Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 831: Danger approached step by step, they separated

Chapter 831 Danger approaches step by step, they are separated

The 144-story Sky City is an uninhabited residential area that has not yet been put into use.

Two heavily armed soldiers in camouflage uniforms fell on the floor at the elevator entrance and had their throats cut.

Five barrels of chemical powders that are flammable and explosive when exposed to water, the ten men in black who were sneaked into, under the command of the woman, quickly and evenly scattered the ground of the 144 uninhabited area.

A masked woman in a black dress immediately held down the Bluetooth communication device in her auricle, looked around, sneered her lips, "it is in place."

On the other side of the communication device, a man's gloomy and terrible laugh came.

"Ms. An deserves to be the partner I'm fond of, she moves neatly and cleanly!" After a pause, "...Tonight's fireworks display is about to begin, let's do it!"

With an order from the communicator.

The woman and the three men behind her changed their black clothes at the same time, put on the evening dress and suit they carried, and stepped into the elevator.

"When we get to the banquet level, you will act."

Before the elevator door closed, the woman Leng Ao asked.

"Yes! Miss Ann!"

A total of 11 people accompanied.

They are well trained and divided into three groups.

The four people have left and took the elevator to the 188th floor.

The two put on the uniforms of the dead soldiers, picked up the intercom on the ground, and took another elevator down to the first floor.

The remaining five, broken windows, took out the paragliders prepared in advance, jumped through the windows one by one, and flew to the top of the building opposite with the paragliders.

The last man to leave, before leaving, took out a smoke wand from his waist bag, cut it open, raised his eyes, and threw it at the 144-story smoke alarm and sprinkler system sensor.

Then, by the east wind, pull the paraglider and evacuate.

As the smoke rod filled the misty white smoke, the 144th floor smoke alarm sounded!

Following this, dozens of fire extinguishing sprinklers at the top of the ceiling automatically opened and sprayed out high-pressure water mist.

The explosive chemicals on the ground in contact with water immediately exploded after being exposed to water mist like a downpour! An orange-red raging flame burst out, spreading to the entire 144th floor in the form of a fire dragon.

The sprinkler system was activated, but it increased the fire.

In an instant, the LCD control panel at the elevator entrance sounded a fire alarm.


188 floors.

Yuno is being entangled by the big fat son of Russian oil tycoon Roskovich and asked to accompany him to the bathroom. Yuno has no choice but to hold his big fat hand with Rong Qian and accompany him to pee. .

But when you come back, at the door of the banquet hall.

She heard a "ding dong" from the golden elevator not far away.

Thought it was Gong Siyu and Li Sihan who were back.

She and Rong Qian looked back subconsciously, but it was not their man that came out.

It is three men and one woman.

The woman has thick black straight long hair, painted smoky makeup, arrogant and indifferent like a black swan, she is wearing a black tight-fitting mermaid dress evening dress, elegant gait, aggressive, like a revenge angel .

The unfamiliar facial features make Ji Yuno feel that the oncoming woman has a familiar feeling that makes her familiar.

And she and the woman faced each other for a moment.

Yuno suddenly saw a flash of resentment in the woman's eyes.

Ok? What look? In her impression, she didn't seem to have **** with this woman, right?

Roskovic’s big fat son is called Soyev.

He has a bad temper and has the characteristics of a fighting nation, but he especially likes beautiful sisters, especially Yuno.

Therefore, seeing the strange woman oncoming, is staring at Yuno.

This 11-year-old fat boy, who was as tall as Yuno Yuno, picked up the unfinished cake in his hand and smashed it at the woman who walked out of the elevator. He also yelled in Russian: "Look at it! Shit! "

The woman was smashed into the cake, but strangely, the three men behind her in suits who looked like bodyguards and attendants stood indifferent.

Rong Qian didn't say a word from beginning to end, but stared coldly at the suits worn by the three men.

The four people entered the banquet hall silently and without a dispute with Yuno and Soyev. Suspiciously, they called out the soldiers disguised as waiters at the door.

"You two, keep an eye on those four people for me."


"Sister Qian thinks they have problems too?"

Yuno had always been extremely capable of observing, but after speaking, she noticed the appearance of tiny white particles on the spotless precious tiles on the ground.

"The steps of the three men are marching steps, the shirts in their suits are ruffled, and... they have a very pungent and strange smell..."

Listening to Rong Qian's words, Ji Yuno slowly squatted down, stretched out his hand, dabbed the white powder on the ground with his finger, and sniffed it between his nose.

After a smell, she instantly changed color!

Stand up suddenly!

"It's calcium carbide! Metal sodium!"

At the same time, Soyev, the son of the oil tycoon, stood in front of the LCD touch control display on the floor, curiously speaking in half-baked English, calling Yuno Yu: "Hey, is this the fire alarm display 2?"

"Yono, I know calcium carbide. What is sodium metal?" Rong said in a simple way, and walked in front of Soyev, his expression suddenly changed, "The display shows that the 144th floor is on fire!"

Obviously, the banquet manager on the side also noticed the fire warning.

However, each of them didn't seem to worry about safety.

"Madam, Miss Ji, please rest assured that the fire protection system of Sky City is the world's top. The fire on the 144th floor will be controlled by the management personnel of the remote control center, and water will be extinguished instantly.

"What if it is a fire caused by explosive substances in contact with water?" Ji Yuno's fingertips were still stained with white powder. "Calcium carbide and metallic sodium are chemicals that can explode in water!"

The banquet management staff still smiled respectfully, and said respectfully: "Then, please don’t worry, Miss Ji. There are also carbon dioxide vents, which can also extinguish fires. This is the 188th floor. It doesn’t matter. The military downstairs must be The security staff will find a way. Tonight’s banquet is unprecedentedly grand and it has not avoided causing panic and confusion. It is better to turn off the monitor first. I will reflect this situation with my superiors. Please don’t worry about it."



Yuno and Rong Qian were speechless, watching the manager helplessly, and turned off the touch display.

In this matter, the melodious classical music in the banquet hall still played.

Countless well-dressed world celebrities all smiled, toasted to each other, and talked about the grandeur and magnificence of a world-class super skyscraper.

For an instant, Yuno moved his gaze downwards and looked at the deflagration powder that appeared all the way from the elevator entrance to the entrance of the banquet hall.

She can't seem to hear the sounds around her.

The pupils shrank slightly, and the beautiful eyes were on guard.

The refraction of the crystal lamp flickers, the spotless pure white tiles, and the faintly visible white powder.

Next second!

Her eyes were on the four people who had already entered the banquet hall.

I looked at the shoes of the four of them...

(End of this chapter)

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