Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 834: Born with occluded lacrimal glands, there is no word in the dictionary

Chapter 834 is born with lacrimal gland obliteration, there is no word in the dictionary to be afraid

Gong Siyu uncovered two arsonists who had mixed into the soldiers.

But before the torture, the man committed suicide by taking poison.

For the safety of Gong Siyu and Li Sihan, Staff Member Yang repeatedly discouraged them from taking risks, threatening to dispatch armed helicopters to the top of Sky City to rescue the trapped people.

Five armed helicopters have been damaged at the scene, and there have been casualties. The situation is serious.

It takes an hour to dispatch a helicopter from the army unit closest to the imperial capital. In terms of time, there is no time. The fire is too fierce. Within an hour, people trapped above the 188th floor will be suffocated due to heavy smoke.

The rescue helicopter of the fire department is the most recent choice.

But the fire captain commanded three times.

Because the fire was too fierce and the temperature at high altitude was too high, as soon as the helicopter approached the roof of Sky City, the engine would sound an alarm, and it was impossible to approach it for long.

The only way to save people by driving a helicopter on the top floor is to restart the autonomous fire extinguishing system of this high-tech building. After the fire is extinguished, the helicopter can be arranged to fly to the roof to rescue people.

"Why the team that went to the remote control center to check hasn't received any news so far?"

Gong Siyu glanced at his watch. It was more than a kilometer and a few minutes, but it should be news, but ten minutes have passed.

"I'm afraid that something happened there that prevents them from telling us."

Li Sihan held a marker in his hand and said deeply and coldly. Then, on the map, another building next to Sky City, the Imperial Capital Financial Center, drew a circle.

"Siyu, the financial center has a total of 98 floors. We can go up to the top of the financial center. There is a signal tower on the top floor, which is 150 meters high. I don’t know, as long as we climb to the top of the signal tower, and then use high altitude to eject the steel cable and slide. The device can fully enter the 167th floor of Sky City, and then from the escape stairs to the 188th floor, you can meet them."

On the side, Perot, Li Sihan's personal security chief, has prepared all the necessary tools and equipment.

Miyajiyu kept calling Ki Yuno, but on the other end of the phone, there was always a cold "The phone you dialed is turned off." Hearing this, he agreed with the line drawn by Li Sihan, and then looked at his watch. With a stern expression, he thought thoughtfully: "Our security system control authority has been cancelled, and access is restricted. The only one who can do this is Wu En, the chief security design engineer. Now others are also missing, and 2 cannot be controlled immediately and remotely. The only way for the center to get in touch is to make all the systems in this building restart automatically, and there are only two ways to restart, one is to shut down all systems in this building, and the other is from the remote control center, or Enter three key codes on the control platform on the top floor of Yungong Palace, but obviously, the second method will not work."

"Well, Wu En is missing."

"No matter so much, go up first."

It is said that the blessings and the difficulties are the same. Now that the disaster is facing, Miyajiyu will naturally go up to accompany Yuno.

Just as Miyajiyu and Li Sihan were walking side by side towards the Financial Center Building on the opposite side of the road not far away, planning to go up to the top floor to save Yuno and Yoshiaki...

Li Sihan's cell phone rang.

It is a strange number.

At first, Li Sihan ignored it.

But the phone kept ringing several times.

Li Sihan finally opened the answer button.

"Who." The tone was bad, low and cold.

On the other side of the mobile phone, Rong Qian's **** and sultry Yu Jie's smoke sounded immediately, as cold as a queen, humming slightly, accompanied by a cough, "Do you dare not answer my old lady's call?"

Hearing the sound, Li Sihan paused, his cold pupils shrank slightly, and his deep and mellow voice was no longer like frost. "Shallow..." He called out, and Li Sihan turned his eyes back, deep in his pupils, he couldn't hide it. Rong Qian's endless love, "Unfamiliar calls, I won't answer them."

When the words were over, Li Sihan pressed the PA button so that Gong Siyu could hear Rong Qian's words.

"I won't tell you this. Next, listen carefully. Yuno and I can't get off anymore. The fire is too big. The woman who is suspected of arson in the banquet hall is named Anlan. Yuno knows. She should have had a grievance before. Carrying a chemical reagent weapon called Y virus, currently in my hands, except for a few people on the 188th floor who were looking for death and escaped by elevator, everyone else is temporarily fine."

"Not long ago, a lot of security guards came up from the escape route. They said they were above the 145th floor and did not escape. Yuno and I were going to organize everyone to run to a higher place. Because the fire was burning too fast, we I can’t stay on the 188th floor. I discussed with Yuno and planned to take them to the upper-level cloud palace to go to the apron to wait for rescue. Below you quickly find a way to put out the fire and send a helicopter to rescue people."

Li Sihan really admired this woman.

In the face of danger, he can tell them all the situation upstairs so calmly and rationally, and he can organize everyone to unite and run to a higher level...

"I know that none of the people at the banquet tonight can have trouble. They are very important to you and Miyajiyu. They are all important figures in the world. Yuno and I will never let them die and make it difficult for you to do. , But this building may not be able to protect you, it’s all burned, and it is estimated that you and Gong Siyu will lose a lot..."

"Qianqian, the problem you worry about is a bit redundant." Li Sihan hardly smiled, but suddenly a helpless smile appeared on his lips, "Should you worry about your safety? Are you afraid? Are you afraid of death? Women also need to rely on, you don’t have to bear so much, you can cry, you can tell me you are afraid..."

"Sorry, grandma is born with occluded tear ducts. There is no such word in the dictionary. I am afraid that you will go bankrupt and cannot support me. I will have to make money to support you in the future."

"Hehe, I shouldn't be broke, you look for another man?"


"There is insurance in this building, and the insurance company should pay for the death." Suddenly, Gong Siyu was aside, humming abruptly, "Besides, Sihan and my assets can't be broken even if they want to go bankrupt." After a pause, then again. Nervously asked, "How about your heart? Is it okay?"

"She..." On the other end of the phone, Rong Qian hesitatingly glanced at tearing open her evening dress, exposing her long legs, knocking off the heel, bandaging the wound on her waist in a mess, and then constantly shaking her head. It means don't tell Miyajiyu about her injury.

Seeing that Rong Qian didn't answer, Ji Yuno hurriedly covered her waist and yelled at the loud and delicate voice of the phone: "I'm very good!"

As soon as Miyajiyu heard Ji Yuno's voice, he secretly relieved, and turned to be indulged in a slight indifference: "Hey, wait for me, I will come up to you immediately."


Ji Yuno was dumbfounded, before Rong Qian could speak, Li Sihan cut off the phone first.

The 188-story banquet hall was filled with smoke and flames.

Ji Yuno and Rong Qian looked at each other.

"I heard that right? Gong Siyu is coming up?"


(End of this chapter)

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