robe behind her, "I tried my best, I give up."

At this moment, Zhuang You pushed in.

Seeing the corpse on the ground, smelling the smell of blood, seeing Wei Lingwan's pale pale face, her cold cold eyes were stained with a trace of anger, more distressed and intolerable.

"She can't learn it, so don't teach, what to force her to do?"

Zhuang Youheng hugged Wei Lingwan and covered her eyes with her big palm. "Waner don't look at the corpse. The weather is good today. She went to the lake pavilion to bask in the sun and enjoy the flowers, and she was in a good mood."

"You can't protect her for the rest of your life, this woman is already the fifth person to enter the mansion this month to miss her, and there will be more in the future!"

The cold beauty in the black robe gave frosty advice.

"Then hang the corpses of those who want to kill her at the gate of the palace and warn the others that whoever dares to come, they will end up!"

Zhuang You softly kissed Wei Lingwan's forehead, and said coldly.

"Brother Zhuang You... Why do so many people want me to die? Want our baby to die?"

Wei Lingwan leaned in Zhuang You's arms with a sad expression, and asked in a dull voice.

Zhuang You hooked his lips and smiled evilly, attached to Wei Lingwan's ear, and whispered:

"Because they are jealous that this king loves you so much."

"Really? You didn't lie to me?"

Zhuang You didn’t answer. He just looked like a treasure and left with Wei Lingwan, changed the subject, and said deeply, "Waner will only live happily and comfortably and give birth to our children. This king wants you to be carefree, other Yes, this king will take care of it. Don't listen to it, don't worry about it, this king's little Waner is simple, happy and beautiful, so it's good, understand?"

"Don't I have to learn to kill?"

"Don't learn if you don't want to, hide in the arms of the king."


Ji Yuno has been looking for the "Master of Worship" everywhere in Yinshan King's Mansion, hoping to find someone to possess him again, let him and Bai Wuyou face each other and figure out their origins.

But he hasn't seen the mysterious man for a long time.

That night, Wei Lingwan suddenly began to suffer from pain late at night. Her amniotic fluid broke and she was about to give birth.

The entire Yinshan Palace instantly fell into a solemn and tense atmosphere.

All the imperial doctors in the palace came, and the midwife moved into the palace early. She is the most prestigious in the Dian Kingdom. Among the five mysterious men in black robes, the only woman, the cold voice, also helped in the delivery room. Anything that might kill Wei Lingwan must be tested for poison by her.

Wei Lingwan had a difficult delivery.

Because of her delicate body, the baby in her belly is too big for her to give birth.

And late that night.

It was the first time that Ji Yuno saw the impossible, arrogant, cold, murderous Zhuang You, kneeling on the ground and begging heaven for blessing.

The man's back reveals the fear that the woman in the room will leave him, kneeling piously, fearful and frightened, solemn and deep.

In the end, two days and two nights, on the third day before dawn, the child was born.

But no one is happy.

Because it is stillborn.

At this moment, the mysterious worshiper finally appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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