Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 895: Mysterious old Chinese doctor, a member of the Tiandao League?

Chapter 895 Mysterious old Chinese doctor, a person from the Heavenly Alliance?

Because no spiritual power can cause damage or healing effects on Miyajiyu.

Therefore, the severe trauma to his chest left everyone at a loss.

Originally it was extremely easy to treat, as long as the resentment and evil spirits that were constantly eroding his flesh and blood were removed, it could be resolved, but now, because spiritual power is ineffective on Gong Siyu, it has become an obstacle to them.

Just when everyone was at a loss, Ji Yuno could not find an effective way...

There seemed to be guests visiting outside the manor house.

The extremely cautious Miyuno's eyes narrowed, her arms around Miyajiyu tightened tightly, and she asked defensively, "Isn't it the one who found out that Miyajiyu was the emperor and came to arrest him?"

After hearing this, Feng Jinxuan cautiously walked to the fabric curtain on the side of the floor-to-ceiling window, opened a slit, and glanced at the entrance of the manor on the downstairs side, then turned to look back to Yuno: "It shouldn't be, there is only one people."

Ji Yuno breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately looked at Ji Ruchen and Bai Feiran, "Help me, help him to the bedroom, and I will see who is here." After the words fell, he scanned everyone in the round hall. Son, "What do you gather here in the middle of the night? Go to sleep without problems."

Ji Yuno handed the injured Miyajiyu to Bai Feiran and Ji Ruchen.

When he got up, he cast a suspicious look at Professor Wuyoubai, and found that he was standing by the window, looking at the entrance of the manor downstairs, with a look of expectation, his eyes seemed to be his friend or "savior". .


When Ji Yuno walked along the gorgeous white marble stairs to the first floor of the manor, the puppet servant had already opened the door, and the "guest" who had rang the doorbell had been invited into the house and was waiting at the entrance of the front hall.

"you are?"

Ji Yuno was puzzled, looked at the strange figure in the front hall, and didn't think he had seen him anywhere.

Hearing the sound, the figure turned back straight, and the vicissitudes of life, a steady and heavy voice, immediately echoed in the entire front hall, full of vigor and vitality.

"The old Chinese doctor Huang Fuzhong of Qiren Tang, the old Chinese doctor, specializes in treating intractable diseases. Professor Bai called me and said that there are intractable diseases here. If you can't cure them, you won't charge money."

Gray checkered British suit, black tie and black leather shoes, a white hair cut into a short head, a majestic body, bright eyes, no anger, full of threats, a white beard, a knife in his left eye Scar, the word "medicine" was tattooed under his right eye, and there was an old pipe in his mouth.

That is an old man.

At first glance, he gave people an angry, very irritable, and very difficult to deal with the evil old heroic man.

He is holding a large black leather suitcase in his left hand and a golden unicorn crutch in his right hand.

It doesn't look like an old Chinese medicine doctor.

And what makes Ji Yuno most suspicious is...

Within ten miles of their manor, there are nets of heaven and earth, strange formations, and psychedelic traps.

This old man... how did he get in?

Wait, he just said, Bye Professor? Worry-free?

Ji Yuno was thinking about going to worship Wuyou to ask for clarity.

Seeing that Bai Wuyou had walked behind her with a smile full of respect and respect.

"Miss Ji, Huangfuzhong was here for the young master to see the injury, my friend, acquaintance, reliable, don't worry."

Ji Yuno raised her eyebrows, staring at Bai Wuyou intently, thinking of Gong Siyu's pseudonym Emperor Gui appearing in the ghost market, and thinking that after the seal in Gong Siyu's body was completely lifted, her spiritual power skyrocketed, and she became another one. Ren, then connected the series of clues Gongsiyu, Disi, and Renhuang.

Finally, I think of Bai Wuyou, an old man who hides extremely deeply and can fool people.

Yuno was angry with a smile.

"Worship your friend? Oh. It must be your own, please ask him to come up quickly."

Ji Yuno's eyes were cold, her lips curled in a faint smile, the words fell, and the smile disappeared in a blink of an eye.

As soon as he saw it, he waved his hands hurriedly, panicked, "No, no, Miss Ji, you called the wrong one again, it's a professor, not an adult, I just..." Archaeological.

Before he finished speaking, Ji Yuno interrupted.

"Still pretending? When do you want to pretend? The dog man at Miyajiyu has been exposed by me. If you don't admit it like this, it's really boring." Yuno snorted coldly with his arms folded. You're blunt.

"..." Bai Wuyou smiled bitterly, speechless.

"However, if you don't admit it, it's okay. When Miyajiyu is healed, you have to admit it if you don't admit it." Because she knows everything.

When Ji Yuno's words fell, the old man Hu Shuai who claimed to be an "old Chinese doctor" had already walked up to her and Bai Wuyou, with his white eyebrows slanted as thick as a cloud, aggressively.

"Are you two still talking? Lead the way! See the patient!"

Ji Yuno was startled by the angry roar of the old man.

"Come with me." Bai Wuyou smiled, not angry at all, as if he knew Huangfuzhong very well.

Upon seeing this, Yuna felt even more strange. How did this old man come to the manor? Looking down, she accidentally stared at the golden unicorn crutch in the old man's hand.

Beautiful eyes shrank suddenly!

The patterns and carvings on this cane are exactly the same as those of the mysterious people in the dark red cloud pattern and black robe of the Heavenly Alliance...

Is this old man...


In the master bedroom, the warm yellow light of the floor lamp makes the light in the room dim, making people drowsy.

Ji Ruchen was sitting by the bed, using sterilized gauze to wipe off the blood on Gong Siyu.

Feng Jinxuan kept using a scalpel to cut off the rotten flesh of Gong Siyu's chest.

Because of the local anesthetic, Gong Siyu at the moment, except for his pale complexion, fine sweat on his forehead, and dizziness, he did not feel the intense pain that pierced his heart.

In the room, Liuyun, Bai Feiran, Mo Hei, Mo Bai did not go to sleep, and the black cat turned into a black cat, digging in the palm of Gong Siyu's palm, letting him pull his hair to relieve the pain.

Mo Bai turned into an albino python, letting Gong Siyu be a pillow.


The picture is strange.

When Ji Yuno and Bai Wuyou led Huangfuzhong in, Huangfuzhong did not immediately show Gongsiyu the injury. Instead, he took out a stack of business cards from the inner pocket of his Yingting suit and sent them one after another. All people and non-human species in the room.

"Qi Ren Tang, an old Chinese doctor, specializes in treating intractable diseases and madness. If you can't cure it, you won't charge money. This is a business card. If you need to contact me with your business card, you can get a 20% discount!"

Yuno was stunned.

Is this still advertising?

Wasn't he the one who just yelled to see the patient quickly?

After Huang Fuzhong sent out his business card, he squeezed away Ji Ruchen and Feng Jinxuan, swept all the "clutter" and "crash" on the bedside table before putting his black suitcase on the bedside table and opened it.

The colorful porcelain vases, gold needle bags, silver needle bags, yellow symbols...there are so many things that are dazzling.

After Huangfuzhong took out his presbyopic glasses and put them on, he threw away the gauze on Gong Siyu's chest, first observed the injury, and then his pulse...

(End of this chapter)

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