Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 799: I will never betray you

Chapter 799 I will never betray you

"The young master is still worrying about the adventures in the tomb of the Yinshan King, and the Yinshan King couple who look exactly like you and Miss Ji? Dreams are all illusions. You should distinguish between reality and hallucinations. It’s meaningless to get lost in the reality of dreams. It’s late at night, let’s go to sleep, all unrealistic dreams are just hallucinations caused by too much worry. It’s better not to pursue the roots too much. ."

Worry-free worship began to break.

Yes, Gong Siyu saw it, and this guy was avoiding his question.

"You didn't answer my question head-on, why do you look exactly like him."

Gong Siyu frowned and asked patiently again.

Bai Wuyou's smile gradually deepened, he added a bit of carbon to the fireplace, and continued to sloppy.

"This... maybe it's just a coincidence? I'm just a university professor and part-time manor housekeeper. Master, it's better not to embarrass me, or else, I will ask Miss Ji for advice on psychic mysticism? Help you to find out what happened. child?"


"By the way, Master asked me who you are and what your seal is about. Isn’t the Master confused? Master is the Master, the heir of the palace, the noble son at the top of the pyramid, what seal, I don’t understand, but we There is a saying in archaeology that it is called a tomb stone. It usually appears on the door of a tomb. It is a stone that closes the tomb passage. Is that what you said?

"Worry no worries, are you fooling me?"

Hearing this, he bowed to Wuyou and looked upright, and the smile in his eyes dimmed a little, "Master, if I really know something, but I still hide it from you, it must be no matter how you ask, I won't say it, but I am true. I don’t know how to answer these questions you asked me. Why should you make it difficult for others."


"Are you suspicious of me because of a dream, so you want to drive me out?"

If someone changed, Gong Siyu would really do it.

But he doesn't know why, and there is always a kind of unnecessary trust in worship.

To no avail.

He wanted to go back to the room and continue sleeping with Yuno with his arms around.

But inadvertently, he glanced at a book clasped on the desk.

It was an old book that was moldy and yellow, it was incomplete and the paper was fragile.

The name is "The Records of Distant Hearings".

"What book is this?"

Bai Wuyou naturally noticed that Gong Siyu was reading the title of the book, and then carefully picked up the book and gave it to Gong Siyu.

"This book is a miscellaneous book from the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. Many years ago, I collected it at the antique grocery market by chance. It is about various undocumented myths and legends in the ancient times. , Forget it if you believe it."

Gong Siyu raised his eyebrows, "Oh? What are you talking about in this article?"

Worry-free see Gong Siyu refers to the "Zhang of Chaos" in line script.

Retro crystal chandelier refracted light.

His eyes became dark and gloomy inexplicably, meaningless.

It seemed that he had hidden all his thoughts and emotions, and couldn't even see Gong Siyu, and then began to explain to Gong Siyu the obscure and difficult classical Chinese.

"Master, this story is the first chapter of "The Unexpected Disaster Chapter". It is about a pair of men and women who loved each other deeply during the great recovery of ancient times. The woman is a god, but the **** of trouble and darkness. For the emperor, the Three Realms are admired and stand up to the heavens and the earth. God returned to heaven and earth in a battle of disasters that destroyed the heavens and the earth, and ceased to exist, but the emperor lost his love, so he was demonized. The Three Realms became purgatory."

"After the disaster ceased and the gods passed away, the emperor said goodbye to everything, took his confidant and the body of the gods to the top of the ends of the earth, the winter solstice, the leaves withered, all things withered, spring is no longer coming, the emperor lotus and the flower of the **** are not in the sea The emperor’s east bloomed, the emperor star finally fell, and the emperor accompanies the **** to sleep at the end of the world, no longer waking up..."

"Fighting stars shifting, mountains and rivers changing, tombs sinking, deep into the heart of the sea, their ending is very sad, but it does not mean the end, according to legend, in the tomb where the emperor and the gods sleep together, there is the infinite power that ghosts and gods yearn for. , But no one knows where the tomb is, the emperor’s confidant has disappeared for thousands of years without a trace."

Worry-free's voice is as clear as a cold spring in the mountains.

Gong Siyu was inexplicably touched by this story. He stood there for a long time without speaking, just staring at the words on the yellowed ancient books, the eardrum beating, the heart shrank, but he ignored the sad and pitiful eyes of Bai Wuyou.

"Well, master, the story is over, you should go to sleep."

Bai Wuyou took the ancient book from Gongsiyu's palm.

Gong Siyu suddenly recovered, deep phoenix eyes, cold glow, unpredictable, "Worry no worries, you really have something to hide from me." After a pause, he warned with a cold voice, "Don't try to lie to me."

Hearing this, Bai Wuyou looked tired, he collapsed his shoulders, sighed deeply, and turned his head, "Master, who doesn't have any secrets in this world?"

"and so?"

"So you just need to know that I will never betray you, that's enough." Bai Wuyou's unprecedented serious face, clenched his fists, put his hands on his heart, "I swear by my life."

Gong Siyu didn't know how to worship Wuyou.

He just came to ask some questions. In the end, this man used his own life to assure him that he would never betray.

Miyajiyu never believed anything about swearing promises. He always looked at actual actions.

"Forget it, the answer will always be revealed. I will go back to the room to sleep with my heart. If she wakes up, she will be anxious if she can't find me."

Wuyou finally flickered away from Gongsiyu.

He was relieved and collapsed in front of the desk chair.

He is more and more unable to hide it, these two ancestors are really difficult to deal with.

Miss Ji insisted that he was worshiping the Lord, but she never exposed him, waiting for him to admit it.

Now the owner of the house also began to doubt himself.

Hard, really hard.

However, Bai Wuyou also noticed one thing...

Almost, the master is really about to recover...


Ji Yuno didn't know about Miyajiyu's "confrontation" with Wuyou at midnight.

However, I had a strange dream, Miyajiyu told Yuno all about it.

After hearing this, Yuno had a strange reaction, but didn't say much.

Just found a notebook and wrote down all the dreams of Gong Siyu.

He also asked Gong Siyu to tell her everything if he dreamed again.

After recording.

When she was alone, she wrote down the names of the emperor of the people, the king of Yinshan, Zhuangyou, the concubine Wei Lingwan, the **** of tricks, and the names of her and Gong Siyu in the notebook.

It's like a piecemeal and incomplete puzzle.

She wanted to record one by one, not as gaining new clues.

When more and more are collected, all pieces are put together, and an outline of the truth will slowly become clear. At that time, everything will become clear.

However, nothing was as important as she was about to marry Miyajiyu.

(End of this chapter)

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