Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 882: Are you scared?

Chapter 882 Are you afraid?

The thunderstorm and lightning led by Wang Jiang with his spiritual power continuously hit people, buildings, trees, flowers and grass. The frequency of this lightning thunderbolt was almost 10 per second, so the speed was extremely fast and could not be avoided.

He still stood proudly in the air, motionless like loose, his cold eyes narrowed, his ears listened to all directions, and he stared at every movement with full guard.

at this time! Just when King Jiang was looking for the figure hidden in the darkness in the dark sky.

He suddenly realized that a terrifying cold wind above his head seemed to be emerging out of thin air, swooping down, gathering spiritual power in his palms into an invisible blade, ready to hit the back of his neck with a knife!

In the depths of Jiang Wang's cold eyes, a hint of surprise passed.

The speed is so fast that even he can hardly detect it!

What is the origin of this person?

But when King Jiang realized the danger, the Emperor Gui had already appeared above his head, unstoppable, extremely fast, and the best time to kill. Although he could not really hurt him at all, it could also kill him by mistake. Wang Jiang was embarrassed in public!

Just when the emperor's desire to succeed will hurt King Chiang's skin...

King Jiang suddenly leaned back to avoid, gathered the powerful hand of spiritual power, and with a backhand, he grabbed the blade of Emperor Gui's hand condensed by spiritual power, and quickly spun in the air, his body was like a spinning top, crushing the blade. ! The rapid response speed and unprecedented spiritual strength are daunting and shocking in my heart!

One sneak attack, one backhand.

Between the two fights, there is no way to tell the victory or defeat, nor can they move the other's hair.

But right now!

Seeing the Emperor Jiang avoiding his attack, those phoenix eyes gleaming like dark night stars narrowed gloomily, and a sneer flashed under his eyes.

Next second! He flew to the king Jiang!

For a time, the sky thunder rolled, and the momentum of lightning thunderbolt down even more violently!

Emperor Gui rushed to King Jiang, and the two fell from the sky together, and fell into the moat around the ghost city Lingbao Pavilion!

Water can conduct electricity.

Lightning and thunderstorms are the strongest and most powerful thing that generates electricity.

At this moment, the thunderstorm thunderbolt, constantly touching the ground, causing a violent explosion.

And any thunderstorm smashed into the pool of the moat can form high-strength electric power that can kill people instantly, even the monsters and monsters cannot avoid it.

On the Lingbao Pavilion, Ji Yunai watched the desperate mysterious man Emperor return with a stunned mouth, and rushed to Jiang Ziwen like revenge. The two entangled and fell into the moat. At the same time, five thunderstorms and lightning struck in. In the moat, a very strong high-voltage electricity is triggered!

That power is really the kind that can be electrocuted by anyone who goes in, scorched, and has no bones.

Watching one of the thunder and lightning struck the Emperor Gui and Wang Jiang!

Even Ling Shiyin suddenly took off his fierce ghost mask, dumbfounded!

"Sir Wang Jiang was hit by the five thunderbolt curse he caused? That man is really desperate. Even if Wang Jiang is struck by lightning, he cannot die."

"But he was injured. He was hit by the five thunder curse that was spurred by his own spiritual power. The power, equivalent to his own spiritual power, attacked him. The man called Emperor Gui is so smart!"

Although he was watching the battle, Ji Yuno was full of enthusiasm.

what is this? This is a fight between gods!

In the blink of an eye, the two men who fell into the water and were struck by lightning both flew out of the water.

The mysterious man with black clothes covering his face returned, his shirt dries out in an instant, and there is no sign of falling into the water. The lightning flashes from his body after being struck by lightning, but he stands unscathed, standing there gracefully, just like a okay person. .

On the contrary, Jiang Ziwen, in a cold and noble suit and leather shoes, was hit by a lightning and thunderstorm triggered by his strong spiritual power. He was scorched and injured in many places, making him a little embarrassed.

It's just that this embarrassment and injury are just a moment's effort.

Soon, Jiang Ziwen stood proudly. Between the black fog, the dim light flashed, wearing a suit, he instantly turned into a black gold python robe, an incomparably noble Lord of the Hades, that formation, majestic and domineering, eyes overflowing Full of anger, his whole body was wounded by his own spiritual power. In the blink of an eye, he returned to his original appearance and returned to his unscathed appearance.

However, compared to just now, at this moment, Jiang Ziwen's eyes staring at Emperor Gui is extremely terrifying, his eyes are cold, and his killing intent is gushing out!

It's like seeing a mortal enemy.

But in the eyes of outsiders, it looks like anger becomes angry.

"The five thunder and lightning controlled by this king with his spiritual power can't hurt you half a point?"

No, it is impossible!

Jiang Ziwen knew that when they both fell into the water, his thunder was the first to strike the Emperor Gui. The lightning entered the water and conducted electricity and caused him to be injured. This man should be injured more severely than him. !

However, he was unscathed, this is absolutely impossible!

"You should admit that I am better than you. I used to be, I am now, and I will be in the future."

The emperor is standing with his hands behind his hands, mysterious and evil, with a deep voice that sounds unpredictable.

His words fell into Jiang Ziwen's ears without a word.

Hearing this, Jiang Ziwen was slightly startled at first, and then he noticed something. The killing intent in his eyes was strong and overwhelming, and his cruel eyes that were almost pointed, like seeing the biggest enemy of his life.

"Emperor Return?"

"Huh? What do you want me to do?"

"Oh, it's you?" The emperor returned to the emperor. I don't know whether it was the return of the emperor. Or it was a metaphor for the two people's name. The temperature of Jiang Ziwen's eyes dropped to freezing point. He suddenly raised his eyes and glanced at the Lingbao Pavilion. , Ji Yuno, who was looking at him, narrowed her eyes, "This king should have noticed that you are here..." In other words, the daughter-in-law in his mouth is actually...

"I'm back, are you... fearful?"

The man looked at Jiang Ziwen proudly with a death stare, as if he was looking at a third person who almost grabbed his wife while he was away.

"Fear?" Jiang Ziwen's eyes were cold, arrogant and cold and gushing out, vigorous and vigorous, and the eardrum-shaking laughter suddenly resounded in the sky, "Do you think... with your current ability, this king can be true. Do you have room to fight back?"

As Jiang Ziwen spoke, endless waves of spiritual power swept from all directions and forced towards the man named Emperor Gui. Those terrifying spiritual powers, like the vast ocean, are full of suffocating pressure on all sides. Room!

The 20-story Lingbao Pavilion glazed blue tiles, red walls and cornices, began to peel off and began to falter. Numerous trees and flowers around were flew up by roots and soil, forming dozens of whirlpools like tornadoes! The water of the moat dried up instantly, and the sky was dark as the last day, but King Jiang stood still at the center of his power, full of murderous intent, as if he wanted to put the man to death.

If he doesn't die, he won't stop!

Strangely, the two dog men "both entangled and fell into the river."

Why is this sentence so ambiguous? It's like being a base...

what! I want a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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