Adorable Psychic Wife Of A Wealthy Man

Chapter 967: I never pay attention to women other than my wife

Chapter 967 I never pay attention to women other than my wife

"Honestly stay here, guarding these two female dolls, I will inform you!"

Emperor Baimei stroked his flying white eyebrows, and after a lot of thought, he turned around alive and prepared to walk outside the door.

However, not long after he left the bedroom door, he folded it back by himself.

"No, old man, I don't worry about leaving you as a lonely old man here alone. I'd better stay here with you."

After that, Emperor Baimei took out an ordinary mobile phone used by the Human World from his pocket, and called Bei Ming.

After the call is connected...

"Old man, I won't talk nonsense with you, tell Gong Siyu, something happened upstairs! What a big deal!"


Sailing hotel wedding dinner room.

The hotel was completely closed.

Twenty-five whistling cars neatly surrounded the entire hotel.

Due to the appalling vicious homicide, nearly 100 members of the Metropolitan Police Headquarters heard the wind and took control of the entire hotel staff, wedding guests, and organizers.

The guests were sent back to their respective rooms in batches in order. Then, they asked the wedding organizer to get the full list of guests, and then grouped and arranged police officers to make inquiries one by one to eliminate suspicion.

And inside the dinner hall.

The forensic team of the Imperial Police Department has been in place.

Photographs of the crime scene are being taken, and six corpses hanging from the ceiling are photographed in all directions for evidence collection, without letting go of any clues.

Gong Siyu, Bai Wuyou, and Feng Jinxuan were left on the scene to explain what happened.

But soon, the palace family who had failed to find someone arrived after hearing the wind.

Ji Ruchen, Liuyun, Bai Feiran and Angelica also rushed back.

It's just that the Bei Ming and Zhulong group of people who went out to find the missing persons have not arrived yet.

The husband of the deceased Pan Zhi, the second uncle Gong Limin of Gong Siyu saw his wife’s body hung from the beams of the dinner room, and his eyes were plucked away, naked, and his body was carved with viciousness. His vocabulary turned pale instantly, standing unstable, and kneeling on the ground with his eyes up in fright.

And Gong Limin saw that his precious daughter Gong Xiyan had her limbs and female organs cut off, and he roared and wailed. The next second, he was overstimulated and leaned back, unconscious.

The husband of the deceased Chi Zhen, the third uncle Gong Liquan of Gongsiyu, looked up in disbelief at the six corpses hanging from the beams of the house.

"Siyu! Siyu, your third aunt!"

Gong Liquan recognized his wife's body from the clothes she was wearing, and it was seen that she had no nose and ears, and she was dumbfounded.

"How could could it be like this!"

The third uncle Gong Mingde and the second uncle Gong Mingcheng of Gongsiyu appeared together.

The third uncle, who was over seventy years old, realized that his wife, who had accompanied him for half his life, had his head cut open. The brain was missing and hung on the roof in terror. Suddenly he suffered a heart attack. He fell to the ground without waking up. Carry away.

And the husband of the deceased catkins, Gong Yixuan, the CEO of the London branch of the Gong Group, saw his wife who had not been married for two years... His only limbs and head were strung by a thick steel needle with pork hanging on. , Blocked on the ceiling, such a terrifying way of death is simply appalling!

He glared at Gong Siyu, "This happened at your wedding! You won't give me an explanation! I won't let it go!"

Shen Tingjun, the son of Jinxiu Palace, was the last to enter the wedding banquet hall.

He was cold and sharp, his sullen eyes focused on the six corpses suspended from the sky, and finally, locked in his mother. The shock and anger in the depths of his eyes only appeared for a moment, and he was forced to force it. Down.

He saw it.

I saw that my elderly mother was cut open from her neck to her abdomen. All her internal organs were missing. The blood dripped down her toes to the ground, full of it, like a pig that was slaughtered. Hanging ruthlessly...

People who can do this kind of thing are simply annihilating humanity!

But Shen Tingjun and Gong Siyu were at odds again.

He also has a brain.

Shen Tingjun knew that Gong Siyu loved the woman named Ji Yuno very much, and he carefully prepared for today's wedding, in order to give this woman the best... he would never do such a frantic thing.

Therefore, Shen Tingjun did not vent his anger on Gong Siyu.

It's just that Yin Yu walked to the side of Gong Si Yu and asked coldly: "Have you seen the woman who came with me?"

Gong Siyu is being questioned by the police.

Hearing this, he glanced sideways at Shen Tingjun, and said indifferently: "I never pay attention to women other than my wife. I don't remember what that woman looks like. I don't know." After a pause, Gong Siyu seemed to think of something. , Looked at Shen Tingjun suspiciously, and pointed to his mother's body, "Auntie's corpse hangs on her head, just ask me where is your woman? Your indifferent attitude is intriguing."

Miyajiyu found it.

It seemed that Shen Tingjun cared more about the woman in his mouth than Gong Jinxiu.

Shen Tingjun’s eagle-hooked nose always gave people a sense of coldness with his sharp eyes. Gong Siyu’s indifferent attitude made Shen Tingjun a little angry. He gritted his teeth secretly and resisted the desire to go up to Gong Siyu. The impulse of fist, Shen Tingjun coldly snorted: "Excitement, irritability, anger, grief, sadness, and other emotions will affect a person's normal judgment. My mother died so miserably, I am in grief and anger, but if I don’t stay calm, I cannot think rationally. I believe that if you change you, you will be the same." After a pause, Shen Tingjun looked at Bai Wuyou, "What about you? Did you see that woman?"

Bai Wuyou was slightly startled, as if he felt that the man in front of him was a human being, which was not simple.

Being able to forcefully suppress one's emotions under such a scene is absolutely impossible for ordinary people.

"It seems that after the lady went to the bathroom, she didn't see her again. This gentleman can go to the ladies' bathroom to see, maybe..."

"I have looked for it, no."

When Shen Tingjun interrupted Worry-free worship, a flash of worry flashed across his eyebrows.

"Is it possible that the young lady may have an accident?"

Worry-free guessing, looked at Miyajiyu.

At this time, Ji Ruchen, who had "appreciated" the scene of the terrorist crime, gave a "wow", walked to Gong Siyu and patted Gong Siyu on the shoulder, "Brother, what's the matter? We people. I didn’t find it, I didn’t expect that they were all here, belching? Just die, and the corpse would be harmed like this. What a grudge?"

"Where is Xiao Nai?"

Liuyun looked around, but couldn't see Ji Yuno, and asked with a frown.

"Go upstairs with A Luo."

Gong Siyu ignored Ji Ruchen, but returned to Liuyun.

At this moment, Lu Xingze, who had finished his negotiation, walked towards Miyajiyu with his staff from the Special Case Investigation Division.

"This incident has a great impact. Although public opinion is under control and it is strictly forbidden to spread speech, the General Police Department has already included this case as a vicious homicide, but I have already submitted an application for transfer. The case will last for up to three hours. It will be transferred to our department, and we have to wait. Now let them get the forensic evidence first. We can leave and stay in the room first."

(End of this chapter)

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