Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 742: I don't have any brains, I don't want to scold you, waste

Chapter 742 I don’t have a brain, I don’t want to scold you, waste

Miyajiyu would never think of it.

Last night, it was the last time I spoke to his father.

His prediction of death proved effective.

Gong Lisen is really dead.

Early the next morning, the first person who got up and found the corpse was Yi who was sleeping with Gong Youen. He wanted to run to his room to get a game console and let Gong Youen play games with him.

At first, Xiaoyan entered the room and took the game console, and he was about to close the door and run outside with his calf.

But the door closed, and Jian found something was wrong, and re-entered the room.

It saw Gong Lisen lying peacefully on the ancient bed in the curtain.

Isn't it strange that he didn't wake up when he ran in and out, with such a big movement?

As he approached, Yan saw Gong Siyu's father, his eyes were bloodshot and scarlet, Qiqiao lying there bleeding.

After a while, it rushed into the rooms of Miyajiyu and Yuno.

At that time, Miyajiyu and Yuno were still sleepy, naked under the bedding.

The door was kicked open by Fei, Gong Siyu was asleep, awake, frowning and gloomy.

Subconsciously wrapped Yuno's body with futon.

Just listen to Xiao Yan flying over, stammering: "Something...something happened...death...dead."


Gong Lisen died in Xiaoxiangyuan where Ki Yuno and Miyajiyu lived.

Everyone was alarmed.

Gong Mingyi and Shen Manqing, two elderly people, heard that their eldest son was gone.

One fainted, one had a heart attack.

The ancestor house of the Gong family turned into a pot of porridge early in the morning, and the people were panicked.

In the end, the second uncle Gong Mingcheng and the third uncle Gong Mingde controlled the situation.

At nine o'clock in the morning, a report was received.

The brigade of Jinling City, the forensic department rushed to Hualong Village.

Entered the ancestral house of the palace family to maintain order.

The captain called Su Xing, he was in his thirties, and he was quite handsome, upright, upright, impartial and selfless in law enforcement.

The forensic doctor is Su Mian, who is a sibling with the criminal police captain. He was just 30 years old. Her husband died in the line of duty. His charm is good. He doesn't play Fendai, but he is very beautiful.

Miyajiyu's father died in Xiaoxiangyuan where Miyajiyu and Ki Yuno lived.

They must become the first target of the criminal police.

Regardless of them, Ji Ruchen, Angelica, Xiaoyan, and Gong Youen were all controlled in the Xiaoxiang courtyard, and they were routinely questioned, and no one could take a step out of the courtyard.

When the detective was interrogating Miyajiyu and Yuno.

A grief-stricken and extremely angry figure flashed into Xiaoxiangyuan, and fisted to the cheek of Gong Siyu who was standing in the courtyard and being questioned by the inspector.

Gong Siyi punched quickly.

But Gong Siyu is a Lianjiazi, how could he get a punch so easily?

Thunder dodged, leaning back extremely fast, his phoenix eyes were bitter, gloomy and hostile, sweeping and kicking, he hit Gong Siyi's chest with a kick.

Ji Yu, who was questioned by the policewoman on the side, saw it.

The delicate and beautiful face froze, and immediately went around Gong Siyi's back and kicked again.

One after the other, Gong Siyi was pinched on both sides, covering his chest, coughing repeatedly, almost vomiting blood.

Just listen to Ji Yuno's cold voice: "Is he something you can touch?"

Ji Yuno was extremely short, and the words fell. Regardless of the policewoman behind her, she looked back with great momentum, glanced sharply at the policewoman, and then walked to the front of Miyajiyu, and the cool white catkin touched Miyajiyu's cheek. .

"Is it all right?"

"..." Gong Siyu didn't answer, his cold phoenix eyes were soaked in a trace of sadness, he shook his head and shook his head.

Who knows, that Gong Siyi was like a mad dog, clutching his chest, pointing to Gong Siyu's nose and cursing: "Murder! You murderer! You killed our father! You beast!"

Hearing this, Ji Yuno angered from his heart and slapped Gong Siyi with a backhand.

Those eyes, that fierceness, and venomous.

"Who does the animal say!"

"You! And Gong Siyu! Both!"

"Oh? You said you were a beast?" Ji Yuno sneered and looked at Gong Siyi as if he was mentally retarded, "I don't have any brains, I don't want to scold you, waste."

The detective soon came up and pulled away the emotional Gong Siyi.

During the period, Ji Yuno saw that the man in black who had been following Gong Siyi was standing in a stone pavilion in Xiaoxiangyuan, smiling, looking towards them with unknown meaning.

"Police! He must be the murderer! Catch him! He killed Dad!"

Gong Siyi repeatedly pointed out that Gong Siyu had killed people.

The captain awakened had to pay special attention to Miyajiyu, which quickly made Miyajiyu the so-called first suspect, but after that, Ji Yuno witty words, but quickly got rid of the suspicion for Miyajiyu.

"Captain Su might as well investigate the situation of the palace family. Siyu is the heir of the palace family and holds great power. He controls the palace industry all over the world. He wants the wind to be the wind and loves his feathers even more. Yu is the murderer... Then he doesn't have to wait until today to kill his father, or he does it where he lives. Anyone with a brain wouldn't do it. If an heir does not do it, he will kill his father? A ruined end? What can he get?"

As Ji Yuno spoke, she looked at Gong Siyi with a sneer.

Then, he said.

"If it is suspicion, isn't Gong Siyi's suspicion even greater? Our half-brother Gong Siyu's father has loved him and his mother since childhood, but he is not as good as Gong Siyu, like a waste. As a result, His mother committed sin by herself and the murder of Gong Siyu was exposed. His parents were divorced and his father was unfeeling. He suffered from cold eyes, grandpa didn’t hurt, grandma didn’t love, and had nothing. Compared to grievances, Gong Siyi is bigger than grievances, right? Siyu, now his father, would rather come from Jiayinyuan to our Xiaoxiangyuan instead of living with him and his mother. He has no complaints in his heart? He is even bigger if he wants to say that the motive for murder is bigger, right?"

"Oh, of course, I think Captain Su must be a smart person. He won't doubt this or that because of the few words of some people. We have a clear conscience and can cooperate with the investigation. We must be a good citizen of discipline and law."

"you are?"

Wake up wearing a police uniform, frowning and thinking deeply, looking at the beautiful and moving girl in front of him like a March peach blossom, like a fairy, like a stunning creature, he has never seen such a beautiful person as a detective for so many years, the key is still clever. Extraordinary skill.

"Captain, this young lady's surname is Ji, Shao Gong's fiancée."

Su Xing glanced in surprise at the handsome man who was extremely handsome but cold and gloomy. After entering the ancestral house of the palace family, he discovered that the people living in this Xiaoxiang courtyard were all extraordinary, and they were bigger than those on TV. Stars are also handsome.

A few policewomen recognized Ji Ruchen who had quit the entertainment circle at a glance, that is, Yin Chen.

It's just that they didn't dare to be overly excited during the case.

A simple autopsy of the first crime scene by forensic doctor Su Mian came out soon.

Gong Lisen died for 5 to 7 hours, and the corpse had not yet formed. It should have been killed at around 3 to 4 in the morning. The murderer was cruel and pierced the top of his head with a steel needle, which directly penetrated the entire brain. , Killed instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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