Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 696: Sleepless tonight, the violent opening of the crazy beautiful girl

Chapter 696 Sleepless Tonight, The Crazy Girl's Critical Opening

The infrared thermal high imaging drone is the latest model developed by the multinational scientific research company of the Miyaji Group. It can fly up to 9,000 meters in the polar region and can be operated remotely by satellite communication technology. The camera real-time image is transmitted back to the longitude and latitude data and high definition. Picture.

It can fly concealed in the dark night, completely silent, reliable infrared thermal high imaging scanning the picture in the dark.

The cost is millions, which is extremely high.

Obviously, Bai Feiran got it to "play" for Gong Siyu.

The wind and snow stopped outside the cave, and the temperature was minus 20.

A self-heating system is installed on the drone, so normal operation can be guaranteed within half an hour.

Ji Yuno had to admit that with the changing times and advanced technology, the so-called spiritual power is not omnipotent. When spiritual power cannot be used, any high-tech means and weapons of mass destruction are the best choice. No wonder the underworld is fast. Reform began to rely on high technology.

Inside the cave, drones bypassed the snowy peaks, and the infrared images transmitted in real time clearly showed that tens of millions of densely packed things were climbing and howling around the tops, cliffs and cliffs on the other side of the buried Tianfeng. The number is scary.

The monitoring screen is split-screen, with thermal imaging on the left and night monitoring mode on the right.

They saw the vast Milky Way, under the shining starry sky, a large piece of ancient temple buildings, superbly standing on the cliffs of Tiantian Peak, standing for thousands of years, filled with a mysterious and ancient atmosphere.

The ancient temple covered in snow is like a secret forgotten by the times, magnificent and magnificent under the curtain of night, which is awe-inspiring.


Ji Yunai, Gong Siyu, Liuyun, and Ji Ruchen saw the four huge monsters guarding the ancient temple in Gyatso's mouth...

Ji Yuno and Miyajiyu didn't know what the four monsters were. They only felt that they were extremely large and fierce and terrifying!

On the contrary, Ji Ruchen cursed Juniang dumbfoundedly, leaned close to the display screen, and pointed at the behemoth with four limbs on the screen dumbfoundingly, "What the **** is this Donghuang Wuji? This kind of thing can be at his command?"

"It looks terrible, what is it?" Ji Yuno was suspicious, surprised that Ji Ruchen could have such an expression. Is it difficult to deal with?

Liuyun pointed to the plate on the screen on the Tongtian pillar of the ancient temple, with a human face and a dragon body, a red body, a long and narrow eyes, and a monster with fire patterns on the forehead. He sneered and said: "Jiu Yin, and Called the candle dragon, the monster shaped like a dragon in the prehistoric period, can call the wind and call the rain, can illuminate the dark place, and is extremely cruel. This thing was sealed in the extreme north ice and cold place thousands of years ago. How did it come out, I don’t know. In short, this one thing can make us choke."

"Supper than a corpse, human face, dog ears, animal body, both ears are entangled by two green snakes, love to eat all rotten things, half-human and half-beast monster, also a monster of the great prehistoric period, was splashed by its venom When it arrives, it will inevitably turn into a pool of corpse water. This is poisonous enough." Ji Ruchen held his forehead as if he realized how tricky things were.

"Y, shaped like a rabbit, is the smallest of the four, with long ears, and is said to be the ancestor of the unicorn, but this one is the most powerful of the four. It is playful and has a grumpy personality. You know what it eats. Is it?" Ji Ruchen cried and pointed to the squatting in front of the ancient temple on the screen.

"What to eat?"

Ji Yuno glanced at Miyajiyu, puzzled.

"Dragon, one ya can fight wickedly with three dragons at the same time." Ji Ruchen laughed dryly, "As long as these four go together, I may not be able to retreat."

"Then what is this just? He looks so ugly and still eats himself."

Sheep body, human face, eyes under the armpits, tiger-toothed beast claws, big head and huge mouth, the back spine is covered with sharp jagged, dark green fur, and the skin on the whole body has unique lines.

"Oh, gluttonous, the first of the four big beasts in ancient times, gluttony is the characteristic. It even eats itself when you are hungry. Your hostile should be hungry for it." Ji Ruchen said, looking at Angelica, "Idiot, Li Keep these four things away, do you know? They like to eat kids, one bite of one like you, no matter how full, stay behind me, don’t run around."

Angelica, who was eating compressed biscuits, was stunned, nodded like garlic, and squatted behind Ji Ruchen obediently.

"Wait, I'll go out and make a call."

Ji Yuno had a cold face and seemed very hot. He took out the mobile phone for the underworld from his bag, walked outside the cave, and called Jiang Ziwen with a grumpy call.

I sigh again that the technology of the underworld is advanced. Even in the depths of the snow-capped mountains where even this kind of satellite phone cannot be used, the underworld mobile phone can still be used for communication.


When Wang Wang answered, the noisy phone seemed to be in a meeting.

"My mother Ganlin! What the **** is Zhujiuyin? What is the tortoise grandson? How does Donghuang Wuji even have gluttonous food? She can listen to him! How do you let me fight him! My head is taken by him. What if the ball is kicked?"


Inside the cave, Miyajiyu and the others listened to Yuki outside the cave yelling and screaming.

"What? Taotie, Shebishi, and Yan escaped when **** was broken? Haven't been caught? They were originally sealed in the depths of hell? Okay, what?" Obviously, Yuno was mad, "Since If you bump into it, just grab it back together? Just as an experience? You have something wrong! I'm here to steal the ghost pupil! What are you telling me to fight with these four ghosts! You are a squeeze of employees! No humanity Crazy! Let me tell you, you will be punished!"

"Add money! Processing capital! This matter is resolved, I have a long holiday! I have the final say!"

Yuno finished the call.

He returned to the cave with a black face like a tigress.

The white ape shivered, and the jet black was frightened to the ears of the plane.

There was no sound in the cave, and everyone looked at Ji Yuno as if looking at the "Female Overlord", not daring to mess with it.

Under the gaze of everyone, everyone was stunned to see that Ji Yuno suddenly picked up the heavy weapon on the ground and swaggered towards the outside of the cave.

"Dear, what are you doing?" Gong Siyu stopped.

"Family, don't think about it!" Ji Ruchen also stopped.

"Xina, don't be reckless." Liu Yun blocked the entrance of the cave.

"Is there a battle plan?" the mountain ghost asked with a frown.

"Counsel? Sooner or later, we will fight, the battle plan is just one word-Gang!"

When the words fell, Ji Yuno raised the heavy weapon in his hand, jumped up, and jumped onto the peak of the snowy mountain above the cave, toward the place where the ancient temple of Buried Tianfeng was guarded by four big beasts, "Bang "It shot out.

Accompanied by a "swish"!

The huge explosion instantly destroyed the remains of the ancient temple on the cliff.

At the same time, the howling of evil spirits and ghosts resounding in the sky was deafening! The four fierce beasts roar fiercely! The avalanche caused by the huge explosion swept the tens of millions of evil spirits and zombies staying on the cliffs into the bottom of the abyss of the snow peak. The candle Jiuyin, the corpse, the gluttonous and the 犼 also instantly noticed Yuno. Roaring frantically, flying all over.

Without sleep tonight, a fierce battle began.

"Ah! This crazy woman..."

Ji Ruchen was dumbfounded and sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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