Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 851: She must stay under my nose so I can feel at ease

Chapter 851 She must stay under my nose, so I can feel at ease

With the help of Angelica, Candle Dragon, Mo Bai, and Taotie, the unconscious Bai Feiran, Li Sihan, and Li Sihan’s personal security chief Perot, and Rong Qian’s "corpse" were carried into the side hall on the first floor of the manor. Temporarily placed in the gorgeous living room inside.

Afterwards, Feng Jinxuan took A Luo and appeared with Gong Youen.

It didn't take long for the flowing clouds to hear the wind. He stepped forward and squatted down in front of the sofa where Bai Feiran was lying. After repeated checks, he felt relieved.

No injury, just drenched, under a sleeping charm, and coma.

The same was true for Li Sihan and another man he didn't know.

Only Rong Qian is just a body that has no soul attached to it, called "corpse" for short.

Liuyun's front foot appeared with Ji Ruchen.

On the back foot, Miyajiyu was wearing a pure black nightgown made of silk, with half-wet shredded hair gathered behind him, and he hugged Yuno who was wrapped in a quilt, and appeared in front of everyone coldly.

When A Luo and Gong Youen saw Gong Siyu, they subconsciously and conditioned reflexively made defensive actions, fully guarded.

A vase raised aside.

A crystal ashtray on the table.

For fear that the man in front of him was reborn and his temperament changed drastically, the casually crazy man suddenly went crazy again without saying a word, and even they would kill together.

"You two are stupid?"

A Luo and Gong Youen didn't answer, only seeing that Gong Siyu didn't want to talk to them at all, they slowly put down the "weapons" in their hands.

"You just let her sleep well in the room. What do you do to carry her out? Are you stupid?"

Ji Ruchen looked at He Gong Siyu inexplicably, with strange eyes.

At first, Miyajiyu did not respond, but under all eyes, he took care of himself, gently placed Yuno on the sofa, carefully and gently tucked the quilt for her, and then stared at Yuno's sleepiness. It took a long time for Absolute Beauty, and finally, the meaning was unknown, and she whispered deeply:

"I'm afraid that she... will leave me again, so she must stay under my nose. I must make sure that she is still breathing, heartbeat, and alive to be at ease."

This, Gong Siyu said with his back to everyone.

No one could see his expression when he spoke.

However, the back of Gong Siyu deeply revealed a kind of sorrow and melancholy that had been accumulated for thousands of years, which shocked people's heart when they saw it, both strange and shocking.

Many people present did not seem to understand the meaning of Miyajiyu's words.

They even thought that Miyajiyu's words were strange.

What does it mean to leave him?

Ji Yuno never left him, their feelings are very good, so envious of others, how could they leave him?

What's even stranger is that Ji Yuno can't die at all, she can be the yin and yang official of the underworld.

But why did Gong Siyu still say that she must make sure that she is still alive?

Isn't this inconsistent?

Among all the people present, only one person seemed to understand the deep meaning of Miyajiyu's words.

Liu Yun frowned and thought deeply, staring at Gong Si Yu incomprehensibly.

This person, at this moment, has his memory restored? Still not recovered? If he recovered, why did he deny it again, not knowing who Disi was?

"What happened to you? How could the building catch fire?"

Ji Ruchen ordered the puppet servant to take three sets of clean men's clothes and go downstairs, and the fox immediately questioned.

Miyajiyu was sitting on the side of the sofa where Yuno was lying, with his palms wrapped around Yuno's snow-white feet, covering her, hearing the words, saying, "Quan Miu." Pause, "But, it's dead."

"Yeah, Gong Siyu killed it. It's an instant kill, the kind that disappears in one shot."

A Luo stayed beside Feng Jinxuan obediently, and suddenly said, and immediately recounted what happened to everyone in a brief and concise manner.

"But..." A Luo finished with a sad face and looked at Rong Qian's corpse. He firmly grasped the big diamond ring that Rong Qian left her before leaving. "But Sister Qian was taken back to the underworld. Now, she can’t come back, she also erased all of Li Sihan’s memory, Qian Sister...No, when Li Sihan wakes up, will she not remember Qian Sister at all? If so... Then how should we explain to Li Sihan, Who is this corpse?"

It didn't take long for A Luo to speak.

Bai Feiran, Li Sihan, and Perrot, who were hit by the Sleeping Curse, woke up one by one.

When Li Si woke up in the cold, everyone was silent and their eyes gathered to him.

Li Sihan felt dizzy, curled his eyebrows and raised his forehead, muffled softly, sat up, narrowed his cold eyes, looked around, and saw that many people were looking at him.

He should have been trapped on the top of the Sky City, but now, at first glance, he seemed to have everyone out of the trap and safe.

"What are you all looking at me doing?"

Drenched all over, Li Sihan looked displeased, his cold, hard, deep and handsome facial features were covered with frost, sober for a few seconds, his expression suddenly changed! As if remembering something that I cared about, I looked around.

"Where is Qian Qian."

Hearing Li Sihan call out Rong Qian's name, for a while, everyone except Gong Siyu was shocked!

Especially A Luo and Feng Jinxuan.

What they saw with their own eyes, Rong Qian, robbed Li Sihan of all the memories related to her.

But why could Li Sihan call out Rong Qian's name accurately at this time?

Could it be...

What did they ignore?

No one answered Li Sihan.

But in the end, Li Sihan's eager gaze was fixed not far away from him. On the sofa behind Feng Jinxuan and A Luo, a red dress was like a fire, and a woman seemed to be asleep, lying peacefully there.

"Shallow!" Li Sihan immediately went down to the ground, strode towards the corpse of Rong Qian.

But when Li Sihan knelt down next to Rong Qian’s corpse, he saw that Rong Qian’s face was pale, he had no breathing, no heartbeat, and his body was longer and full of corpse spots. The original smooth and white skin was as if corroded by some chemical substance. rot……

Li Sihan's eyes were splitting, unable to believe it, his eyes were cold and stern, he looked around everyone fiercely, and roared sadly: "What happened to her!"


The red pupil demon is cold-blooded, Liuyun said those two words cruelly without any emotion.


Li Sihan's extremely handsome face was bloody.

Suddenly, he held his heart with his right hand, and intense pain appeared in his eyes, as if he was irritated, his grief attacked his heart, and his throat was sweet. The next second, he vomited blood, fell back, and lost consciousness.


Feng Jinxuan and Gong Siyu saw them and stepped forward almost at the same time.

"Why... why does he still remember Sister Qian?" A Luo asked in a daze.

No one can give an accurate answer.

But at this time, in Gong Siyu's palm, the golden light was flourishing, covering Li Sihan's head, as if to investigate something.

In the end, the golden light disappeared.

He narrowed his eyes and said deeply: "That woman is a human being. She has indeed erased part of Si Han's memory, but it's not her and Si Han's... blindfold, she is quite smart."

"Huh?" A Luo was shocked and overjoyed.

I guess I will abuse, but I don't abuse it, so slightly.

God turns, goodbye, code word.

If you are free, can you manually send me one or two book reviews? Accumulate less into more ~~~ tweeted.

(End of this chapter)

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