Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 734: If Damei dies, what will you do Ji Ruchen?

Chapter 734 What do you do if you die, Ji Ruchen

Ji Yunai, Ji Ruchen and Angelica walked across the wall, jumping and flying away on the eaves of the courtyards in the cold moonlight.

They inquired.

Gong Mingyi lives alone in Mu Deyuan.

Gong Lafayette Shen Manqing lives in Fode Hall.

The four sons of Gong Mingyi:

Gong Siyu's father Gong Lisen lives in Jiayinyuan.

The Second Uterus Limin and his wife Pan Zhi live in the Peony Garden with his daughter Gong Xiyan.

Third Uterus Liquan lives with his wife Chi Zhen, son Gongchi and daughter Gongbao in Shaoyaoyuan.

The fourth womb Liben, who returned home, brought his pregnant wife, Ke Lin, to live with the old lady Gong.

The three of them, a courtyard, a courtyard running, coming and going without a trace, shaped like ghosts, fast as ghosts.

Ji Ruchen casts sleeping spells on the palace family in turn, and then casts spells to alter their memories.

In their minds, in the form of hypnotic spells.

The memory of "Ji Yunai is Gongsiyu's fiancee and the future grandma of the Gong family".

Re-instill them back.

When I arrived at Shen Manqing’s Fode Hall...

Ji Yuno, Ji Ruchen and Angelica squatted beside Shen Manqing's bed like thieves, and discussed there.

"The old lady hates you so much, I want you to die, in order to prevent you from being with Miyajiyu, doing so many bad things, it is a good thing not to remember you, I will change her memory, let her like you, what do you think?"

May be used to fighting Shen Manqing.

Ji Yuno suddenly felt that Shen Manqing liked him, something strange.

The old lady doesn't remember the past, but she still remembers, unscrupulously, trying to separate her and Gong Siyu, not because she was small, but panicked, she was not a bodhisattva.

Ji Yuno thought that if Shen Manqing would welcome her with a smile from now on, just like Jiang Li.

Just feel terrible.

If she unknowingly put rat poison in her food, who would she go to judge?

"Farewell, just look at her and respond. She and I have committed a crime. If it weren't for Gong Siyu, I would have killed her a thousand times. I don't expect her to like me, so I expect her to stop taking me. She’s an orphan, and she’s not worthy of her grandson’s talk, so you can change her to agree to marry Miyajiyu. Let her know that there is a person like me, and accept me, don’t engage in the fancy, This old lady has a vicious mind, you don't know it."

No matter how you spell it to change your memory, it's easy to change your nature, so it's bad or bad.

"Ah, it suddenly occurred to me that if Yuno had started with the old lady, using this method, there would have been so many things. You and Miyajiyu are probably married now."

Angelica suddenly lowered his voice and murmured.

"But Angelica, did you forget? In the past, Gong Si Yu Tian was destined to marry Jiang Li. Even if I cursed the old lady to make her like me, I still can't stop her from admiring Jiang Li. Indeed, compared to me, Jiang Li is more like a lady and a lady. If the marriage is not broken, he and I still can't be together. If everything is solved with spells, then it loses its meaning and everything is fake. What's the point?"

The fake is always fake. Whether it is reinjecting the memory or tampering with the memory, it is only because she has been a Yin and Yang official, and these people have taken helpless measures to eliminate the memory.

If she can, she doesn't want to do it.

"It’s like, one day, Ji Ruchen fell in love with someone else and didn’t love you anymore, but you controlled him with a spell. He was not allowed to love others, but you were only allowed to love you. But all this is fake. You are willing Do you do this?"

Hearing this, Angelica froze suddenly, and immediately lowered his eyes sadly, not looking at Ji Ruchen, and whispered: "He didn't like me at all. The metaphor of Yuno is not valid." The person in his heart has always been You, Angela thought in his heart, and paused again, "And... I don't use spells to force someone to like me. This is too much."

"...He doesn't like you, so he quit the entertainment industry for you?"

Ji Yuno always thought that the relationship between these two people was progressing very well, but unexpectedly, it turned out!

"He told me that it was because of guilt and responsibility. He was a responsible person."

Angelica lowered his head, his eyes could not hide his disappointment.

On the side, Ji Ruchen was squatting by the bed, cursing the sleepy Shen Manqing.

Ji Yuno took a look at Ji Ruchen and kicked him.

"Speak! Explain!"

Hearing this, Ji Ruchen sloppyly smiled hippiely.

"I'm currently thinking about the meaning of like and love, so let's talk about it when I understand it."

Angelica seemed to be accustomed to Ji Ruchen's tone and rhetoric. He laughed extremely helplessly and lost in every possible way, but he could only carry it hard.

"Oh, what if he ran away with someone one day?"

"Hey, there is such a good-looking person in this world as I am. How can he run with others? He can't." That said, a confident person.

Yuno has a headache, this coquettish.

"Then... what if he died."

Ji Ruchen stopped smiling, his expression was suddenly serious, and his face was straightened.

"Will not."

"Are you so sure?"

In the next second, Ji Ruchen resumed his swoosh appearance, and Yuno Yuno glared.

"You are there, inevitable."

"..." My mother Gan Lin grinned.

Angelica squatted quietly on the side, graceful little face, in the faint moonlight outside the window, surprisingly transparent and beautiful, watching Ji Ruchen and Ji Yuno arguing, beating and arguing, it was very interesting.

But she was not happy.

Deep in my heart, there is still a bit of bitterness that continues to spread.

She always knew.

This handsome man who can be his ancestor has only responsibility and guilt for him.

Just because in Fengjiazudi that night, she was caught by a group of women...

In fact, sometimes, she also wanted this man to look back at him.

However, she can't compare to Xiao Na...

"Do you dare to be sorry Angelica, I will kill you."

"Nonsense, I'm fine with the dumb girl. I don't want to buy anything. She always feels like a man." After a pause, Ji Ruchen bumped Angelica with his elbow, "Isn't it, dumb."

After regaining his senses, Angelica smiled, "I recently saw a golden feng shui compass with Qimen gossip, but it's a bit expensive, and that person wouldn't make it."

"Then I'll steal it for you." Ji Ruchen didn't even think about it. "This prodigal is staying, and he likes everything weird."


After reinjecting memories into the palace family, Shen Manqing tampered with the memory of Ji Yuno.

Ji Yuno took the old map of the palace house and took Ji Ruchen and Angelica around in the maze-like palace house.

Wandering around, I accidentally swayed to the Houshanzu cemetery of the palace ancestor house.

In the middle of the night, mist shrouded.

Looking at the tombs all over the mountains.

Ji Yuno yawned, "I'm bored, go back to sleep, what's so nice about the grave?"

But at this time, faintly, from the southeast, there were bursts of calls for help in both Chinese and English.

Ji Yuno searched for their voice and left.

An ancient well was discovered in a ruined ancient courtyard full of spider webs.

The call for help happened to come from this ancient well.

The three explored the ancient well.

A mixed-race teenager, like a land duck, fluttered in it and was about to drown.

Ji Yuno jumped directly into the well.

Dear folks and sisters, let us congratulate Miss Chastity for giving birth to a little princess.

In addition, begging for recommended tickets, monthly tickets, save me some! Patriarchs!

(End of this chapter)

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