Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 719: No worries there is a problem!

Chapter 719 Worry-free has a problem!

Xie Bian and Fan Wujiu looked at Wang Jiang in shock.

I know that King Jiang has always been known for his brutality, cruelty, ruthlessness, and determination.

I am afraid that in such a period of time, because of Ji Yuno, he has made too many exceptions. Xie Bian and Fan Wujiao have forgotten that he was such a cold-hearted person. For a while, his heart was heavy.

I didn't want to expose Gong Siyu's name.

But don't want to...


So the question is, who kills?

The iron law of the underworld is not to commit suicide and harm citizens of the human world without authorization. This kind of ugly thing...

Follow previous precedents.

Xie Bi'an was dumbfounded, Fan Wujiu curled his eyebrows deeply.

I thought, it's over.

Don't be...

"Let Ji Yuno go."

In the past, the underworld yin and yang officials would do shameful deeds on behalf of the king and even the emperor of the underworld, as well as the secret beheading orders.

"Master Jiang, should this matter be more thoughtful? If there is a war with Donghuang Wuji in the future, maybe this person is still useful. If we can win over, let him fight against the rebels with us, and make use of it, it is a good way. "

Xie Bian wailed in his heart, racking his brains to remedy, wanting to make King Jiang change his mind.

"If the win-win fails, he will be brought under the dark forces of Eastern Emperor Wuji. Isn't it a problem for him to raise a tiger? Rejected, issued a beheading order, and told Ji Yuno that she would go."

Obviously, Jiang Ziwen did not want to continue this topic.

Then the conversation changed.

"Ji Yunai made a great contribution this time, Mingdi Joye, she must be rewarded, so that she must come back tomorrow."

"Yes!" Fan Wujiu and Xie Bian said in unison, and then left the first hall.

In a ghostly stone pavilion on the side of Huangquan Avenue.

Xie Bian covered his face, buried in Fan Wujiu's arms, with a sad expression on his face.

"Heiye, what should I do? I tried to fool for Yuno, but the result..."

Xie Bian was half talking, but was suddenly covered by Fan Wujiao.

"Be careful that the wall has ears, don't say it."

"Then what shall we do?"

"Ji Yunai has always had a lot of spooky ideas, and she must have a way to deal with it. Now everyone works together, and if you can help, there must be a way to remedy it. It doesn't matter, don't worry."



The manor is spacious and gorgeous in the clean master bedroom.

Yuno had eaten dinner, had just showered, and dried her hair. She was wearing autumn pink silk long-sleeved pajamas, lying on the bed and playing with her mobile phone for the underworld.

She posted her own posts on the social forums of the Three Worlds.

Not long after the post was posted, the number of reposts reached tens of thousands, and her followers grew a lot.

Many officials from the Three Realms have added her WeChat underworld.

Miyajiyu handles the piles of work in the study.

He had to accompany her to take the risk again, and when he came back, he would be busy with the huge business of the palace family all over the world, which was also very hard.

Opening a sneeze, I always feel that someone is talking about her from behind.

Yuno rubbed his nose.

Suddenly, I saw the mobile phone in the underworld and a message appeared.

[Heiwuchang leader Fan Wujiu sent a message. 】

Open the chat dialog.

[Fan Wujiu]: Go back to the underworld tomorrow morning. Be sure to bring back the candle dragon, gluttonous, and 犼 together. The Emperor of the Underworld will have a reward.

[Ki Yuno]: The fierce beast is kept in my house! Not coming back!

[Fan Wujiu]:...Go and talk to Wang Jiang by yourself.

[Ji Yunai]: My Mingzhu was crushed by Donghuang Wuji, Master Fan will come to pick me up?

[Fan Wujiu]: Yes, I just have something important to tell you.

[Yuno Ji]: OK!


Dinner is a sumptuous meal prepared by Professor Bai.

The troubled and playful Yan was cleaned up by the candle dragon. Now he is learning to play games on Liuyun and eating endlessly, making the family's food cost tenfold in one day, which is terrible.

Bai Feiran said that Professor Bai came back yesterday. He went back to his hometown to burn paper money for his dead father, looked at the tomb, and worshiped.

Yuno was suspicious, and from the pocket of the snow suit that was thrown on the ground, he took out the road map drawn by the mysterious man for them.

Is it such a coincidence?

When they went to the Tiandu Mountains, Professor Bai also suddenly left home.

Moreover, Ji Yuno has an unforgettable ability. She always feels that the handwriting of the road map is very similar to that of Professor Bai.

So, wearing furry rabbit slippers, Yuno with disheveled hair, charming and sultry, holding a puppet named "Shufen" in his arms, went up to the corner of the manor's top floor, connected to the bedroom of the attic.

That is the room where Professor Bai lives.

It's very impolite to sneak into someone's room like this.

Yu Nai fully understands this truth.

But she was suspicious, so she had to go in and find out.

Ever since.

Yuno knocked on the door symbolically three times.

Then turn the handle.

Throwing the puppet cat named "Shufen" in his arms into Bai Wuyou's room.

Under the guise of a cat being playful, she sneaked into Professor Bye's bedroom. She wanted to go in and catch the cat and successfully "sneaked in".

The bedrooms are spacious, tidy and antique, all decorated according to Professor Bai's preferences.

no one.

Upstairs is the attic that became Professor Bai's study.

Yuno took out a small dried fish from his pocket and threw it towards the second floor of the stairs. Four months old Shufen climbed up to the attic and went to eat the dried fish.

Yuno walked upstairs gently.

I thought there was no one in the attic.

But he was stunned to feel that Bai Wuyou was standing in front of the book table, his pen was brilliant, and he was writing the calligraphy, very elegant.

With eyes facing each other, Ji Yuno was stunned.

"Miss Ji? Why did you come in?"

"Uh... the door downstairs is not closed properly. My cat ran in and came in to catch the cat."

Yuno bent over, picked up Shufen, stepped on the dried fish with his feet, and smiled embarrassingly.

"By the way, Professor Bye, I heard that when we were not at home, Professor Bye left for a few days?"

"Yes, I went back to my hometown, and I brought you some specialty stinky winter melon and old yellow wine. It was a coincidence that I dared to go back and worship the old father while you were not here."

Yuno caught a glimpse of several jars of good wine set aside, as well as winter melons that could not be sealed to hide the smell...

She was witty and smart, and she immediately thought of a way to read Worry-free handwriting.

"Bye Professor, I think of it, I missed a few sections in your class, and I didn’t make any notes. Why don’t you just lend me your lesson plan? Let me make up for it? By the way, I read that you have many books. How many books to borrow?"

To Yuno Yuno's surprise.

Thanks to Wuyou for being extremely refreshed, he directly gave her his lesson plans and a few ancient unhistorical books stacked on the desk.

Ji Yuno held the book, hugged the cat, said goodnight, and turned to leave.

It's always strange, is it too fast? Did she think wrong again?

After Ji Yuno left.

Bai Wuyou breathed a sigh of relief. A large pile of ancient books and history books piled under the table all fell out, all of which were marked with his notes. He hadn't had time to finish all of them. The few books on the table happened to be him. Erase all the original handwriting and remark the writing.

But Worry-free, obviously, completely underestimated Ji Yuno.

As the observant Yuno was reading the teaching plan of Professor Bai, his thumb was accidentally stained with ink written with a pen.

The ink is not dry yet?

The lesson on this lesson plan has already passed for half a month. How could the ink not dry?


It's new.

Ji Yuno's eyes widened, and there was a problem with Wuyou!

(End of this chapter)

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